Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

“Release the shield! Activate the receptors! Prime my weapon! “ Isabellani screamed, as the various craft targeted the Inferno. All of the energy from their weapons, swallowed up and released across the gems, too late as they realised, the horror of it! All of them now space dust.

The forces around Theda too fell under Princess Isabellini’s attack wiped out in moments! Theda now defenseless, her people cowered as Jogarth crack forces, re entered, mercilessly killing and slaughtering their way to the Palace. Finally those they could seize as slaves from the Royal Household now wearing slave bands or butchered by them.

Queen Volares trembled as the doors to her chamber, were thrown open and in walked the psycho herself. Princess Isabellini stopped and stared at her, smiling. Wallowing in the fear she sensed, the total terror of her victory.

Isabellani beckoned to Grom and two others to seize her. Stepping towards her, she moved grabbing the Queens crown, throwing it to the guard standing nearby. “Keep sake for my treasury” Grom grinned as , she moved towards Queen Volares.

“Now you old hag “ she grabbed her hair, gripping tightly as a figure with a GlobeCast portable unit, moved in closer. “ We don’t want anyone to miss this “ she stopped looked at the unit.

To those of you watching, let me tell you all, once and only once more! When you offend my father Friel Jogarth of the mighty and victorious Jogarth Dynasty, of the mighty and victorious Jogarth Empire, you offend me! The glorious Imperial Princess Isabellani,
THE Supreme Commander, of the Jogarth Imperial forces”

Taking hold of a sabre cuttng knife, she twisted the hand grip to full, still clumsily holding on to Queen Volares hair pulling the Queens head forward, she shrieked ,“ This is what happens to those who will not, BOW down before our Empire, before the Jogarth Dynasty, as you all will, YOU ALL WILL.

The Empire of Sesista is NO MORE! You WILL be subjugated, you will surrender yourselves to our mighty armies as our SLAVES.
We will be opening up the whore houses for our troops and those speicial invited guests to enjoy the pleasures given to us by our new whores.

I repeat for the last time, the Sesista  empire is finished! “
She leaned forward, pulled the Queens head violently forward exposing her neck, as the sabre sliced through the neck like a it was cutting into nothing.  Removing the Queens head she raised it.

Ordering Grom and the others to released the body she kicked out at the it violently throwing it across the room, hissing abuse. She continued to raise the head and turned its face towards the GlobeCast unit, all onlookers could see the look on it of sheer terror, now dripping blood.

On Fendiq, the broadcast filtered through within minutes of it happening, to flash across the screens, Hellenia watched as her mother was butchered in front of her. Inside she knew the pain of such anger, such rage, that she was inconsolable.

All she wanted, was Isabellani and Friel Jogarth DEAD, no compromises, no treaties, no way out for them anymore.

Riastoo watched the broadcasts on his ships being annihilated, he was speechless, his thoughts were interrupted by Nathan “ Your Highness its time we talked I have something to tell you of significant importance, its about the weapon Isabellani is using. “

Elsewhere, Friel Jogarth listened and watched his daughters triumphant victories
“ I’ve said it once and I’ll repeat myself quite happily.” he told her “ Daddy’s girl is a god amongst her people. “  She smiled “For you Daddy, for you. “

Friel now ordered a mass exodus of troopships to Theda for invasion and to secure the planet, with the usual commands, total subjugation of its people as slaves of the Jogarth. More bounty, more resources, to fuel the ever growing Jogarth Dynasty! In the capital of Jogarth there were massive celebrations, equal only, to those across the Jogarth Empire.

Aboard the Raptor they were aware of an approaching craft, it was Noge with an Imperial escort, from Psemon. Soon sat around the table talking as the door opened an in stepped Princess Hellenia with Prince Risatoo, Hellenia looked like a woman with such a terrifying look on her face,  hell bent on revenge.

We have the resources to cripple the Jogarth for once and for all, BUT we need to destroy the weapon that Isabellani is using” Nathan paused “Over to you Noge” He described how Isabellani used the weapon and finally concluded she had without any doubt used Ka Colfra as the main instrument of destruction, Hellenia gasped.

Cistera’s father had been the instrument of her mother’s down fall! The very people she had helped, had wreaked havoc on the Bexians and her people. “Not by choice my love “ Risatoo consoled her “Not by choice” Hellenia composed herself, Noge continued. “ I have a way we can successfully attack her and destroy the weapon I do NOT want Cistera to know!

It will mean the death of her father Ka Colfra, it is something I am not, the one to want to do, but we have no choice, or her power will ravage the Empires, in her insane desire, to enslave us all. “

Nathan interrupted “If we do this, it is a full commitment, of our joint forces. if we lose...” His voice tailed off, not daring to think, on the consequences.

The door to the room opened and in stepped Queen Velicia accompanied by two others,
Noge recognised them, as her Elite commanders; Tovan and Oewar.

“My apologies, for my late arrival, but rest assured my Empire is at your service.
 When I say, the Psemon Empire, I mean just that! I have here.” She produced two scrolls.

The agreements, signed by my brothers, for the joining of the Alliance between us.
It is time, we taught the Jogarth, a lesson, they will never forget. TOGETHER as ONE , I give to you all, mine and my brothers allegiance. We will not, fail the Alliance “

Noge moved as she sat down beside him, her Commanders moving to sit almost opposite.
She moved her hand, to rest it under the table, on Noge’s.“ Tell me and my Commanders, how we can best serve the Alliance “

Friel was suddenly awoken, by the urgent voice of his Commander, appraised of recent events, he was not surprised, but was concerned. Spies had leaked news of this new found Alliance!

The Psemon Empire and the Tasic Empire !! He favoured taking on NEITHER! He ordered the invasion of Theda to stand down, he needed his troops here, to protect the Jogarth Empire. .

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