Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

“I’ll keep it simple, though I don’t know why you couldn’t have talked to Jes, she would have told you all about..” His voice tailed off interrupted by Nathan, some agitation in his voice? “Dammit Dram she wouldn’t tell me anything! Cept ‘Talk to Dram! “

Ah yes, well she could have a point where this species is concerned.” He went quiet for a moment and before Nathan could growl at him to explain himself, continued. “ Firstly she’s a Silvian do you know what that is ?”  “Nope! ‘‘ Well they’re are annia silmorphs.” “Uhh?”

The giveaway with Silvian’s is they don’t have tongues like us, theirs’ are more thin and forked. Long and if you kiss, they have, this disgusting habit, of running the tongue around yours , ugggh it justs makes me shiver ! I only went out with one..” His voice went quiet. Dram was remembering the moment. Not that to his recollection, nor by the tone of his voice, had he enjoyed the moment! 

You sure you want to hear this ?” “ DRAM!” “Well you do understand what an annia silmorphs is don’t you ? “ Nathan had heard stories but seemed in general, ignorant of the truth. Dram was getting frustrated ! Annoyed ?

See this is what happens when you choose not to attend, given the chance to and something hundreds would have begged the opportunity to go to, the Akademy!
annia silmorphs are animorphic, they can change their body shape to that resembling
a creature !! Transform! Especially if they’re threatened!

Kind of weird I can tell you ! I met her in the Akademy one night, when some Molavian made unwelcomed advances on her, I can tell you those Molavians are disgusting beings!
I’d have taken offence I can tell you! Cornered her? Not for long! She changed only slightly, what I saw of the transformation was beautifully done, but really freaked me out I can tell you !! 

When I moved towards the Molravian to scare him off, she had started to transform, seeing me must have made her stop. Frightened the hell out of the Molavian, it ran for its life, hell I never saw one move that fast, ever! Thing is with Silvians’, well its the kiss that does it !!” “Why I asked you, about them, what does Cistera mean, by ‘Kissing ‘Soniette: ; her, is the kiss of death’?”

Ah that old story, well legend says that if you kiss a Silvian from Bexes you’ll never want to kiss another, by that I mean, any other being! If you already have a partner, might want another from your own species, you wouldn’t want to kiss a Silvian first!

According to ‘Tolgani from the ‘book of legends’, it says their kiss, leaves you totally compliant to them and them alone. If you already have someone, you won’t want them anymore! Hence the term, ‘the kiss of death’.

Dram went onto explain. On Gora he had met a traveler who had returned from Bexes. Apparently it had some truth, when they kiss they flick their tongue, across your lip? It makes you open your mouth slightly. Nice sensation.. “

Dram went quiet for a moment. “Yea that was nice, come to think of it.” Was he remembering some encounter? Of his own? “DRAM!!” “Alright! Lighten up ! He told me, as you open your mouth they squirt a liquid into your mouth across your tongue and then, this is the disgusting bit, uuugh it really is uuugh !!”

His voice tailed off again as it went quiet for several seconds. “DRAMMMM !!!”
Nathan was now, getting more than impatient, time was moving on and he, would soon, have to face Soniette! 

“Well, they coil their tongue around yours, spreading this stuff across your tongue, makes your tongue go funny, then the drug kicks in and you go all weird you know like on Draxoid ?

High as a kite and totally compliant to their desires which are uuugh you don’t want to go there !! During the mating they transform and after they’ve well you know, you can’t remember anything except this horrendous headache.

A dry mouth and gross after taste, but whats worse, some of the drug stays in your body for some time after. Causes this irritation, which makes you pee and I mean pee a hell of a lot, but worse still? You end up with this dammed obsession. The only cure is having the mating ritual sated again! Gotta go back for more!

I’m not talking small time obsession here! NOTHING but nothing means exactly that!
it doesn’t help with them being so dammed attractive ! Hell they are stunners.! You’ll do anything, to get close to them and mate! Pure hell getting the drug out of your system !!

What they don’t tell you, is how they, the Bexians, control mating. They have a second drug they use to calm the system of their mate. The Bexian males know this but of course other species seldom do! Some Bexians’ abuse their gift and secrete the first drug, but don’t give them the necessary 2nd dose. to make sure, their victim comes back for more.

Paying them in the process huge amounts, to be satisfied, each time, Some of their victims end up dead, sooner or later, the constant one drug only, turns them insane, then brain dead.

They were interrupted by the arrival of Tan. NOT in a good mood. “I need you your royal highness to come with me to the main chamber. She proceeded to whisper a name to him and explained her reasons. A few parsecs later Nathan had followed her and was now stood i the main chamber where there was also a small group of others.

“Sena Che Kemass. Step forward! A female aged 20  years stepped forward, eyes down, bowing. Nathan told her to go with Tan, moments later, she was with the young Ket, on her way over to Raptor.

It would be a little while later, that Tan,  had returned, to update Cistera and Nathan. who shortly after were in the main chambe. Doxche was well agitated, he had not liked the way things had gone, nor had he accepted, Nathan as the Ka Absolute, something that had been more than evident to Cxao who had been watching him closely! Any minute now, Cxao sensed, Doxche was going to do something that would .. COULD?

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