Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Never! I am Bexian, I would sooner die, than be a slave to the Jogarth” “That” he hissed.
 “If you continue to resist, will soon be granted!“ He grabbed her again. Suddenly two figures stepped out of the shadows one was a female and the other a male both of them were armed, the male guard hissed at them. “You’ll not get away with this!”

The male, shoved the sabre lance under his nose. “We know, this place is infested with you treacherous scum, but we, have ways out of here, that will take us, past your lot and gone!
The guard, felt the force of the fist, from the female. He stumbled, to fall back; ,she went to kill him, her male companion stopped her.

When he’s discovered, trussed up by the Jogarth,  they’ll kill him, for failing to do his job!
Leave him! “ He passed the girl some sonic bands. She looped one of them around his wrists. “ That will keep you tied up for awhile ! This time you’re lucky! But if we meet again, I will KILL you.“ She spat at him.

Another three, males appeared, with several of the other guards, also secured with sonic bands! “Time we were gone! “ Stunning the guards, leaving them unconscious, on the floor, the place was soon empty of those, they had sought to enslave. Entering the tunnels underneath the building, they blew the entrances. That caused a rumble vibrating the ground near Isabellani?

Isabellini felt the ground, shift under her, she continued, to watch the loading, then sent a trooper over to the other craft to find out, what was taking the troopers, who had gone to search the
building, So much time? Had there been an explosion?

The ships were almost loaded, she needed them ,to finish and get onboard. A desire, to be out of this stinking hole. Incoming fire, from the what we would have called, a forest area! S
traffing the craft on the ground, not so much a problem but a nuisance!
Putting the Jogarth troopers at risk!

The sight of the Bexian guards brought out, with sonic bands on, clearly routed by the rebels, was toxic to  Isabellani. Jogarth troopers, had been put at risk and some killed!? Thanks to this lot and the delay! She fired up the lance and executed them.

 “Bexians ! Scum! “ She was about to order the craft in the air and a complete search of the area but decided it could wait, she looked towards the forests. “ Run my little chetze, mommy will be back to punish you later. “

Turning to the remaining Jogarth trooper, the one, she had sent to find them? She hissed at him to return to the other craft. “ Tell them to leave! “ “Yes your Imperial Highness” he bowed then ran off to the other craft, glad to be away from this psychotic bitch! .

Freip managed, to find others who had escaped, they would put up some resistance to the Jogarth, harassing them and managing, to remain free. Rebels with prices on their heads? Close!

On Caltras,  Soniette was still unaware, as were the other Kevletlings of what had happened to her father and the Bexian fleet. Nor of the invasion of her home world. The Palace suddenly went on alert as a mysterious craft landed near the Amorcanda Palace.

Out stepped the figure wrapped in a cape, who walked towards the Palace.
Immediately she was challenged! All weapons seemed useless against her! As they failed, time after time to work she continued walking until she entered the room where Soniette and the others were sat, Cistera too was sat watching as she entered. Something about her seemed familiar? Her gems glowed reacting to a threat? The figure raised her arms, the gems stopped glowing.

I am NINET, where I come from, or who I am, who my sisters are, is immaterial. I am here to tell you things that you must know. Listen well and take note of what I tell you! There are things I will impart to you, that you will want revenge for, but let me tell you this!

If I tell you, NOT to seek such revenge, then you will NOT ! Whatever you may think, or feel, the punishment is ours to deliver to those concerned, NOT YOURS!“ She went on to finally break the news of the attack and its consequences.

Soniette collapsed and Cistera moved close to her to console her. The Kevletlings also crying. The female Ninet, moved close to them, raised her arms and swirled them in the air.
A soft calming breeze? Swept across them, they felt euphoric. Free from the desire to weep? To feel pain and ? It was gone.

The time for weeping is long past, the path that takes you, to your destiny, is already in front of you. BUT Isabellani is ours to punish, I promise you all, that she will be spared no mercy, from us.
If they were wondering who she was?

We are the ones, who follow, in the footsteps of the Shadow walkers, the ones who walk, in the shadow of the creator. The ones who can fold space to take one step that takes them forward in time or backwards BUT also, in the blink of an eye can move from one place to another..

Your strength is needed now, to ensure your sons will one day stand in judgment on those who dared to defile your people.  You will all rest, have your Kets and then I will return “
She folded her cape around her, dropped her arms and turning walked out.

Aboard Raptor, Nathan and the others, were being told of the event!

ON Bexes two more slave transporters left, entering space headed for the neutral zone, to the north between the Sesista and the Psemon empires, enroute to the Jogarth home worlds. Laden with slaves and the treasures, from Bexes and Chacuba.

They would stop near Theus, to collect more treasures from the raids into Theus. In the darkness two figures stared out, looking at the stars, she looked and sighed, as far away, he seemed to do the same, the time will soon come, when I will stand, be counted and in that hour?

Your love, will be the only thing, I have of any value, that will keep me strong and true to my purpose. She softly whispered as he too laid back to softly whisper “When the time comes, I will be there for you.”
Nathan had had his final meeting, prior to the attack, it had gone well, Tanya had gone off to check various details with Cxao and left him with Fehlise.

Fehlise. was wearing new clothing when she stepped into his ‘office’ area. He looked up, taking in her body shape and the skimpy outfit she was wearing, moments later he was making love to her, with the same degree of hot passion, he had only dreamed about, on their first encounter.

They had some refreshments and she propped herself up on the seating area. “I can never believe, how much energy you have. The raw sexual drive when it comes to us making love. “Nathan, you hot stud, what is your command?” She grinned, he stopped for a moment, damm he thought why are those words so familiar! He shrugged it off as he continued.

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