Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

On Tpu?

Others were surveying, the scene of the earlier battle. Furious ? Enraged? Commander Luteben, looked at the scene of carnage, the destroyed buildings the mines, that would be too dangerous to reopen, he had journeyed from Urwq and had cursed his delay, in reinforcing the entire area. He knew Friel Jogarth, would be after his head, but there were more important issues.

An encoded transmission from the Princess Isabellini telling him, to get off his rear and move twelve Casheks
(Large Urowq battle cruisers) slightly smaller, than the Raptor, without the strength or capabilities of Raptor. Glorified transporters, they contained holds for landing transport, carrying up to 2000 troops on each, and other vital equipment, for invasion purposes including slave band controllers. )

Place them, in orbit around the Bexian planet,Theus. To await her command.Meanwhile, Isabellini, called a meeting of her commanders, “ You will leave me and carry on, to join the main fleet, at the destination I give you, without delay”
One of the commanders, moved forward and bowed, after being dismissed with the others watching on he turned to Isabellini.

Your father told me, I was not to leave you, or he would have my head” She stood up and moved forward “ How dare you, question my orders ! Kneel and beg my forgiveness.“ Dropping to his knees, he fell at her feet, she beckoned to one of the troopers standing near. “Your blade “ she hissed ! He stepped forward, she took the blade,

Let me help you keep your word to my father!” She hammered the blade down, slicing his head off, smiling as it rolled, blood spurting from it, spraying the bulkhead. Dropping the blade, turning to them, she screamed “He was right, Daddy will  have his head! Clean this up, send his head to my father! Dump the rest of his miserable body into space! Now does anyone else, dare question, the Princess Isabellini’s orders “

No your Imperial Highness. “ “Tell Commander Vosek he’s in charge of Soyek “ “Yes your Imperial Highness”
It was a little later, she called some figures into her control area, “ Is everything ready ? “ “Yes your Imperial highness”
“Placed correctly and connected ? Any mistakes, and I, won’t be the only one dead.  I’ll make sure I take you lot, with me !”

We’ve checked and double checked, the calculations are perfect “ “Good, now about the receiver plates, they are tucked in under, our vulnerability taken care of ? “ “Absolutely your Imperial Highness “ “ Then lets go find Olfren and finish this, for once and for all. Its time he, learned to humble himself, before me ! “

The Bexes Empire flagship ‘The Matisse’ moved forward slowly, its screens searched for the Jogarth fleet, suddenly his commander, Hase, yelled. “Got them onscreen! They’re moving slowly towards us, should be in sight within the next
30 Tierons. An exclamation from him? He screeched at them as he turned to look at them gathered around him.
“That’s strange.”

Olfren moved over to the screen, to take a look. There was one craft, large and moving fast towards them, no others?
‘Easy pickings, with all of his ships ‘ He thought, “We’ll take this out and then find the others.” “Defence grid operational “ “
 On your orders activating the defence grid and arming all systems for full weapons deployment.

Instruct all of the fleet to be on alert, grid operational and weapons ready”
Just in case, he thought this is a trap ! The Inferno spotted the first of the scout craft, the ‘Visna’ “ Shall we destroy it your Imperial Highness ? “ “NO! Not one, of their craft, are to be fired on, until I give the order and, we deploy the main weapon.
Is that understood ?”

Yes your Imperial Highness” “Raise the shield array and deploy the weapon, ready power systems and receiver array, activate for immediate response. “
“ Array activated and receivers online, for maximum input and processing.“ “Excellent “ She sat back, watching the ships, approaching, closer and closer.

They were, now able to make out the Inferno, “ So she comes to do battle herself, but where is the rest of the fleet ?”
“Maybe the arrogant psycho, thinks she is above us all and capable, of taking on, the whole of our fleet ?” “Knowing that psychotic bitch, quite possible ! “ “In which case Hase, we are about to teach ther one lasting lesson, she will never forget.

I want the ship crippled, all weapons disabled and her, brought before me, then we shall see if Friel Jogarth, will continue this war, with his daughter as my hostage ! “ Coming into view was a Drocar. No doubt there to record events? Neither of the opposing forces, were upset by its presence.

Olfren was happy to see it! The rest of the galaxy including Friel her father, could watch her humiliation, her surrender to him! The Bexes fleet, took up preplanned positions. The Beneste and the Solprez, were to take out the Jogarth defences, whilst the Loa attacked the main drive units. Visha was to scan the vessel and send data back, on her immobility, when it occurred.

The Vona was to deploy its main weapon the Eoten, a device which when fired and hitting its target released a high energy burst. Intense energy released, usually knocked out all communications and similar control systems, making the targeted vessel, blind.

At the back of the main attack force, some other 40 ships waited patiently, for their turn to engage the enemy.
The entire Bexes military in one place bar a few units still fighting in the war zone around Theus .“Move closer into position and await my commands, Visha whats the status ?”

The Visha reported back “ Shield array in operation but, we have identified weak points to the lower sections.
Aim all energy weapons on first strike, at the section co ordinates we send you “ The Visha communication had been listened to aboard the Inferno, “Do you wish us to destroy the Visha?” “Ready on my command “

Ready on your command your Imperial Highness “ “ Open a comcast channel with Olfren’s flagship” “Channel open.” Aboard the Matisse, Olfren was now looking at the face of Princess Isabellini.

“Why Olfren, it seems you have me almost surrounded, at a total disadvantage ? Perhaps you might think twice about firing on a friend ?”

You’re no friend of ours, but I WILL, allow you to surrender to me. Unconditional surrender!

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