Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Ok Dram, NO KISSING !” He stopped talking to Dram, his voice tailed off, Dram was still muttering.” Nathan was no longer listening to him, his thoughts were elsewhere.
“You really don’t want to go kissing her !, Oh if you have to! Keep your mouth shut !
I never could... nice tingle across your lip........ “

Minutes later, he was fully dressed and in the main chamber, waiting on Cistera with guests in tow. When she arrived, he glanced over to see Soniette. So this, was the Princess from Bexes in all her glory? He was, in awe; she looked stunningly beautiful! What had Dram said ?

Cistera was ecstatic, about the encounter. Encouraging and engaging. Nathan seemed aloof and hanging back? She had insisted everyone else, remain outside the chamber. Inside, just the three of them , “Soniette.” Cistera took his hand. “Meet Nathan, my Ka Absolute.”

She, was looking him over, eyeing his firm body his muscular build and his bulge, well developed and firm! The best example she had seen of a Human(a) in a long long time! It was, more than obvious, how much she liked the look of him ! She flicked her tongue! There was no way, he could not see her do just that! He saw it dart between her lips it was exactly as Dram had said !

Leaning forward, but retaining her composure, she whispered. “It is customary to greet with a kiss, you may kiss me Ka.” Had Cistera not told him ? Had Dram not warned him?

To kiss the Royal Princess of the house of Bexes was the kiss of death ? Nathan halted breathing in,  the warm, inviting scent. Pheromones mixed with the soft colored musk.
He felt light headed, dizzy even; as he stepped forward, hesitating....

She seemed impatient as she repeated herself. “You may kiss me Ka.” He turned looking at Cistera, who was standing there watching him, as if to say ‘Well ? get on with it !’ He swore, he could see, she was trying hard not to grin. “You may kiss me Ka”

He stepped forward gave a quick kiss to her cheek and then stepped back. “Enough !” She had grabbed him, kissed with a long lingering kiss. Her tongue, flicking over his lips, he stood there, lips closed tightly; as she released him. “Cistera is he, always so tense ?”

Cistera, could no longer contain herself, as she burst out laughing , Soniette now realised there was more to this, especially since Cistera had told her he was passionate and a real kisser !
“Sorry Soniette I couldn’t resist!”

She had turned, to look at Nathan Ah yes, the story teller; Dram? Asking his advice on Soniette! Bexians!! She met, Dram earlier, arriving for the banquet. Seems Jes, had invited her brother!

Unlucky for you, that he arrived, just before Soniette. Minutes after you had terminated your conversation with him! Telling me, the concerns you had, in falling down on protocol, over Soniette and the Bexians.

Alone later, Cistera, was talking to Soniette, whilst tryiug hard; NOT to laugh. “The bit about kissing and the tongue ? “ There was more laughing from her. He must have told him, the old tale, no doubt from the ‘Tolgani, the book of legends’ where it states; ‘To kiss a Bexian female especially, a Princess of the house of Bexes, is the kiss of death!”  Soniette was now grinning.

Elsewhere, recalling everything that had transpired? It, had made Nathan, feel very uneasy.
Foolish? He recalled how, Soniette stepped up to him, had  moved closer to him.

“Kiss me again Ka. Think of Cistera when you do, or you will offend me. Whatever you, have been told OR read, I doubt it told you, the full extent of our race and the powers we have to...”
Her voice, tailed off, as she had leaned in closer to him, to whisper in his ear.
“You, would NOT, like to see,,” She paused to smile? “Do you dare, to see me; transform?”

He stepped forward and kissed her, her tongue brushed his lips, forcibly opening them slightly.
He had resisted but now, found his tongue inside her lips running along the inside of her mouth as he looked at Cistera.

Some revenge, for her having a laugh, at his expense? Cistera was now getting distinctly annoyed, at how long the kiss was taking! He deliberately, made it a long, lingering kiss !

No fluid spat into his mouth or her wrapping her tongue around his tongue! Instead she responded flicking her tongue against the top of his lip inside his mouth a whole new sensation for Nathan. Her appearance changed, but hardly any real transformation. Her face morphed a little, her skin changed slightly to emphasize certain colours, shades, also her eyes changed colour but that was it !

Nathan however had to admit it was very sensual, he felt very relaxed, the kiss, was certainly more intense, than even he, could have imagined it being. He was enjoying it !! Cistera was definitely fuming ! He stopped and stepped back, Soniette didn’t move, savoring the moment?

