Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

I’ve missed you so much” She whispers. “And I you “ They kissed, he moved back to one side and knelt at Hellenia’s feet, “ NEVER !”she hissed “Cistera you must get him trained “ She dragged him up looked him in the eyes.

NEVER I repeat NEVER do that again! You disgrace Cistera and yourself by doing that, it is a sign of subservience to me and I am NOT, nor ever will be taking the Empire of Fendiq from its rightful rulers.Hellenia1

Now, because you, choose to break protocols by intimating that I am above you, in the eyes of your people, I, must pay you homage! Before your people and to restore respect and harmony!”

She was muttering, cursing him? “Now stand by Cistera’s side!“ Rebuked he took Cistera’s hand and Hellenia took a ceremonial blade from her Commander Protectorate. Esak was looking on, not the least bit amused, at having to surrender the blade!

A gift he had received from her, he was seething, as she moved round the front then hissed to him to bring the Protectorate guard, round behind her, they were to kneel behind her to the throne of Fendiq?! He definitely cursed under his breath! Quietly he ordered his men.

Hellenia approached Cistera and Nathan carrying the ceremonial knfe then she dropped her cloak and knelt before them, raising up the knife, as a symbol of homage and allegiance, to the throne of Fendiq. Hissing under her breath so Nathan could just hear her

You will repay me ten times over, Ka Absolute for this, now take this from me, raise it in the air and ask me to stand!“ She smiled as cheers went up, from the crowd, recognising her submission and that of her troops, to the throne of Fendiq. Those who might have felt some reservation over Nathan and what he had done; now felt relaxed. Sesista had no claim to Fendiq or its territories.

Retiring to the Royal quarters, Hellenia once again rebuked Nathan and charged Cistera with making sure, he was brought up to date, on protocol! If some irritation on her part was being vented, others elsewhere were venting theirs. It was not the best thing to do in hindsight. Isabellani later wondered, but dismissed it,

She despatched troops to seize and execute 100 of the Urowq troops who were at an encampment close by, She sent the heads to Governor Gomuk “If your troops had done their work then Fendiq would still be in the hands of Lelanora.

NOW I, have another problem to contend with, because your troops fail me again ! FAIL me once more and I will send you a thousand heads !” HE grabbed a Kitsu (slave) and threw it at the wall it chipped off a piece of the stone, he spat “ BITCH how much longer must we bow before this bitch ! “ His companion and close aid held him. “ Time will come Gom, time will come “

Troops from Sesista were hitting the planets of Phela and Tesla with good results as Jogarth and Urowq didn’t stand and fight but ran ! Mxele was tough and the troops were stretched to the limit suffering heavy casualties.

Hellenia received the news of one division of her favourite troops lost, then a news flash from the GlobeCast unit made her sit up, ‘We report heavy engagement of Jogarth troops and Urowq with other mercenaries trying to retain hold of Mxele from an armada of what looks like. “ There was a pause.

Can’t be, they’re clearly flying the Alliance Emblems of the Sesista, Bexes, Fendiq and Tasic Empire but they are without doubt advanced forces of the Tasic high command and making inroads, swiftly and easily taking out enemy positions, as they seize hold of the planets communications, main power and other essential resources.

The latest news is, the enemy are withdrawing, they’re leaving ! What an amazing fight ! “ “Yes ! “ roared Esak and Cxao almost together, they shook hands locking arms ! Hellenia gasped as Cistera stared at her, Esak quickly caught her as she staggered back resting her gently, on the chair Cxao had moved forward, beneath her.

She didn’t say anything for a moment then the screen changed and a face appeared it was Risatoo , she sat up moved her hands across her hair looking at him “ Hey ! glad my Princess is safe and well ! “ She smiled. “You kept your promise to me ! “

I will always keep my promise to you! You should know that !” He tried not to rebuke her, he looked at Cistera and bowed “ I have to report that my troops, have successfully subdued all resistance and the flag of Fendiq is now flying again on Mxele your Imperial highness, what would you have me do next ? “

Cistera leaned close to the screen, “Risatoo !” “YOUR HIGHNESS !” “ Can you set up a Governor protectorate for me. I am dispatching the Chevan with various members of my Aristocracy, to take over control, plus military reinforcements.

I would value your assistance in establishing temporary control formalities whilst they get to Mxele “ “It is done your Imperial Highness “ “Oh and Risatoo “ “Yes your Imperial highness ?” “I and my people owe you a debt that I doubt we will ever be able to repay along with the debt, we owe to the Imperial Princess Hellenia “

My Princess needed my help, I simply kept my promise to her, if it has served you well, then thank her, for without her, I am nothing “ “ You flatterer “ Hissed Hellenia “ I love you your Royal Highness, now get your work done and get back to me on Fendiq ! I need to thank you properly! “

He grinned then stopped “ I won’t be long.” He went to blow her a kiss but stopped, she stood up and muttering “To hell with protocol.” Blew him a kiss, he turned saw her as she did so and returned it ! to much amusement of those present.

Nathan had, been busily working through, the various provinces, with the aid of some of the Aristocracy, they were busily trying to establish, who had been transported, who was lost to them and more.

Deployment of troops and Aristocracy, to the outlying planets was important and having troops from the Seista Empire with albeit limited number of his own troops; steadily  growing in number, as more joined every hour and relinquished their allegiance, to Lelanora, pledging it to Cistera and her Ka Absolute.

Prncess Isabellini ranted “ Daddy I’m not worried about Fendiq or its outlying planets let em have em, and the troops from there, are reinforcing my troops here, we have good control and the rioting has settled down. The slaves are behaving, we have no problems here. and as for that ho Hellenia?”

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