Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Looking at him, when my thoughts were interrupted by Tanya. Tanya had done a ‘Biocal’ assessment on me. It had detected some anomalies. “Do they give you anything at the Citadel on a regular basis ?” “Only some leaf extract, from the Qou plant. Helps me, relax.”

Your body is producing anti toxins fighting some kind of invasive organic compound.
I can give you something to stabilise, your discomfort. I am aware, that you are experiencing, some fluctuations, in your nemnode response synaptics.“

Sipping the liquid, she had given me, it would not be long, before I was feeling calmer.
He had moved from the main area we were in, to a smaller adjacent area. Leaned across a console, typing in something, he left, to use a cleansing unit.

I watched him leave and then stepped over to the screen, glancing at the screen I could not understand, what he had recorded. That is, until I accessed the translator. The script changed to one I could read! It was a record of his experiences, since we had met ! I caught some of the text before I heard him returning!  Quickly turning the translator off!  I shifted back, to sit next to the recline unit. My side of the craft!

He looked in my direction then walked into the off section and continued. I was thinking over what he had recorded. “She is beautiful.” He had written, ‘Loud mouthed, arrogant, conceited and a pain in the ‘ Something I couldn’t make out “But neverless beautiful and very desirable.”

Outside of the Akademy, I had never met anyone like him. No males on my planet or on Orias dared talk to me or address me, with such arrogance! It was almost as though, he was treating me as an equal ! They would rescue me, but they would seize him and this craft, destroy it along with the droid. Execute him? Even if he deserved punishment, I had saved his life only to see it terminated ?

Yet, however he came across, there was something about him and call it fate, we were thrown together, I felt, sensed; here by the gods for some reason !My boring life had changed, in a few hours, to one of confusion and however strange, I couldn’t help, but smile. I could not leave the craft in the storm conditions as they were, so we were thrown together, each of us. No choice, but to make the most of it.

I should maybe. grant some freedom for him, to be himself, I might learn more, about his life, however shortened, it may have been made by recent activities! Tanya reappeared, clearing away the various items, we had used. Glancing in my direction, she smiled, but I sensed she was trying to join with me. Scanning me ! I glared at her and she liquified, then vanished. I could still sense, her presence.

Nathan :

What is it, with being cooped up, with someone you really don’t want to be in the same proximity to? No privacy and the shuttle, was too dammed small, for anything other than adventurous moves, with my girl; Tanya !

Tan was supposed to be returned to Zeid. The form, was created by me. The Netron and other bio moleculars plus, were added by him. Zeid had informed me of her completion and asked me, if I wanted to trial his prize ? That was at Petrox 4

I was called away, into the 3rd Quadrant. We seemed to drift further. out into space and I never, got round to me, returning Tanya ! That was, when she, became a permanent part of my life. The coding sequence I had installed, meant that however hard Tanya might attempt to override the programming codes, I could reactivate them with ease. Zeid being none the wiser and yes Tan does try and erase the routines.

Her fusive reactance core, that powers all of her systems, is one of the most advanced units known. Doesn’t need replacing, recharging ! She’s part molecular based, part carbon based, life form and the carbon structures, are extremely advanced.

Secondary additional systems, include a molecular replication system that as I’ve already said can reproduce clone and similar, virtually anything in the given bio form.
Especially Human(a) in form ! Its been two nights now since the storm started, finally the Princess has dropped off to sleep, guess what !

I’m here with Tanya resting, but hey I’m getting restless. The hormones, all juiced up with Tan in close proximity?  Zeid programmed a pheromone encapsulation, within her Psymonic interfaces. To heighten, her attraction to me.

Exclusive ? Doesn’t work with anyone else. I may feel elated at this, but it has a side effect! 
I feel it may have been unintentional on Zeid’s part. The dammed pheromone, when triggered within her Psynemic pathways, with me in close proximity, makes me totally hot and horny, which I guess is where we come to the real and I mean real problem, with being this close to Tan.

Worse still, if she activates full on, her sexual Nemics, I’m done for ! If she’s in Sex Goddess mode, for a minimum of 6 hours, her sex emotions (Nemics) go into overload.
If she doesn’t get my full on attention, physically, at least once in those six hours!

She doesn’t ask, she doesn’t demand, nope you got it; my Sex Goddess takes ! Only once, its ever happened. Aboard Raptor, we’re eating a meal. Several of us together and me having ignored my girl, the previous night? Partly my fault, after activating the sub routine !
Ignoring her wiles, she’s gone into overload ! Sat down eating my meal conversing, when she enters the room !

OK this is not funny, despite them falling around laughing as Tanya, dressed like a true Sex Goddess, in the most revealing thin clothing I’ve ever seen her in; appears at my side then promptly carries me and I mean.

CARRIES me off!

Carnal relations that have the bulkheads rattling ! Mind blowing sex is great, don’t get me wrong, but this is, I’m gonna sleep for a whole day after sex ! I can’t move ! So no way, am I letting her go into overload ! Lying here, do I activate her sub routine ?

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