Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

We would have to move quickly, they would start reinforcing the various structures adding in new defences and possibly, moving the hostages, if they got intel on what we were up to. Spies amongst the Fendiq could be from Fendiq or from other races, could be bought for a price.

Whilst all of this is going on other major ops are in progress.

[1] Landing troops at the mine entrance, OLD TUNNEL and near the start of the RIFT. TWO old BORE HOLES exist, these are filled with ESON explosive devices, which will detonate from SPACE remotely.

Equivalent to a small nuclear device they will blow the rift, causing a massive shock wave, that will destroy the mining operation and flood the TREXL mine.

Causing Gxat gas to escape, mixing with the Trexl, which will add to the effect by causing further explosions, all along the main, Gxat gas pockets.

[2] Contaminate water supplies, to prevent use of the area for at some time, the Urwq require water more than we do ! To keep cool and for their skin to breathe ! 

[3] Deployed 2nd Sovereign vessel in stationery orbit, to take out any approaching craft supported by Soniette’s Sovereign flagship and Raptor.

[4] Use scout vessels to monitor other areas for incoming . After op is secured, move to neutral zone then back into Psemon Empire, where 4 of their M class warships will give us support against any further attacks, NEUTRALITY !

Help to arrive from, the other planets, will take too long - we should be in and out, way before they know, what’s hit them!

The birthday present.

We started the journey for Tqu and set about our first main task, making sure once again, all, knew their positions. Everyone would be in place, total silence, bar our special comms link. An active coms using the installed sentients, once in sync with Tan, we could monitor the situation very nicely.
The fewer surprises on our side and the more on the enemies side, was a concept I liked the thought of.

When it comes to decisions and implementing them? The problems, with having all those on the Chevan and, the two other Sovereign craft? Apart from the two scout crews and more, is making sure people, can do their job, but do it, to the best of their abilities. That way, you tend, to limit the surprises.

So at the start, we had key personnel in the right places. Those following, not as we might say, like leemings! Which takes some doing. You have Courtesans, Aristocrats, the Kahasna Es and the Kahasna Ca , the Nketsu and yes, we even had those, Bynards! I suppose you have to have entertainment even on away trips; don’t you ?

Given that I created the damm things, across the galaxies all those years ago, making an absolute fortune in the process, you’d think and pardon me for saying so, that having made a flippin fortune out of selling the patents. Plus an agreement that I would receive, x percent of all sales? I would not be adverse to having them round me ? 

Don’t go giving me the bit about Tan, cos she’s well in advance, of the ordinary Bynards and don’t let her, ever catch you calling her a Bynard !

The whole fleet is proceeding very nicely thankyou and we’re on schedule, we’ve now split up and are approaching different points as singular entities. We don’t, want to be drawing any unwarranted, attention YET !

Now where was I, I’m not derogatory where Bynards are concerned, the fact that I flatly refused, to have them onboard the Raptor, is a personal issue and despite Cxao, who I have the greatest respect for, approaching me, with a request to rethink on this, re his men and their desire to have Bynards onboard?

Apparently the Feslings (female GOKS) just don’t do it for them which is something I’m relieved about, even if they’re not, hmm not quite, how I wanted to put it, but ! I have so far resisted and no as he appeals ever more to my good nature, I’m still saying NO ! Cxao methinks, being sly? Appeals to Tan, to have words with me? Persuade me?

Which I think is where, after the umpteenth time of snarling, even gritting my teeth to give more effect I’m saying NOOO ! They seemed to have given up !
Tan does tell Cxao that his men can always go board the other vessels, if they want to chase the Bynards !

Things got quiet, so we got on with what’s important which is ensuring everyone is still ontrack. Its a lengthy journey and Tan has wanted to update Soniette’s father on our mission, but I warned her not to, as I feel the enemy, may be eavesdropping on his coms network.

We will be meeting up with, the forces from Bexes, as we try some of our new toys out. Now Noge is enroute to Caltras with a whole host of beauties including of course my lovely Cistera. The females, including Cistera, are enroute to Caltras. Some peace!

There’s some coms between Tan and them, nothing to give us away. Though I’m wondering if their gibberish, might actually confuse the enemy, more than we could ever hope to achieve ! BUT you just never know and one word in the wrong place ?

Tan reckons, I’ll regret my smirk that a bit of peace from them is a blessing, when I really do start to miss them and can’t talk to them! I have a sneaking suspicion she might be right ! You’re onboard ship and you fancy an Iridan ale ? Can have, A replicate, but not the real thing!

Others will mutter ‘Course it is you fool, perfectly replicated in every detail’ But it isn’t in the bottle, doesn’t have that label and so can’t compare ?

It upsets Tan but that’s the way I am, she just sighs and says ‘What ever did you see in me ?’ I mumble that that’s a stupid question ! To which she turns on the tears, something I have to say she’s perfected ! The sulk? What is it, with females when they sulk?!

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