Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera


I had woken. Where the hell I was, I was totally unsure! I could see, some tearing to my clothing. Wondered how that could have happened? The tear of material could be fixed later. I stared in front of me, moved my hand to initialise the display which flipped out from the side panel, to reveal a screen with data churning away on it!

So where was I? The map and star positions were new to me, as were the fixed location stats.
A warning flashed up, FLIGHT systems locked out, due to heavy storms taking place, in which the craft could not fly safely, even with its ultra modern technology.

Something on the sensors showed as damaged and was being auto repaired, but it would take time ! Damm! I rested my eyes as the screen slotted back into the main bulkhead and shut down. I continued to stare in front of me.

I was trying to remember events, over the last day or two. I had become separated from my main ship with the Zimp that I had been doing some new installs and modifications on, but how the heck had I landed here ?

Flipping the screen out again I checked the log,Tan reappeared in front of me I was relieved to see her! But scanning me ! How I hated that ! It was the medical routines checking me out ! “I’m fine” I hissed ! “You can stop that Tan, it makes me tingle!

A nice hot cup of Prae tea would be good, with some of that bread lightly toasted!
Before you tell me your usual line in reply ! “ I grinned, as Tanya smiled. “Its nice to have you back in one piece, but we won’t be moving off the planet for at least a week  the storm outside is scale 10 !

We’ll rendezvous with the Raptor, they moved away from the war zone we warned you about, to sector 6, the neutral zone. “ Ah yes I remembered now! I had taken the shuttle on a test run straight into a conflict ‘hotspot’ with the Raptor following, trying desperately to pick me up.

They had to beat a hasty retreat with the battle worsening. Not wishing, as had been my instructions, to get involved in someone else’s war ! Leaving me to try and leave the zone only to get hit, by some weapon, which had knocked out my navigational control lock.

Tanya leaned forward and I moved forward giving her my usual kiss, wow what a babe ! “So am I OK for some physical exercise ? You are one amazingly beautiful ..... “ Tanya didn’t let me finish as she moved back, she turned to leave then faced me again.

I sometimes wonder if I am nothing, but a glorified Bynard to you! A sex slave ! I’m still mad at you Nathan (Nathaniel) for the cheating lying sneak you are. When you conned, you know who, into installing extra components into my makeup. Those ROUTINES that convert me into your, what is it you call me “Your sex goddess !’

Were I not self aware and self sufficient, I would no doubt jump to your every desire, fuelling your perversions, without thinking twice, but then you might aswell have a Bynard. No ! You have to make me as Humana as I can be, with replication circuits and more. To be, as I am often complimented, as being; remarkably Humana.

Astonishingly sophisticated and perfect in almost every detail. Then to ensure, I can not prevent you using me as your sex goddess, you have an activation code, that activates a functional set of arrays.
Power, that grants you absolute control, over my neural and psymonic control pathways.
Turning me, into nothing short of a totally compliant, glorified; bloody Bynard.

Retaining my self awareness circuits, means I am totally aware, of everything happening to me, but totally unable to do anything to stop you. (My self awareness sensory perceptions might not be objecting to your use of me as your sex goddess.’ thought Tan but, you’re not; knowing that)

Finally your noise sub routine ! Nathan programming me, to utter words loudly, to excite you when making love to me, again with no control to stop you from activating, that sub routine ? (Why do my self awareness, sensory perceptions, go on overload as I feel flooded, with a sensation that is overpowering and why do I want more of that sensation?)

Yet when you tell me you love me, or hold me afterwards, my self awareness feels as though I am a complete Human(a). When lying next to you after what you’ve done, why do my senses convince me, your actions are perfectly acceptable ?

Nathan leaned forward, gently pulled her face close to his and kissed her. ‘Hell I love you Tan and hey if you hate it so much, why do you spend so much time reading up on Human(a) biology, then making modifications to yourself, which I don’t initiate, yet are additions to your physical features, internally and externally, adding to my sexual enjoyment ?

These ‘ He squeezed her breasts. ‘Have gone bigger and firmer since the last time we made love and your nipples react when I kiss them or we’re making love, now that is totally Humana in response !”
He leaned in closer to her to kiss her on the cheek, “Now why don’t I say the magic word and lets make love ‘

Tan pulled away ‘NO !’ She leaned back and kissed Nathan ‘I want to, but NO !’ her head moved, she was looking over at the figure lying on the other sleeping unit. Nathan turned to see what she was looking at suddenly surprised, ‘What the ‘

Yes” squealed Tanya. “You have a guest and be nice, she saved your life ! Behave yourself ! Oh and I should add, you don’t have, just anyone wander in, do you? No you have to go and acquire someone, who shouldn’t be here Nathan, and if you’re caught with her alone like this, they’ll execute you.” I swore she smirked, adding.”Giving it little or no thought in the process.. .

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