Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

The exchange,

The main ‘galleria’ had been transformed. It was truly representative of the grandeur expected for such an occasion? All of the expected seating and protocols followed, to ensure, there would be no hostile, anti social or unwanted behavior?

The banquet had gone really well and Soniette, had behaved herself. An agreement, between her and Cistera, to keep everything calm and not to see or cause ripples?
Soniette had had her desire, to approach Dram, kept under control by her BUT?

Dram was however, unwittingly about to become, the centre of Soniette’s attention.
Caught in a close encounter one might say?  She had eavesdropped on and liked, his witty entertaining conversation with others, sat around her. Some of the females, in particular; enjoying his repartee?

It was interesting to observe how intelligent and knowledgeable he was, about other races.
What really had her locked, onto his conversations however, was how accurate his facts were re Bexis? Bexian females?

Soniette decided to probe deeper. The suspicion, that he knew more, than he was actually letting on?
A relationship or ? with a Bexian female? It was she reasoned, also the FACT, that he had attended the Kets Akademy, though her and Cistera seldom ever, with him; had been acquaintances?

Bexians kept to themselves, even at the Akademy! So how, did he know, so much and more?
She suspected, than he was letting on? As for, his subtle mocking of her? When he had first made her acquaintance, he had smiled as she was introduced. Yet he had avoided getting too close to her. 

She was sure, Whilst he was at the Akademy he must have gotten close to one of her kind.
That would have taken something bordering on miraculous. BUT

Bexian females could be curious AND also IF he had pushed, PUSHED  his luck, to the point, they had decided to give in, let him take them? Almost  certainly the Bexian could be contrite, following such an act of intimacy. That often meant any firat encounter, would NOT have ended amicably. .

“So who was she? The one from my race who you?  I am curious because I am sure, you have had a close intimacy with one of my people.? “

Bexis? Few lingered, scared of its tales of strange creatures and happenings, most based on folklore spread and exaggerated !

Dram was no fool! He suspected, some attempt at contrition on her part !
Answering questions, though not answering them, almost cleverly, the tactics of a
wassac (politician) ?! Where Soniette was concerned, was he actually enjoying manipulating the moment? She suspected that he was!

What Dram had not known, were her instructions, to those arranging seating, ensured he, was sat opposite her. Although, if you had asked Dram, he would have told you, he felt quite safe, with her, across from him, at the table !

Despite Soniette attempting to control the current, on his part, seeming; disposition; she failed.
He, kept asking questions, her about the Ani morphisis, having, so he said, failed to find out much at all, about it? The questions kept coming until? Finally, Soniette managed to regain some control
She teased him, taunting him and then to his humiliation, repeated what he definitely had told Nathan!

Ah yes. “To kiss a Bexian is the kiss of death. Especially a Princess!.” She had laughed and made it clear, that he was the one who was clearly the fool now in front of her but also others listening and watching?

That was when, she saw, for the first time, how he went quiet. Was he actually embarrassed?
Human(a) emotions! Yet many Human(a) bragged they had been seduced by an Bexian, but you, she thought, you actually were!

He had, though she had made, to those present, some fun of what he had said, especially about the kiss, been very close to the truth. Too close for someone, who didn’t know the facts, about the Animor phisis kiss! That takes some doing, because we are a very careful species and very, very selective, about who we let in on our secrets.

Again he had been right about those Bexians, male and female who abused their gifts. They however, were very few and far between as we might say. Rare. There were other things he did and said, that she liked and his eyes she definitely liked his eyes, they were smaller than hers, certainly when she morphed but they seem to shine, particularly; when you smile.

She grabbed Jes’s attention when she joined them later, your brother must have a lot of admirers Jes ‘Don’t talk to me about that !’ Jes muttered, looking at her brother, ‘I’d like to meet the woman that could tie him down ‘

Soniette smiled her tongue flickered darting out from her mouth, ‘I think a few women would like to do just that ‘ Jes realised what she had said and the real meaning a couple of seconds later she laughed.

Dram, had spoken with his sister, but the conversation between them, was seldom more than a few words, his attention was definitely elsewhere! Soniette! Still provoking him!

He teased her back and at one stage remarked how beautiful she was, teasing her? Taunting her?
He paused, staring at her, looking deep into her eyes. She found herself staring back, he was almost saying ‘I want you’ but she realised, maybe it was not what he was saying, but simply, a mirror, of what she; was thinking. 

Dram had in all fairness, sipped quite a few drinks. Similar to our alcoholic beverages. Not enough to make him intoxicated beyond reason. If anything, he was more alert, more responsive. Maybe that was the reason he had become far more relaxed to the point he was now staring into her eyes as he softly whispers to her.

Such a shame the old story, isn’t true about the drug induced seduction, by your species I bet if it were true it really would be something, as I heard that during the love making, the senses for both of them, are heightened, beyond all comparison.

Is that true or is it just another miners tale? As for those wishing to become Animorphs?”
“Seems to me’ Soniette replied ‘You’ve been listening to tales, if it were possible to become one of us, what makes you think, our species, would welcome such an invasive action by another species? Cross breeding?
I suggest, if, you lived long enough that is, Human(a) that you don’t ask a Cflen that! “

Dram was not put out by her mocking him. “So you are saying it never happens? “
“The whole process is extremely dangerous and puts the species at risk, fatal in most cases.
Bexians keep to themselves for a reason, my species is incompatible with a lot of others.
Cross breeding is a violation of our species. I don’t lose any sleep over those who indulge in it, ending up dead.

All Bexians know, of the ruling by your Galicia, interbreeding of species is forbidden.”
“Only amongst those who don’t consent to it! “ “So you would consent to it and take the risk? “
“If you loved someone, whatever their species how could you say no? “

Because you risk your life! Those fools, who play with drugs, to change their species DNA so that they can match others species, because they’re in love with them as you say! Are fools!
Most never survive! “ “When the heart rules the head maybe they find it hard to be anything but true to themselves and prepared to take the risk.

Of course the Bexian females, have that serum, they produce, within their bodies, that they can inject into their host. It is said it helps the host by stimulating a chemical balance, within our Human(a) bodies. Allows us, to mate with your species, without the nasty side effects.

Human(a) in particular it’s been shown, are closely related to most species found in the Qiverse, your race is no exception. Despite the Animorph traits, there are distinct similarities that match, in every sense of the word. Why I, could see some mutual attraction and your females have a reputation, for being stunning in looks!”

The substance you talk about, is created to heighten the senses of our males, OUR males. I am, aware, that it causes chemical changes in your species DNA, that tends to create radical DNA changes within the Human(a), causing transforming abilities, in part, to match some of our Animorphic traits.

Again I remind you, of the Galicia ruling, the penalty, is severe, for any female, who disobeys that order! No species, in this instance, a Bexian female, is permitted to mate with another species, love or no love, inject them with the intention to cause them physical changes, more in tune with our species, deliberately to secure a mate.”

But it has happened and sometimes actually works!” 
“Yes! To my knowledge RARE. Despite the Galicia ruling which we don’t though I wonder sometimes, if we should, enforce it.

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