Cistera! Heck I have never had a kiss like that ! Want to trade ?” Before she could answer Cistera had grabbed hold of Nathan, pulling him close to her and kissing him! It was deep and lingering, with his hands, moving to take hold of her, shifting to explore her body!

Soniette interrupted. “Alright Cistera, you can stop now ! I can see he’s all yours !!”
She ran her hand down the front of Nathan. “Definitely all yours.” “Soniette !!”

Having refreshed themselves. Soniette and Cistera, continued talking, whilst Nathan excused himself. Fleeing to safety and Dram?  Soniette had watched, as he beat a retreat, with a grin on her face.

As your Ka, you are going to have to bring him up to date on customs, traditions, cultures.
Not leave the learning of other species, to those like Dram! “ That produced some laughter!

I am.” Soniette added, “Looking forward to meeting Dram! Seems he appears to know more than most, about my species, I wonder, just how much more? Truth and fiction?” Soon they were past formailites.

“Do be careful CC.” Soniette had nicknamed her that, after her friendship had become to the point they were virtually inseparable. ‘Virtual’ being close to the truth. They may have been apart but had kept in touch by coms UNTIL. Lelanora. realizing the threat. to her plans. had made sure it was no longer possible? SeiGam6450

“There are those. who do NOT, have any love, for the Human(a).”
Cistera told her about recent events.

“We, are, keeping an eye on one race that has a real hatred of them AND are NOT to be ignored.
They’re called the ‘Cflen’. 

Not liking the Human(a) by some is just that, but when you have a rage, a hatred beyond all comprehension?
A military power, that our spies tell us is seriously; NOT to be engaged. You WILL lose, with heavy casualties.

They have a force, commanded by an individual called SE Phri. Known as ‘pure bloods’ Scared our spies with the colour of their eyes,  apparently they ALL look the same, are dressed IMMACULATELY AND ALL, have penetrating, deep dark red eyes.

Seems they knew, we were spying on them? Made sure we knew, what they were up to warning us NOT to interfere,  as they attacked the Human(a) colonies on Sei Gam 6?

What was even more terrifying is when they landed close to the biggest of the newly established colonies, BEFORE they, had had time, to set up their defence systems?
It was the sight of what they call the ‘spawn of the BEAST’’ in their hundreds of these winged creatures, sent in ahead of the ‘pure bloods’ ? They not only slaughtered the Human(a); they ate them, yes ATE them, tearing them, limb from limb, fighting between them, a fight for the food !

They also, seemed to know, the difference between Human(a) and the non Human(a). Those who were NOT, they left alone? If some, thought about fighting with or attacking them, they were warned by the ‘pure bloods’ to leave OR get eaten. They chose to leave!

OVER two thousand Human(a) eaten alive. NOT a hair, not a morsel of flesh left, just bones. The Cflen have a machine, where they recycle the bones! I am telling you Cistera, a machine to RECYCLE THE BONES! Makes fertiliser!

Their attack on Sei Gam 6, was the first time, our spies, were witness to their invasion.
Over FOUR other Human(a) colonies were also attacked. 4 MILLION,  suffering the same fate.
One of our spies came so close to one of the BEAST, that creature? It sniffed him and then threw him aside. We KNOW, they are created to attack and EAT ONLY Human(a). “

Cistera tried not to laugh, but the thought of Nathan getting eaten by one of them, though she knew that would NEVER happen, was quite entertaining. Soniette, was shaking her head at how Cistera was apparently regarding the Cflen.

“We won’t engage them with our military. Father says Bexuan forces will NOT, do anything to defend the Human(a)  Some of the terrors, murdering, pillaging, enslaving from them?  Committed on other worlds, colonies? The Human(a) are not liked AND I suspect some who have witnessed the Cflen forces, destroying them, even seeing them eaten ALIVE?

Broadcasts from SE Phri the commander of the ‘pure bloods’ AND the ‘spawn of the BEAST’ make it clear. NO other beings will be harmed by them, provided, they do NOT protect nor engage their forces or are shown to use military in protecting the ‘BEAST’ as they call the Human(a). Their rage, their fury, their hatred is so intense no other races it appears, are now  prepared to fight with or protect the Human(a).” 
They have a saying:

They also, have others, known as the ‘Gladiator Cflen, elite forces and they aswell, have detachments of the ‘spawn of the BEAST’. You can tell the differences betwen them.
If you come across one of SE Phri’s ‘pure bloods’ ? You will I am told NEVER forget the face; of death.

Jess Corbin -The Cflen. The Nature of the BEAST.
THIS is an OVER 16’s title.

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