Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

I was trying, to make sense, of what the hell, she was talking about? When I saw it, clearly visible the ‘hickie’ or love bite, I had given Tan, identical, in every conceivable detail! It was then she hit me, just like the last time, smack between the eyes, sending me reeling backwards, my head hitting the lower bulkhead of the recline unit.

I don’t know if I was knocked unconscious, but when I woke up she had in her hand the shelde and was busy reading it, stepping across to the ships console, she activated several screens, selecting one, to bring us as the main screen display. I recognised it, as our database screen, the main password encryption access page, displayed asking for the palm code to activate the program.

I went to move, but stopped, the pain in my head, took my breath away and I slumped back, though remaining conscious. She had her face to the screen, then she turned looked at me smiled and turned back again. The screen blinked, flashed and I knew she had access ?

How I don’t know, how she had managed it, but she was now into the main archives. Reading page after page of something. It was minutes later, when she stopped,. I was feeling a little better and managed to prop myself up, to lean back, sat on my sleeping unit, as she moved off the console seat and towards me.

Raised her hand again and I thought here goes! Not to hit me, she gripped my head gentler this time massaging it and the back of my neck then she called Tanya’s name. Tan appeared relieved to find me still in one piece, as Cistera moved away and ordered Tan in my direction.

I was soon, being comforted and treated with a Psep injection, taking away the pain, almost immediately. Whilst she was close I hissed in her ear. “It can’t be functional.”
I was referring to the Princess and her weapon.

Tan was not fooled ! ‘She has full, functional capabilities, to employ the weapon, my sensors don’t lie. They detected a massive boost in energy within her, why she didn’t kill you, I don’t know. Her bio weapon is fully capable “Cistera was looking over at me watching all the fuss Tan was making, Tan sat next to me.

You violated me, both of you. You, Tan by replicating me and you physically, I was really confused, until I stripped and saw the mark, which when I found the identical mark on you Tan,
I knew, what had happened.” It was then, I realised, remembering her, gripping Tan’s top piece of clothing, not to look at the clothing, but to view the mark, above the left breast on Tan, beneath it!

My physical biological makeup is similar to yours Human(a), but it has even in its basic form, differences. Extra sensory receptors and bio detectors, that tell me when I am being scanned”
She glared at Tanya. “Or otherwise, but worse still you?! You put your mark on me and next to the sacred flower? What you did in that action, you have no idea at all of the truth or its consequences have you?

A violation, beyond all comprehension, where you are concerned. For that and that alone I could happily have killed you. Yet somehow it appears that events, conspire to bring us together.
So naïve are you that you can’t understand at all, the true significance of your, violation of me.

Could I kill you? I SHOULD kill you! What you didn’t know and I have since discovered, is that your mark, next to the sacred flower? Translates, within my religious upbringing, to a statement by the Gods. I cannot kill you, because I am not permitted to.
Likewise if you think that is a blessing? 

You invoked a reaction in my body which produces a chemical response, that writes a unique, chemical signature, which means, no other male will come near me, as a prospective partner.
They will know, that I have been joined with another. Since it is forbidden that I bond, with any other, once I am bound, within such.

Nathan was mulling things over, still finding it difficult, to understand the intensity, of her rage and the implications of the mark next to the sacred flower ? He was floundering, out of his depth.
“Look, I can’t change what’s happened, when its time, I’m out of here, problem solved.”

Tan sat forward, waiting for Cistera’s reply. It was curt and to the point, the reply almost threatening in nature ? “No ! As soon as we can fly this out of here, WE are out of here”
Tan looked at Nathan, the look on his face ?

Its too late, she knows all about Lelanora and how she’s waiting, till the third moon, of this cycle, to kill her. Making sure, she’s not fully in control of the pulse weapon and the third moon, is two days from now. “ “But I thought she wouldn’t, according to what you told me earlier, dare to kill her, afraid of the repercussions? Like the whole of Fendiq rioting?”

Once Cistera is dead. Genuine death, thanks to us kidnapping her and their craft, seeking us to be the scapegoats? Which would have us, used to tell the people of Fendiq, that we murdered the Princess. A firefight breaks out and we get blown up in the process? As far as Fendiq is concerned, WE destroyed the craft, to prevent them, from getting Cistera back. OUR fault for her death. Means she’s blameless; Lelanora can move on her completion as Queen.

She won’t, if their plans, go to form, have to worry about Cistera. Why does she want her dead? Not just for the Draxetnium in the Royal coffers! She won’t let Cistera live, biding her time to kill her, because, according to the database at the citadel, that we hacked into, I should add, within the last hour!

We’ve discovered a secret, buried in the data banks. Lelanora was related to Couteige. Remember the stories they told the colonists of that battle? Lelanora’s relation, lost his head and Haphketsut Mxiostr, Cistera’s great great grandmother, kept hers.

Lelanora, want’s revenge.” Before Tan could say anything more, there was a beeping sound and one of the screens activated, followed by an outline of a strange figure, which became almost transparent but still; visible. It  moved across, to the main console and activated another screen.
The figure turned to face us.

‘‘I am Seriensa 4, all systems are fully functional, navigational controls online and I am activating code 4, instruction. Retat invoked, primary functions, all systems activated.”
It looked towards Cistera. “Awaiting your command Princess. Departure in 4 minutes imminent, token armed and in mode 2 active all sensors.”

It turned, towards the screen, on which almost continuous moving data, filled the screen, suddenly flashed, “Modicus detects, alien craft, approaching, with hostile intent. It is arming weapons, in attack mode, attack will be denied, will be denied, token armed and will be deployed.
I will protect the Princess. Token armed, token armed.

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