Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Uruk and Esher. (Tirkwan Empirical)

Some of the Kets were suprised to be in a group where the leader was NOT just one but BOTH of a Cojoined couple? An ‘unknown’ quantity, would be about right.

Only two, of those present, knew of that race. Similarites to the Human(a) but ?
An ancient race, according to Si Ling who was now joining those waiting on
 their arrival?          ____________________________________________________                                                                                    Hyena Kets Akademy

Uruk and Esher (Group leaders)

Lady Cistera, Si Ling, Azure, Cxanomine, Amira, Tanxi. Egije and Jaho

Ah yes, apparently Si Ling (Ishan capta - Isfre worlds) almost neighbours though some might argue; NOT that close to the Tirkwan Empirical? They were however, no longer at war with them? Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

In the TIrkwan worlds, Males are the dominant; MASTERS.
Make NO mistake re this. IF a world becomes at the mercy of females who dominate they WILL go in and remove power from them.

It is, against their sacred beliefs, that females are anything but, submissive, compliant, Ket bearing AND home makers. Esher is all of those and, Uruk will kill, to protect her.

You will NOT see Esher wearing a ‘Vestige’.  In some situations she will also cover her facewearing a ‘Vesma’ something maybe at times similar BUT NOT the same. It is offensive to her AND Uruk will abide by his Cojoined decisions re this.

A female, still has rights! Esher would sooner go naked and, Uruk is more than aware of this; then break her sacred vows to never wear such a garment; especially, a military uniform!

Seeing Esher naked, other than being a female, is a death sentence, to the onlooker! Uruk had no desire, to be killing a whole load of unlookers with Esher carrying out such a threat!

Esher is a ‘Secla’ and of the highest status amongst Tirkwan females. She takes first place in the Harem and yes, Uruk has several females in his ‘Harem’.

The Human(a) are one of the worlds, that the Tirkwan freed from female domination. It is now, one of the most valued trading partners with them.The Human(a) males will prefer to marry one of their females, rather than one from Earth.

Slavers. Females were always submissive. They could have ‘harems’ with several females. NOT rare within the Qiverse  Some were MONGOMOUS and Jaho was brought into the ongoing conversation.

“The females, may appear ‘submissive’ BUT they are content within their lot AND treated well by the ‘males’. A male could be punished by law; he may NOT disrespect his females, beit ONE or many.

I suggest you do NOT tout the ‘submiisive’ retort on meeting them. It is deemed to be offensive. They also do NOT eat certain foods. The females have certain powers of ‘mind control’. Can read your minds SO be aware of that! “

When they arrived? The atmosphere to start with. WAS understandably tense.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Uruk said NOTHING! Esher introduced them and THEN waited as everyone else ? Jaho had waited to see them all holding back?

Moving forward they soon knew that he was a ‘Jade Simplet’. To his surprise, though he, like his siblings, was not into emotive ‘feelings’ or such; he could still sense, that he was, indeed ‘surprised’.

From the ‘archery’ demonstration? Ah yes!
It was good to have someone in the ‘group’ with such capabilities. Knowledge IS power!

Cxaornine, with a good all round honesty. Esher liked him. He was sweet, of a kind disposition AND a genuine ‘jack of all trades’, might spring to mind; BUT good, NOT sparse when it came to those wholesome practical skills. A more than capable Ket.

Si Ling, was NOT unknown to them, well their race. Some of her people had been enslaved by theirs, when, the invasion of some of her ‘homeworlds’, had taken place.

Esher could sense, some hostility from her, BUT she hoped, that over time, she would accept that it was NOT them who had enslaved her people!
She had, like Cxaornine, good practical skills. Co ordination, dexterity; all useful to a group such as theirs.

She also, had a deep penetratng laugh. That had been a focus of attention from several Kets with her in one of the ‘Ovirs’. It had a lot of them also ‘giggling’.

Lady Cistera, a undisputed ‘lady’ had beauty AND a lot of strength from her understanding of medicines, plants, treatments; that would prove or could prove indispensable in certain life or death situations.
She knew, that some of the trials, would include survival. In the wilds, having someone like her along? Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Azure. Feisty, bubbly and yet; VERY talented. Her physics and sciences, technological KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS; were already at an exceptional level.

A twin? So they would be in competition with her other. A male. This was going to be interesting. She  certainly liked her competitive spirit. What is your brother like? That could be kept for another day.

Amira? Was an unknown quantity. What was known with Esther in close proximity to her ? That desire to be part of this group AND to be accepted as being able to contribute to it.

A hard worker, a determined and she was sure; recourceful Ket. Someone you knew, could make mistakes, BUT geuinely MISTAKES AND would NOT; make the same TWICE.

Tanxi was ex military. They were more than aware of her skills. Tactical, strategic AND her being able to calculate, on an extraordinary level; the outcome, of any situation OR disposition, with jaw dropping (well for some) accuracy, was astonishing. 

If she said NO, you listened! You did NOT ignore her advice. A sage might spring to mind re her being able to almost see into the future.

Egije was an all round archive of invaluable information. Like some encyclopaedia with an IQ that was thought by some to be abnormal? Facts, figures, races and so much more ! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Altogether, this ‘group’ were now realizing, how strong they were. More than able, to compete with the others!

Uruk? Esther smiled. “Of course you are all wondering what my cojoined brings to the ‘group’. She stepped away from them and her arm with her hand outstretched towards Uruk?

His hand moved, extended out and up slightly. Their eyes on him, their eyes on her? Esther rose into the air, like she was floating mid air to glide towards him, to end up sat on his lap?

Kinetic force. The ability to move objects AND weight? He now lifted two of them together; with ease. Back om the ground they were suitably impressed.

Esther, suddenly stood up and, was looking towards Tanxi. “What you, are thinking, is of course right. MANY races, are capable. of using ‘kinetic’ energy, to move objects. HOWEVER, can they do this?

Uruk looked towards Tanxi. She was wearing a Visage with a lot of what we would know as ‘buttons’? She was powerless as one by one the buttons unfastened.

ONE by ONE until her top was now open revealing some ! Her hands reached up and pulled the top together.

Azire was grinning. NOT for long as her fastenings began to unravel!
“OK we get it”, Uruk stopped.

Imagine, we need to distract our enemy? How would they react to that? Just as you did ! Surprised but also OCCUPIED as the realization dawned n you that you were being ?!

Azure, would be looking after the sheldes, updating everyone on meetings, schedules AND they were all nade aware of the rules re NOT being allowed near their Cojoined domicile,

Invites, could still be extended, for a meet up at a chosen ‘Ovir;. EVERYONE was invited to attend, no discrimination. The entire ‘group; was going to be one to be reckoned with!

La Toyah had been watching events unfold. Amused by it all and liking this Group she now assigned the ‘Hyena’ emblem to.

Cunning, sneaky, sense of humour with the laughter still echoing in her mind of earlier in the day listening to Si Ling brings her ‘audience’ to fits if laughter. Hyena Kets Akademy

Skilled, adept and resourceful. Attack, retreat, attack with some damage to their opponents. Enough for them to be winners?

This lot, were going to be, well worth watching.

Later the females received a special gift. 
Frankincense and Myrrh. (Saps that are extracted from trees. Frankincense is predominantly burned as an incense, while Myrrh is more commonly used in medicines and perfumes – but both are known, for their ‘bewitching’ enticing fragrances.) A VERY expensive and rare gift!

Jaho and Cxornamine had an embossed flat metal disc made of pure Draxetnium That alone was worth a small fortune BUT the engraving.

A pass, if they, should ever desire a visit, to the ‘Tirkwan Empirical’ as honoured guests.









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