Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Cistera moved, then turned her head to talk to Jes, the spinal column was almost identical in action, except better protected and more supportive than a Human(a) spine. Cistera,  running her fingers along Jes’s spine made it tingle, Jes shivered to which Cistera, thinking she might have caused her pain; Jes had to explain, it was the sensation of touch and some degree of pleasure; but not pain.

The tingle as Cistera felt her touch and agreed they shared the same sensations ! Otherwise there were still differences, the sex organs were almost identical except for a second protrusion on Cistera, she noticed Jes’s surprised look and the fact, that there were distinct differences. Taking her hand, she placed it across the protrusion, it was a soft mound with a tiny nipple situated at the front just above her love entrance.

Jes was intrigued. “Its called my third nipple” replied Cistera, “Yes I have the piece of skin like you, but here at the back of my love entrance which responds to touch and his.” she paused, Jes acknowledging what she meant, “Plus this, until I have what you call a baby or child a Cahomen, is his my lover’s plaything !

(Only certain females of my world have the third nipple !) then it is a feeding nipple for the Cahomen ! When it is my mans plaything it is very sensitive so please stop touching.” Jes moved her hand away as Cistera smiled ! “It is VERY sensitive!

When baby suck on it it is dulled to touch, but excretes special food ! Nathan might enjoy making love to Tan, but he sure had not fully appreciated Cistera. She felt sorry for her. Her thighs at the top had two distinct rings around them of a fleshy protrusion but soft to touch, very sensitive to touch !

Legs and feet were similar to each other, but toes and fingers were slightly different, they had five fingers, no thumbs and the same with the feet except they had seven toes ! Cistera was quick to point out. “I also, because of my bio organic and symbiotics, have lots more receptors and tiny, tiny like hairs, all over my body more than you.!”

They slowly got dressed and now, talked totally openly and uninhibited, about love and touch, about sex and as Cistera called it joining! It was another drink this time, some wine, from a small planet near Plaiga.
It tasted slightly sweet with a slight musk to it, Jes decided to make sure, Cistera, did not have too much.  She was worried about the effect on her.

She seemed sleepy, before she left, Jes asked her if she could get her anything else, ‘Just bring Nathan to me, leave the rest to me ! ‘ She had slurred her words, but smiled then closed her eyes sleeping. It had been an amazing time, Jes was still mulling things over, as she headed back to her accommodation to rest, she felt pleased, elated even, but tired and that wine, had been strong !

Sometime later, Nathan, had been woken by Jes. He was still in a partially dazed state. Jes had some of the GOKS, take him to Cistera, whose quarters were adjacent to his. Next to her, he fell asleep.

Waking later, he rubbed his eyes to see Cistera? She had stripped him and he, was between some covers naked with her. In her hand, she was sipping from a glass of wine. She let him take some sips, putting it down, she moved her body across. on top of him.

Jes had been devious. She had decided, it was her mission, to bring Nathan and Cistera closer. She watched on one of the screens as he rested with Cistera, then activated a light breeze, into the chamber, that would help clear any residual effects from the sleeping gas.

Tan had been elsewhere. The incident, where Nathan had been drugged left her with no choice, but to leave him there,  go, do something else. Time spent, with some of the Mechas working on various parts, of the new quarters to accommodate guests. Ana had suggested, it would be a good idea, to upgrade the visitor units they already had,

Those visiting Cistera, would not appreciate, the scant layout and facitlities, they currently offered?! Completed, Tan had left the deck and was headed back, to see how Nathan was. Finding him gone, she assumed he had returned to his quarters. Despite asking Dees if she knew where he was, she had no satisfactory reply from her.

Jes had intercepted her call. She had met Tan, on route to his quarters ! Pulling her to one side, she told her to come with her sat her down and told Tan what she had done, she was surprised that Tan, was not the least bit surprised, or upset.

You can’t keep him, all to yourself. It’s not fair and you, most of all, you brought this on yourself. If you want to be more Human(a) Tan, then realise, that us Human(a) have to accept the inevitable, the good, the bad and unfortunately, the indifferent. He does love you Tan, but you making love, with him and Cistera, having to accept, that all she can have, are all the sensations and little else, in physical form, incomplete, is unfair.

What Jes did not know was that ‘ Tan’s self awareness programming, had been sneakily compromised. Tan was feeling calmer. Rat had tempered the ‘Harmony sequence into her routines, he had also shared some, of the conversation he had had with Nathan about her, showing her a replay of the actual event.

Truth was, Nathan wasn’t going to hurt, one of his favorite females but as they say, he did feel a little torn between the ‘devil and the deep blue sea’! For the first time she felt relaxed. The sense she liked, Cistera, felt Cistera, was beginning to like her.

The realisation that Cistera had the power, to shut her down was not, what was making her mind up, it was what Jes had told her, she was in some ways right. “Thanks Jes, you know I’ve always had a lot of respect for you. You always treat me, as am equal, I think its time Cistera did get closer to him, I really don’t mind sharing”. She looked at Jes, Jes smiled.

“Ok tomorrow, how about some wine and we girls, have a look at some of the new fashions. I’ve got Canthros from Stella 5 who will be docking, to show off some new merchandise. No one has the goods to trade like Canthros!! Plus you need to negotiate the contract, for the supply of new fixtures and fittings for the guest chambers. Some retail therapy! Lets make it another one of our late sessions, nothing like spending Nathans money!”

The next morning Canthros arrived and his vessel, a cargo carrier, maintained the same speed, as Raptor, whilst the Zimp from his vessel, landed in the docking bay on Raptor. Dees had flashed up the screen, in Cistera’s quarters. The message for her and Nathan that they were about to make orbit around the planet Stella 5.

The first time, ever, I’ve been this close to a planet I’ve always wanted to visit!” Cistera was delighted, enthused and ribbing Nathan about his lack of enthusiasm.
“I’ve been to the planet so many times in the past, its nothing new to me I guess. .

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