Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

We’re now joined by the Sovereign strike craft and we’re offloading the Eson detonation with remote device, we’re placing them, very carefully into the boreholes, placed its time for us, to head back and get out of here. Checking, everything else is good, yeow we’re under attack again!

They don’t love us ! “Damm.” I hear one of the troopers say as I glance in his direction. In front of him this huge squat shape of a Urowq. Not for long as its blasted with his weapon, crumbling at his feet. “You’re right that is one ugly mae.” Back to business, Eson deployed, we’re getting news they about to blow the rift! Which in simple terms, if we want to survive ! We’re up and out of here.

We’re moving over to where we deployed the squts, they’re attacking and taking out the Urowq transporters, long walk it is ! We feel a shockwave from the transporter reactors as they detonate releasing some after shock. Everyone’s up and out!
Time to detonate the devices, the presents we left behind. We hit the stratosphere, wait for it 3, 2, 1 Shield your eyes, here comes that flash of white light, cascading out to form the after shock blue.

Time to make sure the rift is compromised, there it goes! The first explosion we witnessed starts the chain reaction!
You can hear and see, the hidden and yet visible, shock wave across this expanse, this ridge in the surface of the planet.

As the fusive reactance takes place and the gas explodes? The rift has split open! Like a volcanic eruption, ejecting the lit gases, forming a crevice, water flooding in, more explosions, fire on water, now that is always novel to see. Back on Raptor. its time to beat a hasty retreat, two Sovereign vessels, two of the craft QV gave us OK, Soniette’s OK scout craft one back where’s the other ?

Ah Chevan has just reported it’s missing! Raptor will go look for the scout. We’ve got the signature on the craft close to, so should be with us shortly, Yep theres the confirmation and Liana’s got them docked. We’re off ! Neutral zone, here we come bout 3 Earth hours then another 5 to Psemon Imperial borders. We’re all relieved and Soniette’s flagship is attending to the hostages, some have been badly beaten and one or two of them subjected to things we won’t go into.

We’re catching the rest of the fleet up nicely, time to get some rest, token array is up, Rising Sun is in place and we’re cruising. Cistera’s father had once told him ‘The time is coming, when we will have problems fending off the forces of those warmongers, like the Jogarth. Let us be remembered for our strength to stand against our aggressors. Not our weakness.

On Bexes, King Olfren rising from his rest, kissed his Queen Benista (Soniette’s mother) before leaving her peacefully sleeping. He got dressed and with his Kabzanza glinting in the early morning light, he let to board his Sovereign flagship.

UNKNOWN to us? Empress ISABELLANI of the Jogarth?

We are ready.” As per your instructions Empress.” “Then lets go teach this chatze, a lesson she will long remember !
I get to try out my new toys!” She leaned forward, the figure in front of her of a male, didn’t move. Make sure he’s secured and remember, no removing the head shield, or I will have your heads.” They bowed and moved to her command.

Isabellini the daughter of Friel Jogarth stopped, took one look behind her then muttered as they dragged the figure away.
“You really are gonna make me proud, gonna make your daughter proud, especially when we confront that nasty, nasty
King Olfren, of the Bexes!

My father would be proud of you! Doing all us such a favour! Don’t worry daddy I will have King Olfren’s head as well! Though his won’t be hanging around as long as yours will! “She laughed, that long drawn out psychotic screech.

The Inferno, Isabellani’s flagship, an ‘A’ class warship, had been modified. Externally, it had some huge, deflector shields installed. Polished to perfection, gleaming against the light from galactic dust swirling past them. They had left the war zone near Bexes after a concerted attack had taken out two of King Olfrens strike craft.

The Bexians had put up a good fight. Finally they were incapable of offering any resistance and surrendered. She had the Commanders of both vessels kneel before her. Watched as they were beheaded, she was not alone. Those on the two Bexian craft, were forced to see the executions. 

The two craft standing like ghosts motionless, she had her four support vessels line up, weapons charged and moments later the two Bexes craft were rubble.”Garbage is disposed of, Where to now Imperial Princess ?” “Ask me that again and, I will have your head’ ‘Yes your Imperial Highness, Bexes it is ‘

Don’t forget to send King Olfren.” She paused to sneer.”Send the old man his Commanders heads! Toss the remaining bits into space. When you send him the heads, include an invitation for him to join us when we arrive at Bexes ! I wouldn’t want to start the party without him !

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