Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Aboard the Bexian war craft, Soniette’s father; King Olfren, stared at the two heads. ‘ Don’t worry friends I will have hers for this’ he had been loathe to engage Isabellini in direct confrontation, now he had no choice. The Jogarth, frequent, almost guerilla style, attacks on Bexian homeworlds, had left hundreds dead or dying. 

Leaving his peoples morale, at all time low. He hid it from his family, from his troops, but to himself admitted, he was tired. Constant wars had taken their toll. No one to succeed him, other than Soniette. Inexperienced and he knew, though she would have argued otherwise, not ready to take on Isabellani. 

Looking at his sleeping wife his only consolation was the thought of Soniette and their Kets safe with Queen Velicia, now at least any future heir to the throne was secure.

Meanwhile.... The psychotic Imperialist, Isabellani

Was enroute to engage King Olfren in battle, delighted that the bait had been laid and he was now about to bite. She had decided to record events for GlobeCast.

Isabellani =

MY and I repeat that MY Jogarth flagship, the Inferno, my daddy’s present to me , was close to Theus. It would appear that it was positioned, a couple of hours from the attack on Tqu? Once I had got reports, I was tempted to go, chase those murderers but there’s an old saying, chase two rabbits and you won’t catch either! Better to go after one and be certain, of the kill, which also, says a lot cos.

 I have a theory based on what my daddy always told me ‘ Play with fire girl and you’re gonna get burn’t , well I’ve proved him wrong on numerous occasions, sure played with fire. Lighting up the skies with Bexian wreckage, but I ain’t never got burn’t.

But hey I always say you wanna come play in my backyard? You gotta have an invitation first, I ain’t never gonna get  _! Without you, having the decency at the very least, to kiss me first.

Now I’ve heard the news, my spies brought me, about Cistera, having escaped and of course, about the Human(a), Nathan? The new Ka Absolute, you may be; Cistera’s plaything.

But honey, one of these days, we’re going to be facing each other. I hope you’re taking notes, remembering from the Akademy all of the fun Cistera and I had; of who I am, the one that’s going to teach you and that pretender, to the throne of Fendiq, a lesson in who rules the Qiverse.

Now my daddy loves his little girl and as THE one and ONLY Imperial Princess of the Jogarth, I get to do most of what I want, when I want, how I want, which is a rule I apply to most things in my life. So yeah, I am going to punish those, who dared play in our back garden, without asking!

Enjoy your short lived successes, whilst THE imperial Princess of the Jogarth Dynasty ISABELLINI goes pay some of Soniette’s family all a visit! What I’ve been trying to say all the way along? I don’t need to chase you, cos when I’m finished, you’ll be coming, looking for me.”

Crazy she may have been, truth was, she knew Soniette and Cistera were close friends. Combining what forces they had, they would after the coming battles and the annexation of Bexes, be seeking revenge! Seeking her out ! If Isabellani had a few surprises in store, Nathan was about to get one of his own.

An earlier arrival at the shaker to partake of an Iridian ale, much needed after recent events? He had settled back and was sipping on it, wondering if any of the others, were going to be joining him? Over in the corner, a lone female?

Nathan was not really in a talkative mood but, seeing that she, did not have a drink, he walked over introduced himself then bought her a drink. A more than obvious attempt at chatting her up ! They were talking when Tan entered. “We’ve not really been introduced. Tan smiled. “Tan.” “Fehlise!”

Well I hope he’s been looking after you.” Tan smiled at Fehlise. Fehlise watched as her lips mouthed, “Well?” They spent the next few minutes whispering, Nathan said nothing, just sipping his ale, his thoughts were on earlier events. Realising he was being rude he looked at Fehlise, smiled and thought he should engage her in some light conversation.

New here?” She nodded. “I thought, I’d sort her out, some accommodation.” Nathan reflected on the ‘New here’ and the acknowledgement, that she was! Hmm, one of the hostages? Cxao had come in he glanced across at them and waved.

Nathan looked away as Tan continued, with no knowledge, that he was not listening. We’re leaving so I can go sort her accommodation and settle her in ! I’ll probably stay with her. Unless.” She moved close to him, “You want me ?” “Uh well no, you go on, its not fair, for her to be left on her own ! I’ll be fine I really don’t mind, making the odd sacrifice, you know me ! “

Don’t we just’ Thought Tan, as she looked at Fehlise and they both rolled their eyes, “See you later then.“ Cxao moved over, to join him, sipping on his drink and talking, about earlier events, curious to know who the female was ? “Someone new, I think her name was Fehlise? Think she might have been one of the hostages.”

Cxao brought the news about the two Bexian craft that had surrendered to Isabellani. “Psycho executed the two Commanders and sent their heads to King Olfren, his second in command Jefrix asked me NOT to tell Her Highness Soniette about events. “ “Well, with her expecting Kets, the least they hear of bad news, the better! Even mentioning that psychotic b’s name has her riled, as for Cistera! They both hate her!”

Tan was unsure of what Nathan had been up to ! So he had been chatting Fehlise up?! The so and so ! “Come on you ! I have the consolation he hasn’t got a clue as to who you are! ” Fehlise grinned.“Do you think we should have told him? “ “Not bloody likely! “ Tan started laughing. They continued talking enroute to her accommodation.

Knew he would chat you up!” “He’s so dammed predictable ! HUMANA !” “ So what level are you ? Loe told me he would remove the suppression chips from my modules if I gave him all the necessary, to ensure he could have his revenge on Nathan, for holding out on him.

The new designs for the Bynards are impressive, with the material I gave him that Nathan had been holding back? He’s brought them to a whole new level! “ “Same as you Tan with a few modifications ! “ “The enzyme ? Loe removed a small amount from me, in exchange for him removing Nathan’s dammed overide, to turn me, into his sex slave!

Now let him, try saying the magic words ! “ Those walking past, their chamber could hear peels of laughter from within. “ So that means you can refuse his advances too ? “ “Same as you Tan “ in every detail cept I reckon these are slightly larger and firmer than yours !”

No way ! Mine are series 7 detailed and replicated, perfectly shaped and full ! “ “ Remember Galactic Super Model Ginesse! Mine are modelled on hers !“ “ I haven’t been close to her, so can’t replicate hers, you just wait until I do ! “ “Course we could always compare notes, based on what he says, about them, next time, we could always share him?”

If I say no !” “Ha! What if we BOTH refuse him next time?! Can you imagine the look on his face !!

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