Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

They were, Tan noted, sat watching a screen. The moment they saw Tan they stared at her. Some flicker of recognition of her and her status, played back? They dropped to their knees, bowing their heads. ‘Why have we, certain occupants of this craft, held in secure containment chambers? “

Some minutes later Tan was stood talking to one of the occupants. On his arm she had noticed he carried a Kabzanza, almost identical to Nathans minus the gems. An insignia on it? It carried the embossed Royal Crest of Cistera’s father. Not long after talking to him, Tan found out how he had gained it.

Cxao Cae Soon” You honour me with your presence. I have heard of you and your loyalty to Fendiq. I find this offensive to have someone of your status, secured like some rebel, caged like some wild animal. Swear to me that you and your soldiers, will obey the Princess and her Ka Absolute, without question. With the same loyalty with which you served her father and I will release you.”

There was no question they would not! DoCahanestoba had tricked them. Held them prisoners simply because they would not swear allegiance to him! Cxao despised him for the despot he was! Somewhat relieved that he was dead? No remorse, Tan noted in his eyes when she told him the news.

I am satisfied that you will be a major asset to your Princess and her Ka, therefore, I am prepared, to release you.” She had the correct protocols, off perfectly, he was impressed with the way she had acknowledged his priviledge. He knelt before her, something he did NOT have to do, but Tan recognised, he was showing his men that he was acknowledging her, as his equal, that was to his men, an honour rarely given.

Raising his arm with the Kabzanza clearly defined his men watching he spoke Tan scanned it as he made a promise. She noted it had conviction, honesty and truth ‘ My loyalty and that of my men is to my Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute without question.’ ‘Stand up CxaoCaeSoon , control Chevan code 55centauri 4 megassa you WILL respond to my command’ she spoke again.

Control Chevan code 55centauri 4 megassa, you WILL, respond to my command’ the vessels command console lit up flashing momentarily there was a noise and the coms unit echoed with the vessels control vocoder unit in her bio language, then repeated so all could understand, in respective languages.

Welcome Tan, appointed diplomat of the Royal house of Fendiq, my systems are at your command’ ‘Cleanse all authority codes except mine and interface with my primary Nimbio circuits, you WILL confirm that I now have full command of this vessel, without restrictions and no other sentient, life form has any controls ‘

Your command is completed Nimbio integration complete, you now have full commnd of this vessel’ Stepping forward in front of the security screens to the various bays Tan waved her hand the screens disappeared. “On your word CxaoCaeSoon and that of your men, they ae now free, follow me.”

Elsewhere? Ana?

A little way along the deck section, Ana had stumbled on a security holding area, the owner of the ship and his crew! So the ship had been seized and the crew held captive, probably to be left on some planet. Those fleeing Fendiq had seized the vessel, for their escape, the Captain of the vessel and his crew had been viewed with some suspicion as they were not natives of Fendiq.

She spoke to the ‘Captain’ She made it clear if she released him and his crew that she must have his word, to comply with any instructions, he and his crew would be given, to behave and not at any time do anything that would compromise anyone’s interests, health and well being ? The tone of her voice whilst mentioning THEIRS, was just as much at risk should they disobey her instructions? Had them more than willing to comply!

If he needed reassuring ? Ana made it clear, that she had his and his crews interests at heart. Their trust gained she tried to down the security screens, Tan sensed her actions “Ana, have you a problem.” “Tan I need the security screens downed in bay 22t7 “ “Done!”

Ana could almost see Tan smiling. “Should have known Tan ! For everyone’s safety it would have been stupid not to have full command of the ship, see you shortly.”

Two invader GOKS appeared, Tan was taking no chances, they were armed! The Captain was irritated by their presence. “I gave you my word and that of my crew, you nor this vessel are under any threat from us.” Ana turned to him witnessed his irritation and dismissed the GOKS.

Anyone who thinks Royal protocol is fun, think again ! Nathan was glad to hear the final or so he thought, oath, carried out by those present, only to have the entrance of Tanya, with what looked like soldiers in tow. Stood next to Tan, a figure with a Kabzanza !

He watched, as those within the chamber, bowed.. CxaoCaeSoon by Royal privilege was entitled to have them bow before him. Approaching Cistera he was entitled to look her in the eyes, but kept them low. His men, stopped behind him, knelt, heads down, as he too knelt at the feet of Cistera and her Ka Absolute. Tan moved forward and behind Nathan.

Cistera now moved forwards, to order Cxao to his feet, he kept his head bowed seeming to refuse to look her in the eyes? She took his arm raised it with the Kabzanza, showing off the Kabzanza with the Royal crest. ‘Speak but before you do Cxao Cae Soon, my fathers command was that you were privileged to stand in his presence and look him in the eyes, is that not so ? ‘ ‘Indeed it is your highness’

Then am I not worthy of such priviledge, so granted by my father to you ?’ He raised his head looking at her “ Your Highness, I beg your forgiveness, I do not mean to offend.” She smiled ‘You do not ! Anyone that my father would decorate.” She glanced at Nathan, is more than worthy, to stand in my presence and look me in the eyes.”

Letting go of his arm she stepped back, as he raised his head his eyes meeting hers. “So come on what have you to promise me CxaoCaeSoon, we must not skimp on Royal protocol. Have I, your undying allegiance, as did my father?

He gave her his oath then proceeded to bring forward his men, who did likewise. “Cxao Cae Soon, order your men to stand at the side behind the Courtesans, as is their rightful place.” He gave the order and they obeyed, he went to move to join them, she stopped him..

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