Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

OR scan you, keep just ahead of its scan margins.” “Will do.” My attention, was momentarily distracted, by the movement of the spy sat. The latest ones, had modifications with their drive systems,  I just hope, thought Nathan, it hasn’t got the Joedian drive in working order. (A kind of hyperdrive unit. Can only be used for short bursts, to move the sat quickly i.e to catch a craft up, take scans and move back, most end up not working, they’re not reliable !)

Our path, now clear, we were in and down, to the planets surface. Quick and to the point “Sentient guardian, deploy ‘Anenome’ “ I love those things. What are they? Like Jelly fish .They drift down and casually, hit the surface. Contact made on a surface, whatever the surface ! They explode, releasing two types of gas, these cause a fusion reactance, Illuminate and ignite. The light show is fantastic!

Why deploy it? It distracts, disorientates and generally pees the Urwq in particular off! Their sensory systems don’t have a tolerance of light or noise! So both combined on a high level yields pain and discomfort to them! Definite results ! Know your enemy, my old man used to say, so the Urowq? Well they’re short, they’re fat and are they; ugly!

You don’t want to spend too much time in their company! I can tell you now, they don’t have any love for Human(a). Creating murder and mayhem across the colonies they were finally brought to a standstill! Generally, they don’t go attacking the Human(a) colonies anymore.

We designed bio weapons that are downright nasty, but we can’t use them. They were banned by the Galacia Federation, so we stick to the lasers and other energy weapons but me and Noge? We like good old fashioned weapons aswell, mostly cos the bulk of civilisations don’t understand them, like we do !

So there they are the Urowq, in total disorder! Some of em haven’t even had their weed yet and here we are, shoving round after round of rockets into the encampment. Mass confusion and mayhem! The objective, taking out their coms sections, as per the plans we were supplied is going to plan! Moving across, straffing them, as we approach their underground.

What we would call a bunker system. We’re attacking, in the belief, that according to our data, there is only one, on the whole planet. We’re going to deploy fusion detonators, with a nasty cocktail, Noge and I have dreamed up, called ‘Adante’s furnace’ .

Their bunker, is lined with a substance called Drolite. When mixed with certain other agents, it creates a wall of fire. OK so the Urowq like heat! Believe me, not this hot! There go the carriers, now launched straight in and boy oh boy, lets move back and launch the eson. Now launched, we’re getting the hell out of it, cos when that detonates, the opening, will be one massive furnace within a rock enclosure.

Love the Eson fusion reactive, almost semi nucleur and one hell of a kick ! Just check to see it did its job. There they go, the Urowq, running around staring in disbelief! All those little squat bodies, staring up at us, no doubt cursing us with some obscenities I won’t be repeating here!  Time to ensure everyone else is on target.

Yep everything is as smooth as chilled Iridian ale, sliding down the back of your throat on a hot day.“Hello! have we your attention ? Good! Lets deploy the squts.” Off they go and hey, they’re running after them, are we stopping their transport ? NO, we’ll do that, when they are well across the terrain. Why are we leading them out? Cos when we destroy their craft they’ve got a long walk home !

Ok time for us to get over to the landing zone. It’s over to you Cxao. The two Sovereign ships, have taken out structures close to the mine, landed troops with little or no resistance. We’re dropping down to the surface, in one of the modified craft Queen Velicia gave us. We did respect her, by removing any identification, to give away the fact, that it was originally, a Psemon Empire strike craft.

Here we go! Doors opened and we’ve got good views of our objectives, so far so good, bit of noise, but we’re using the battery on the ship to knock out some of the dug in troops to our left, as we head over to the hostage block.

We come under fire, heavy cannon fire? Low level cannons situated near the block of buildings holding the hostages. Damm get down, the weapons hit, the raw plasma based compound, hits the surface of the rocks behind us, scatters across it and makes a rumbling sound! Yeow does that rattle your ear drums!

So you think, take those weapons out, destroy them? Only downside to taking them out, take the weapon and its real bad news! When they explode you detonate the core fusive reactors within them. Creates a crater, about an mile in diameter with nothing caught within that, left alive! Bit like a scorpion with a sting in its tail!

We’re still moving forward, finally subduing, those Urowq, manning the weapons. Cxao, meets up with the others, now joining his team. Yes, yes, wonderful, to see you too! Just get your asses in gear, release the hostages and get on the craft back to the other vessels! Signal to go! They’re out of it ! Soniette sovereign ship will escort them and pick them up..

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