Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Transform for me.” She tingled, feeling a rush of her chemicals, reacting to his pleas, seeking to please him, She could no longer stop, the urge to please him, from happening. She felt herself transform, her whole body, the skin changing to mixed colours.

Her nose, along with her face, morphing slightly, her eyes not that he was appreciating them, unable to fully focus! She made full use, of his ample body. He was not, she noted lacking in how muscular, how strong and responsive he had become,

Now running his head along her skin breathing heavier, his hands working on her, still exploring, demanding, seeking touching, as she found herself experiencing a new dimension; in ectasy. He turned her onto her back, now taking control of her.

Her body writhed beneath him. She took over again, her mouth and tongue enjoying all he had to offer, until finally she was sated, not to leave him still unfinished she flicked her tongue a few times and he was spent. He slumped back, ran his hands across soft skin, his fingers down to her lips as he whispered something she couldn’t make out, cursing as he seemed to be asleep !

Returning to her original form, she lay there for a moment, then softly flicked her tongue across his lips. He opened his mouth slightly and she flicked a tiny drop of another liquid across his tongue. He would recover, no memory of what had happened. A slight headache, but then he had been drinking !

As she went to get dressed, she stopped, he murmured softly. ‘Stay with me” She moved closer to him. “You are very handsome and if you only knew, how much you paid me a compliment, sharing my Animorphic state with such depths, even my two partners like, but don’t appreciate my Animorphis, with the same lust and raw energy you have. It really does turn you on!

Shame you don’t have an Animorph as your lover, because I think you should. He lay there. Perfectly still, she leaned over him, to finally whisper in his ear. “Let me leave you something to make sure, you will remember me “ She kissed his right shoulder, from her jaw two small fangs that pierced his skin.

Injecting a small amount of liquid, forming a tiny raised mound on his skin, he moaned and moved as she ran her tongue across his lips, gently opening them again, she kissed him, then stepped back and dressing left him.

Bexian Animorphisis.

Some explanation is necessary, on how the life blood of the Royal Dynasty is preserved, in Cistera’s Royal house. Her union, with Nathan as Ka Absolute should produce a Ka Cahuba, known to all as a Ket (Complete child) and only rarely, are twins born.

Biologically in Cistera’s body, the processes take place, when the rings of energy. are activated, as within their circle, the bodies entwined, they produce enzymes to stimulate and increase pleasure. With only one aim, to fertilise her womb and produce a healthy Ka Cahuba to maintain the succession.

In Soniette’s case the situation, is far more complex. Three chemicals, were produced and the processes, were nowhere near as simplistic, as the Human(a) reproductive system, or even Cistera’s. In Cistera’s family, her mother had died giving birth to her, so getting, as we would say pregnant, was NOT, on her list of priorities; but for both, it was a major issue and it all came down to the line of succession.

Problems with Soniette’s ancestry had been partly due to inbreeding and poor fertility over a period of centuries, births had become much harder to maintain, at a Royal level. Her presence on Raptor had NOT been coincidence. She had blatently, lied to Cistera about her true intentions, which had been to get fertilised by any means possible, with Nathan.

Cistera had literally stopped that dead, she could not cheat on her friend, no matter how much she might like the idea, she would not. Soniette’s Royal sisters were Brage and Dasec they were quite a few Earth years older at 35 to 40 earth years and their daughters were Canuweis, Enuweis and Chacoa.

Canuweis was Brage’s only daughter. Daughters enjoyed Royal status but not equal, to that of a Royal son, no one yet had been able to give Soniette’s parents an heir, of male standing. Soniette was quite intelligent as was Cistera, they had studied together and worked out, some of the reasons why, the family tree was suffering

IT’s drawn out COMPLEX and by no means simplistic, Olfren had NOT as Soniette’s father, had problems, but he was determined Soniette, should produce an heir for him and fast. That was why, he had contrived an elaborate plan to ensnare Nathan,

Olfren had been kept deliberately low profile, joining KaColfra onboard his vessel, celebrating the stranger who had saved his life, Nathan awarded the honour of KaLasec. Unknown to Olfren was the determination on KaColfra’s mind, that Cistera should bond with Nathan.

Cistera and Soniette were well versed in their responsibilities, to finding a suitable partner and establishing themselves, with a MALE child. NOW there is in Soniette’s situation a JOKER in the pack, because Human(a) and their gene’s, don’t produce Animorphs, the seed, has to be genetically modified.

The knowledge of this came about from Animorphs, who had been forced to bond with Human(a), often as bought, stolen, captured slaves. However some, did treat the Animorphs with kindness and looked to reproduce with them?

There were drugs available, that bypassed, some of the chemical changes, needed for cell regeneration, for the reproductive processes to work, albeit a poker game. Chances dependant on the odds of it working, very slim. The side effects, could be devastatingly lethal.

Slow agonizing, prolonged drawn out death. Which led to the Human(a), who deemed their kith and kin had been deliberately seduced by the Animoph, to turn to the Galicia for regulation. Thus came about the regulations and they were strict, very strict. To protect the Human(a) from the creatures deceptions and any risk of death.

No ‘animorph or capable ‘morphic’ being will through any means, good, bad or indifferent, cheating, deception, cause a Human(a) to become infected AND failure to observe that resulting, in a complaint being raised by the Human(a) or in the event, of them being unable to bring that complaint those chosen to represent them. Compensation and in extreme abuse, or murder; execution of the one who broke the law.

The rules remained in force, should it be necessary, to enforce the rules, or in the case of the rules being broken, which we know happens, there was all too often the punishment, mostly ending in execution!!.

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