Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Commander Luteben” “ Your Imperial Majesty “ “ Get your troops into Theus NOW the screens will be playing the battle scenes and the conquest of Bexes across the galactic networks. “ “ As per your command your Imperial Majesty”

Well Daddy ! “ her voice boomed out across the deck on his flagship. “My girl makes her daddy proud “  Isabellani was sipping on wine but it was NOT that that had her drunk. The sheer momentum and rush of what she had achieved was almost unreal.
“ See you in the capital of Bexes ! Don’t be greedy! Save some of the family for me Daddy !”
“ Race you ! “ “ Oh before I go Princess “ “ Yes Daddy “ “ You’d better not get there before me !”
“Why not ! “

Because my girl, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial forces of the Jogarth Dynasty, the Empire of Jogarth and its territories won’t have troops to command !”

The realization of what Friel had just said took a few seconds to register? She shrieked “ See you there, we’ll go into stationery orbit “ Earth hours later the Inferno entered orbit around Bexes just as over 50 mid to large battle cruisers and transport ships reached the same stationery orbit, then she gave the commands and troop carrier after troop carrier with support from battle cruisers and gunships entered the atmosphere to land on Bexes.Jess Corbin Sci Fi Cistera

No mercy is to be shown to those of Bexes, these things, are to be subjugated and enslaved as slaves of the Jogarth and the pets of the  Urowq with immediate effect.

All land, all possessions, are the property of the Jogarth empire ! “

In the Bexes palace grounds, two battle ships landed. Out of them spilled special forces units.
Any resistance?

Those begging for mercy? Some transformed in an effort to use their animorph form to give then added strength?

No mercy, killing the guards immediately on sight, regardless of whether they surrendered, or not.
Entering the Royal Quarters seizing the remaining aristocracy and Olfrens wife Benista, along with Dasec and Brage Soniette’s sisters, their partners and others.

By whose command, do you hold us prisoner “  Queen Benista was stimmed AND confused, still not believing what she was now seeing? In shock! The figure stepped from the doorway and approached them, Benista stared, instantly recognizing someone that resembled her worst nightmares!

“ How dare you, invade our world when the Kings forces return “ she interrupted her. Some of her guards moved, too late for them as they were all executed. Olfrn? That sad old relic?

You will not, be seeing him again” Turning to all of them. she screamed “ Watch the screen “ A screen to the left of them,  a com cast unit lit up “ PLAY THE the battle scene betweeb Jogarth forces AND Bexes.  “ Benista and the others watched in horror, the battle, played out in all its detail, to its final conclusion, she dropped to her knees crying. Brage rushed forward to comfort her.

From this moment on the Royal house of Bexes does NOT EXIST, the EMPIRE of BEXES does NOT exist . You are all, the slaves of the mighty Jogarth Empire. Some of you, if you are blessed will be the pets of the Urowq. “ 

Benista stood up, she spat at her.  “ I and my family, will NEVER be your slaves, you psycho bitch. “

Princess Isabellini stared at her, a sneer forming across her lips? Taking a sabre lance, her hand twisted the ring on the handle, turning up the power level to maximum,

 “ Queen Benista dear, I had no intentions of you, your daughters, or the rest of your Royal Aristocracy, being slaves.
What is it with you,, that you think so little of me. Even the Urowq would not want you, or your family as their pets.”

One after another, she executed them, their limp lifeless bodies, thrown across the floor. “Ensure there is a visual record of the executed bodies sent to GlobeCast. I want no one to have any doubts, that the King and his miserable family; are no more!

The House of Bexes is NO MORE! “ Isabellani’s thoughts lingered on Soniette. “Soniette and the rest of you who think you have escaped? ‘I may have to wait but I will have YOUR heads!’ She grabbed one of the Commanders.

Bring me everything of value and I mean everything of value, from the Royal Treasury, strip this place of anything valuable, then raise it to the ground. “ Outside the forces of the Jogarth and Urowq were busy rounding up the people and placing slave bands on them, Friel stood on the Palace steps as his daughter approached him “ Daddy !” She was smiling as she clung to his hissing in his ear

With so many slaves, almost all of our people will be able to afford to own them, which means I shall be rich ! Once we force them to ‘morph’ we will be able to determine, what will be beasts of burden, sold as pets or! I

I hear, they will make such wonderful beasts of burden! I’ve told them, we are to get at least 60% of all the money, made from the sale of slaves, and no Bexian is exempt from weaing a slave band, unless they are rich enough to buy their freedom? After which I have ordered they are to be set free! WE KEEP OUR WORD daddy.

Once they’ve paid and they’re free?  Then and only then,  are they to be executed. “ She was, laughing almost hysterially. He held her “ Well I’m taking forces over to Chacuba, to subdue the people there !

My troops, have already landed on Soniere, we have taken control ! So perhaps Daddy’s girl, would like to pick a planet and become a Queen ?”
“Daddy !!! Don’t rush me, I’m having too much fun to be settling down.”

Across the galaxies, the victory of the Jogarth against the Bexes Empire filled the com cast screens. Asleep Cistera, Soniette and the rest of them totally oblivious to the massacres going on, as the people were rounded up. The hideous Urowq loving the , like cattle and subjugated, weeping, lost, all hope gone.

Onboard the Raptor, Liana stared at the com cast screen then she screamed.  “ NATHANNNNNNN “
As soon as Nathan saw the com cast and verified the news., he called certain parties together. Round the table they discussed recent events, there was a look of sheer disbelief on their faces, when Fehlise walked in “ Its no good only seeing the negative side of things”

They glared at her, in particular Dram who had not seen her before !, Cxao had, but was still surprised to see her move a seat, sit down on Nathan’s right side, with Tan on his left. “I’ve looked at the com cast and there’s some interesting bits, you won’t probably have noticed” She paused “ So here goes”

Firstly she challenged him, to release a high energy yield at her ship, then she released it after having channelled it, somehow back at them. Simple to the point, if they had NOT fired that high energy yield, she would have not been so victorious, I am positive about that !

Secondly, she is using some kind of device, or emitter, that triggers a low to high energy outburst,. Boosted by the incoming energy. Its too obvious, because the com cast must have been caught and recorded, by some Media Sat. It clearly shows a short, low energy burst, BEFORE the high energy burst, which destroyed the entire fleet!!

Incidentally, she’s not in the galactic controllers, good books! That yield, also took out their Media Sat ! Lastly I took a look at her vessel, from the imaging available, she had some strange array fitted, its new! I’ve scanned the data files on her vessel, she’s had quite a few modifications made, I also had a look again at the images of the battle.

It’s clear Olfren was led to believe, there was a weak spot on Isabellani’s craft. I saw them ALL target one set area, which means the craft sending back data on the weakest point to attack. Typical Bexes strategy must have told them that that was the weakest point to attack which of course they did ?” They all nodded.

So lets say that was the case ? What if they were deliberately made to believe that? Deceived? .

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