Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Horowtz has eased off !’ I moved over to the console and opened the screen. She was right, it had eased down, now just odd flecks of snow. I turned on, the external audio sensors. There was the sound of wind, but much quieter than previously.

They’ll come looking for me, so you won’t, have to worry about my company, for much longer. It was a nuisance losing the locator. They would have found me sooner.”
“So if you dropped it outside.” She didn’t let me finish.

I’ll leave the craft when its possible and start to walk back, they may find me, on my way.
I suggest you, leave this moon as soon as I leave, I note your repairs are completed and there is no reason, as to why, you can’t power the craft and leave.” She now glared, pursed her lips to add. “and don’t ever come back, I promise you, your life WILL be forfeited, if I catch you here again!”

She didn’t call me a Chetze ‘ You didn’t finish your sentence’ I was pushing for a reason, curious at her change in temperament. ‘You didn’t call me your usual abusive name Chetze” She ignored me. “Your drone, droid, whatever, ‘Tanya’ when she replicates me is it in every detail ?”

Now making love to Tanya, cloned as the Princess, I could say, thoughts were recalled with some reluctance, casting my mind back, the details? There were some things, I could remember, mainly the fact it was as good as I could ever imagine, making love, to the original, in every detail?

Irritatingly enough, on reflection, I found my memory, was concentrated more, on that single thought. Not on her many, physical attributes, whilst I was busily, getting, my rocks off ! However I did remember, the flower marking, just above the right breast?

I pointed, to my chest, in the same area and described the shape and main colour of it, her eyes were fixed on me and they reminded me of Tan, when she got real mad, how they flashed and I could swear, hers did the same! Somehow I suspected, that whatever significance, that mark had, I was about to discover, it might not, have been wise, to have remembered, its presence!

Truly you could almost have said, the air was icy cold. Never mind the air conditioning! “You had better hope, we never meet again, your words condemn you, seal your fate!
You’re a marked man Nathaniel, a dead man.” The fact that she had said my name, made me shiver, the tone of her voice, as she continued, well you could have made ice cubes from her breath!

Did you like taking me, raping me, abusing me?’ Her words like a blade shoved into me, well my conscience, that was now kicking in. The reality, of what had actually happened, invasive. Now she was really, making me, not just ashamed, but feeling guilty.

I was about, to try and say something, in my defence when she looked away from me, I could see a tear run down her cheek. Why did that simple tear make me feel so angry with myself? I was angry. Yet ? Still the emotions, feelings for her I couldn’t fully explain, not lust, not desire; love? 

Stupid as it was, I knew between Tan and my own greed, lust, call it whatever, I had ignored the truth. She was right, I had been, ok,Tan had been partly, the instigator of my guilt, guilty. Unknown to me, her actions had bridged a link. It WAS locked onto by Tan, used, abused and had not, despite appearances, been severed. Not between myself and her, the Princess.

In itself, THERE and however much I wanted to deny it, it had not just changed her, it had changed me ? I moved close to her and knelt down in front of her. “I’m sorry, if I offended you Cistera and I truly, truly mean that. It wasn’t my intention, that you should, have been aboard this ship, or subjected, to what you have been. Especially, when I know, you saved my life. I am indeed your Chetze, not worthy of someone, so beautiful, so desirable. You humble me.”

YOU have no idea at all “ I could see her scowl at me “Of what you have done !
Goes beyond, your comprehension, because it has interfered, with things, you do not understand, Thanks to your ignorance, your greed and your stupidity, others, have to take the responsibility, pay the price, way beyond, your, comprehension Human(a) “

She turned her back, on me, no longer an air of coldness, a heat from the fury,
I sensed a growing rage. Suddenly she turned back to me. “I could kill you“ Her gems started to glow, this time I had a terrible feeling, she had full control and full use of their power.

I could end you and not feel, any pain at doing just that.” She moved closer to me, hands reached down to grab hold of my head, jerking it upwards, our eyes now locked on each other. The gems on her head were glowing ?

Suddenly Tan reappeared. ‘Back away from her really slowly’ I stayed where I was, as Cistera was now looking, her eyes fixed on Tan as the glowing got brighter, her hands reached out to grab me, I couldn’t move !

Tan screamed at her ‘Take your hands off him Cistera now !’ Cistera muttered something at her, it was definately abuse, then she looked down at me, I could see more tears and the glow getting brighter as she gripped me tighter ?

Her hands moved and in a flash, she had gripped my head vice like, our eyes were still fixed on each other, her watery eyes glaring, piercing mine, Tan still hissing at her! Cistera mutters back. ‘Back off’ I swear she said ‘Bitch’ It was not a request; a command! She told Tan, to leave us alone or she would activate the pulse weapon.

Do it” Screaming at Tan, louder this time. “Do it Tan” I mumbled. “No point us both..” My words tailed off as finally Tan conceded, liquified and vanished. My head still gripped vice like, she was talking in some language, I didn’t understand. I think she must have realised, I was not understanding a word, of what, she was hissing at me! She starting speaking my language again.

You left a mark on her, didn’t you ? Next to the flower, a red distinct mark ?” She let my head go and it jerked back as though it had been dragged backwards by some unseen force, her hand went up to her right breast and she moved the material slightly revealing the flower marking.

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