Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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“Doona! “ He stared in disbelief. Standing next to it? Lixii,  Xuxian and Zetian?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She, was stood in the fountain smiling at him. She was hissing to her sisters.

“I want him stripped naked, NAKED! Then throw him, in the fountain with me.”

They went to grab at him, as he slipped from their attempts at getting a hold on him.

NOT, that he had deliberately, stopped them. He was going to tell Zetian, he had no interest in her or her sisters.

He, had gone along with Stefan, only again, probably,  out of curiosity? It now dawned on him, that Stefan; had once again; lied to him. Ulterior motives!

Deep down, he was, getting more and more angry, that he had still not, well up until now; realized he was being used. Truth was, he did not, have that many close friends, who he could consider trustworthy?

However, before he could tell Stefan this, he was grabbed and this time, gripped tightly by Lixuu - Xuxian. “Get him stripped! “ Zetian was almost screaming at them.

His top, was torn off him. hands trying to grip his lower garments but he was so short, they were seriously struggling! Zetian, now realized, how it would be easier, to just throw him in as is. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

That humiliation alone, would have him, finally becoming her ‘simp’.
No other female, would look at him after this. She smiled and then, screamed at them, to throw him in, she would finish stripping him.

Celia, had arrived, to see all this going on. What the! might have sprung to mind. It was clear, that Doona was NOT, a willing party, to this charade. She started to move towards them when.

Pushing past her? Interuptus. She shoved them aside, hard against the fountain walls, before picking him up, moving a short distance away, bending down, to put him across her knees?

Slap, slap, slap across his butt. Loud and clear. as she hissed at him.
“I told you. what would happen. if you went near them again! “ Even Zetian, was astonished by the actions of Interuptus.

She stood up, dropped him to his feet as he rubbed his butt, scowled at her and then ran off.
 “Let me, catch you, near them again and, I am more than willing, for a repeat performance! “

She, rubbed her hands together, feeling the slight burn, from having slapped him so hard.
 “Damm if I don’t end up with blisters! “  She moved in close to Lixii. Xuxian and Zetian. I am going to tell you ONCE so listen up you Hojos. (not a nice term)

You come near him again, OR I catch you, pulling a stunt like that again and, I, will make sure, you all, will not be able to sit down for a mo (Month). 

You obviously, did not know, that I am a recognised Sti Ra (street fighter is close) I could, put all three of you, into the after life, if I so choose.

I know YOUR type. Picking on the small, the weak, the innocent like wult (Vultures). I’ve given you fair warning. “ With that, she went to step away, as she now saw Celia smiling at her.

“Sorry, for being so brutal, re Doona.” They were interrupted by Jojo and Teila. Jojo had heard the news. “Doona, talked with Teila earlier, said he, was going, to tell that lot, he wanted nothing to do with them.

He thought Stefan, was using him, to get close to one of them.” Celia stared at Stefan talking to Lixii. She went to confront him, when she was shoved aside.

A female, moving past her, towards Stefan. He was NOT, pleased to see her as she lashed out at him. “I’ve just spoken to Doona. YOU! Using others again! She hit out at him again. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

He turned and ran off. Her fist in the air. “Go on, as per usual. Stay away from Doona!“ She turned to face Celia and Interuptus.

“Apologies, I, am a Rogarian, Sovereign Comtesse. Ariaja, that, thing, is my brother. Stefan, is always doing this.

If, you have, any more, trouble with him; let me know, or just say you will pass on his regards to me. “ She grinned. “Then watch him run! 

Did he attack Doona?” They explained what had happened. Trying hard, not to laugh as Ariaja told them how poor Doona was still rubbing his butt.

“I feel guilty now. “ Interuptus sighed. “I should have trusted him. Not jumped to conclusions.”
Jojo moved close to them. “Buy him some tickets for the Suzie concert.
I hear he’s been struggling to get tickets.

She, took hold, of Celia’s shelde and, tapped some details in. “Tell him, Jojo sends her love and, asks him, to help you, re tickets.”  She smiled, as they, turned to move off, pausing to turn back, glancing in their direction.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Suzie’s manager, is my best friends brother. Nothing he won’t do for her OR me! She grinned, gripping Teila’s arm, “Wanted me as his Cojoined, but I got my man.

I think Doona. is a little upset, because he wanted to have the tickets, to take Amir to the concert.

BUT, left it too late, to order them, or so he told Taila.
Does things to a males pride when he is in that state, makes them feel insecure, a failure. Interuptus; should deliver the tickets.

Give him a hug from me. He is soo cute. If I had known sooner AND, Taila;  had  told me sooner ! “
She scowled. He was apologising.

“Taila is not a Suzie fan! Which explains a lot! Oh and tell Dutch that I WILL see him at the concert, you ‘lets’ won’t mind me joining you!  “

That was that. The tickets arrived on their sheldes within parsecs from their communication with ‘Dutch’.  Interuptus was dispatched to deliver the good news to Doona. Not opening the domicile to her, well at first.

Once inside, she apologised to him. “ I am sorry, for being so presumptuous, re your being there.” She went on to explain, what had happened, after he had run off?

“NOW. YOU, have let Amir down, by no tickets for the Suzie concert?” He lowered his head. She tucked her hand, under his chin, to lift it up, his eyes now resting on hers.

“We, YOUR FRIENDS,  can’t let that happen.” She took up his shelde, put it next to hers as there was flicker across them, before she handed his back to him.

“Jojo, sends you her love, her best friend Libi is the sister of Suzie’s manager. She got us all tickets AND is coming along with us, NOT you two..

Make it special re Amir, treat her. Dutch, Suzie’s  manager, has given YOU BOTH, back stage passes, after the concert, to meet Suzie. “

The look, on Doona’s face, said it all. Interuptus left with a smile almost as wide on hers. ‘Dammit Doona you are sooo cute.’ She told the others. More smiles.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Now, we have to be, more aware, of what those Hojos are up to. They may have given up on Doona, BUT, I am sure, they, will find someone else, to take his place.

Someone else, we all care a lot about, will be I suspect their target. Keep your eyes and ears open AND let’s communicate with each other.

IF we get any suspicions, who they might OR ARE, making a play for.”

“So, they, think they, can take us on and win? Now, who shall we pick, to take his place.. Inxius & Beteny. NOT him, let’s have some fun with her.

Suspicions, doubts, mistrust; to the point she will be going mad not knowing what to believe is the truth anymore. This is going to be so much fun.”









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