Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

I have not dismissed you, nor asked you to move.” “TO, those present, you may raise your eyes, I have something I wish you all to see and to know.” Those in the chamber looked at them “CxaoCaeSoon, you already have my fathers Kabzanza and I am sorely in need of a Kalhala Absolute (Personal bodyguard ) with a Kalhala (Royal guard )

If I make you, our Kalhala Absolute you will swear, to protect your Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute with every breath of your body, that should it be necessary, you will give your life for them?

To carry my Emblazon (banner) Crest and to honour, the Royal house of Fendiq obeying without question?” He dropped his gaze, she ordered him, to look her in the eyes. He had tears in his eyes.”I am deeply honoured, but you need not ask,I would defend your life, without question, for that you do not need, to make me your Kalhala Absolute.” Cistera placed her hand on his shoulder.

Be it known the Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute, have this day, made Cxao Cae Soon, our Kalhala Absolute, with all the priviledges and rank, that such begets him. Only the Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute may revoke such a title, along with all the priviledges and rights that go with it.

To disobey my Kalhala Absolute, is to disobey the Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute and carries the sentence of death.” The room bowed. “Come take your rightful place at my left side” A distraction at the moment in time, was to many, a welcomed relief. The entrance of the Kets, followed by Jes carrying the Ket caused an uproar. One of the guards moved to intercept her as a young female close to Jes whispered.“ Put the Ket down !!

You cause grievious offence !! It is forbidden, under Royal Protocol !! For anyone in the presence of Royalty, to carry a Ket! “ Jes suddenly realised, to her horror, she had broken one of the rules of court, by carrying the female.

‘No Ket over 5 might be brought into court, that could not stand, could not bow and pay due homage. She could not plead ignorance, in truth, she was more than aware of Royal etiquette and protocol.

She placed the Ket down, praying that the Ket had regained some strength, enough to join the other Kets. They had proceeded to the front and had dropped to their knees, bowing before those stood in front of them . Jes looked down, speaking softly to the Ket in her own tongue, urging her forward.

Encouraging her? Her tiny frame wobbled, she collapsed, a few feet from the rest of the Kets. She tried to get up again and Jes wanted to run forward, to pick her up, but the guard pulled her back, hissing again, that she could not, must not !

Nathan went to move, Tan leaned in and whispered ‘Do not interfere! The Ket cannot be carried ! It is Fendiq protocol !’ He wanted to say ‘To hell with protocol!’ Step down pick the Ket up himself !

Cistera gripped his hand, not at all gentle! Hissing at him, DO NOTHING! He could feel Jes’s despair, he tried desperately to think of some way he could help the tiny Ket.

Then Nathan saw a movement with the Kets? Looking at the Kets, he saw the male Ket break the rules of staying perfectly still ! Nathan remembered, when the Kets had entered the chamber, this male Ket had been more than concerned about the tiny Ket. Repeatedly looking back, to make sure she was OK? 

He was now doing the same, ignoring those Royals at the front ! To see her struggling! Some look of distress on his face ? Was he about to break rank and help her? No! He turned back and put his head down, to rest with the others! Then he moved again! To shift up, turn and glance back at her!

Suddenly Nathan spoke. Cistera looked at Nathan in surprise as he gained the Ket’s attention! “YOU! Ket!” The male Ket turned to look at Nathan. One of the other Kets hissed at him to put his head down, bow! ‘Look at me Ket ‘ he looked up. “Who is the female and what is she to you ?” 

My friend, Prabqrt, Highness” Nathan tried not to smile, an idea came to him, a very cunning, but cleverly practical solution ! But first he must be serious ! His expression changed accordingly! “Friend ? Tell me Ket is this how you treat your friends ?” The Ket let his head drop, was it in shame? “Did I give you leave Ket to take your eyes off me ?” Nathan had raised his voice !!

Cistera had not heard him sound this angry before! He certainly appeared angry ! She squeezed his hand, he continued . “Answer me Ket! Is this how you treat your friends?” Behind them all, Jes was stood, watching, fuming at Nathan and how he was talking to the Ket!!

How dare Nathan, unaware of the male Kets affection and love of the female. How dare he talk to the Ket in such a harsh manner! She went to say something but the guard hissed again in her ear.“Stay put ! Or face the consequences ! “

“Answer me Ket.” The Ket glared at Nathan, he could see the fire in his eyes some contempt, no, some will to be individual, resist and to hell with Royal Protocol ?

It was just what he wanted !! Which is when the Ket moved ! Staring at Nathan ! Whilst Nathan silently encouraged him, his eyes beckoning him to go to the girl. He stood up. Defiant?! 

“ENOUGH ! She is my friend and I will not desert her, especially when she needs me most.

If I am to be punished then so be it.”

Cistera’s mouth dropped open, watching in disbelief, as he moved, to go to the Ket ?
What followed was even more of a shock, as the whole group of them, stood up, joined him, back to her, helping her up onto her feet. Supporting her, they brought her, down to the front, then helped her, kneel with them.

She squeezed Nathan’s hand, tingling inside, in awe of how he had contrived and gained, such a response from her Kets, “You Ket.” The Ket raised his head and looked at Nathan. “Now that is called, being a true friend! Never let me have to remind you again, we never leave our friends, no matter what the cost, even if it costs us our pride!”

There was some surprise to see Nathan bow! “I commend your actions, foolish as they were, but a Ket worthy of my praise.” Cistera moved forward, she issued the command to all present to raise their eyes, face the front where they were stood.

 ‘Look at your Princess, Ket. STAND !”

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