Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Aboard Raptor, Dees had spotted the fast approaching Zmert, not the first time she had encountered one of these, she too had noticed the extra fixings. ‘GOK, tell me what that is ‘
The Seriensa 4 drone remained silent for about ten seconds

“The device is a destructor type 6. A newer type of the original.  The weapon, uses a newly modified, black hole emitter, once activated the Zimp will be targeted, surrounded by the particles it emits and destroyed.”

Dees grinned. A black hole emitter ... really?
“Taking action to activate the Starburst array. Stand by babe ! “
“What is a dark particle weapon? “ Tan looked back at Cistera.“

Negative minus 1 anti matter, it will attack the craft, effectively breaking up the molecular structure of anything like for instance ‘the ZIMP, what was would cease to exist.  Normally we would NOT be able to withstand the use of such a weapon against us BUT! “

Tan grinned. ” THEY are facing certain death, the moment they attempt to use that weapon.
We are protected by the shields from Raptor the moment the array was deployed and we moved safely into its shadow

If they think Raptor is a toy to be played with they’re about to get a wake up call !’ The NEB interrupted her “ Mistress, Raptor should deploy the Starburst array immediately, I do not recommend diplomacy, they are already charging that weapon to deploy”

Dee’s voice could be heard, she was sounding irritated, by the noise from the NEB!.

NEB stand down. Command Zephus 4, all command functions are now mine, obey “
The NEB confirmed she now had full control of all systems on Raptor. Now Dee’s orders rang out “Move the Raptor between the Zimp and them. Deploy the Starburst array.”

Cistera was watching the Zmert commander whoever that was, procrastinating about the weapon’s capabilities ! It could not only destroy the ZIMP but cause considerable damage to the other vessel? The warning was clear; stop interfering ! The ZIMP was theirs.

Until now, Cistera had not been aware, of the presence of Raptor. The screen shields, in front of the ZIMP dropped and a shape began to appear, in front of it. Well a huge SHADOW.
Getting bigger, much more defined by the second. Cistera was totally open mouthed, as parts of its massive structure, came into view. THEY were now tucked in under it, within its ‘shadow’ .

Two enormous probes, moving out from the front of Raptor, like giant pincers, lining up, being carefully positioned, but for what ? The flicker of energy between the probes?  Across the front of Raptor, other smaller probes were now visible.

To the enemy, the main carcass of Raptor as they moved in closer to deploy their weapon ?
Its probes started to fizzle,  to illuminate, with intermittent bursts of energy.  A massive build up but to what?

The commander of the enemy vessel, was recording the encounter and sending back, the visuals to Fendiq. The Raptor could have blocked all communication, BUT Dees knew, they wanted their enemy, to SEE, to FEEL the full on power of Raptor and to NEVER forget it!
Whoever that race was, she ws more than aware, they would face them again.

“We are about to use the ‘White light’. The ‘starburst’ array. Dees gave a final warning to the Zmert commander. “Leave now or face the consequences.”

‘White light’ Where did Cistera remember hearing about such energy? Her father! She recalled how he had told her. Fendiq vessels had been ambushed by the Urowq. Deceived by them.

Fendiq had not been at war with them, they had changed sides mid battle, to join with the Jogarth! The resulting battle had seen the Urowq turn on the Fendiq and destroy several of their craft.
The remaining ones, realising what had happened, although too late to save the others, put up a good fight, but the odds, were stacked against them!

The Fendiq Sovereign vessel was badly battered. Several, of the Fendiq craft, that had survived were trying to protect it, from further damage. Their efforts were valiant but failing. They were hanging as they say, on a thread with little hope of survival?

Out of nowhere IT, had come into sight. The enormous vessel stepped between them and the Urowq. It would not take them long, to turn their attack to the new enemy. The Urowq decided if it was going to interfere, then it could suffer a beating from them!

The moment they launched their attack they must have wondered how long before it would be destroyed? Once again, given the odds? Minutes later, wave after wave, of blinding white energy was discharged from the attacked craft. So intense was the flare of light from it,?

Some of the closest Fendiq vessels had been warned to deploy their defraction shielding, usually used, when near a bright star cluster! 

It was Cistera’s father Ka Colfra had said, “Of the purest white light I have seen.”
As for its effect? One minute the Urowq were there. Then they were gone. Cistera felt some tears in her eyes, looking across at Nathan sleeping, she wondered if this was the stranger, her father had told her about!

The one, who had escorted the damaged Sovereign vessel and others back to Fendiq.
The vessel had not outstayed its visit. Whoever was in charge had declined an invitation, to come aboard the Sovereign ship. Before it left, her father had sent something over to the individual in charge. What it was he would not tell her!

However her father had awarded the stranger, the KaLasec (Open guest of the Royal house of Fendiq.) One of the highest honors an Absolute can bestow upon someone who is not native to Fendiq or her colonies) But her father had told her never to fear about her succession to the throne.

She had been uncertain as to what he had meant by that! “ I have” he said “A promise from the Priestess, who told me; HE, will return to fulfill a promise made. It would be apparent should anything happen, that would cause my succession to the throne to be blocked, for any reason !
I suspect he was worried, about the continuing threat from the Jogarth and their plans, aided by the Urowq!

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