Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

They chose a route, avoiding contact with anyone else, the state they were both in, that was probably a wise decision ! Surprised to see Canuweis! Immediately aware that he had sprayed her albeit accidentally! Her concerns to get them both cleaned up and changed suddenly, took an about turn, she paused asking them both to remain, she would be back with a GOK and some clean clothing.

Returning to them, Soniette noticed how close and how hot Canuweis was ! All bothered and wanting ! Her tail was no longer close and down ! Soniette decided she shouldn’t be there! She was about to leave them to it when Canuweis backed off and her tail dropped.

Now fearing the worse, Soniette took Canuweis aside, she was crying ! Taking her to one side of the chamber she noticed Dram climb onto the recline and lay back. ODD? He was definitely behaving very strange! It was very apparent, that Canuweis was different from her normal self, even frustrated, VERY frustrated and angry with herself! She kept looking over at Dram whilst blurting out, her fears to Soniette.

Wait.” Soniette disappeared and returned with two sonic bands. Looked at Canuweis and grinned! “Ok time for some fun Canuweis !” She whispered what she wanted Canuweis to do ! Pleased to see her smile ! By now, Dram was more coherent and conscious, she placed Canuweis alongside him.

She showed Canuweis her most sensitive points and encouraged Dram, to play with them, gently stroking her, gently handling her. Her temperature was going up again and her tail was definately rising ! “Now.” she squealed, Canuweis slipped the bands onto his hands and they locked down tight to the sleep unit he was unable to move his hands ! “Right.” said Soniette. “He’s all yours play !, I’ll be back later !”

When Soniette returned, she saw Canuweis lean forward and release the sonic bands, his hands were on her and almost instantly, he was exploring her body, touching her most sensitive points, gently and firmly, whispering to her encouraging her !

Soniette couldn’t believe her eyes as Canuweis went crazy. Totally in control as she moved his hands where she wanted them and almost commanded him. Time to leave them to it! Soniette quietly left, she dimmed the light leaving them. I think Brage is going to be getting a nursery ready !

She spoke to her and heard Brage’s scream of delight ! Then spoke to Wesquin. “You were right !” “Just happy to oblige as usual !, at 24  Canuweis was seriously worrying me and if you’d seen her in the nursery today?

That’s why, when I had heard you say, she hates the thought of having Kets, having seen her today I thought something was wrong, with that assumption! It puzzled me, as to why, she didn’t want to mate, so what was wrong ?”

Soniette explained “She just needed to be in control, completely – dominant, so I gave it to her, a gamble, but you should have seen her eyes, when she applied the bands ! I swear her body temperature went CRAZY HOT” “So you leaving them ?” “When she’s had enough, she’ll show her face and he’s more than capable of giving Canuweis some competition ! Now about Beis.”

Cistera told Nathan the news. “Hmm maybe we can get on with the real issues!” He had been watching the news, not good, the sooner Soniette’s flagship had the extra weapons installed and they were secure against any attacks?  Mizac had gone off to see Noge on Psemon.

Cistera interrupted him, Soniette myself and the Kevletlings would like to go down to the surface, on Stella 5, to buy some luxuries ? Nathan groaned “Just what I need.” Who could ask for more ? The fitting of upgrades and new equipment plus installing new defence utilities has gone well !

Dram has, for his part installed all the necessary components, tweaked the systems and more on the Chevan. Completed updates on Soniette’s flagship, his transformation almost complete.

Bar the odd incident, like the one recently, where he went round hugging everyone on the Chevan, telling them how much he loved them and wanted them, to have his Kets! Male or Female was a tad interesting but aside from that, he’s been fine.

Beis was aware of his behaviour, stepped in, to slip some more Jasnequat under his tongue plus get a rub and a taste of his future potential as her mate, when he protested at her activities, she replied, that he had told her, he loved her and wanted her, to have his Kets!

Mizac met up with Noge and surprise surprise, he’s on his way from Psemon enroute to Caltras! I wonder why he’s going there I hear Jes saying, a quick reminder and a non plussed ‘Oh of course’ followed by a loud shriek.

If they find out I’m dead ! ‘ Calming her down, I discover that she was supposed to have tmailed the Queen herself, Velicia to let her know, both Cistera and Soniette were in her Empire ! Lets say she was in front of me one parsec and gone the next ! News from both Bexes and Fendiq continues to get worse,

I haven’t told Soniette or Cistera the latest, I have a plan that might stabilise the situation but, I need to know, its going to work, so I’m testing my theory, with Noge when he gets here. Jogarth forces have been seen, up to something very suspicious, on Tqu and I’m waiting on more information, from spies keeping me up to date on events.

The Urwq have also, stepped down their incursions into Bexes and Fendiq ? I also, had an interesting conversation, with Riak, we’ve been eavesdropping, on some of the recent activity across the galactic networks. Seems some of those, in the hierarchy, are up to something, but the codes constantly, keep changing and we’re getting behind, on trying to keep up with them.

We have huge resources on technology on the Raptor, which are fast and reliable, but can only handle so much data scrambled, encrypted, coded, decoded,’iferr’ the latest system is also a major headache ! Cistera, is still resting after their trip down to Stella 5, which is a traders paradise, (one huge shopping mall is how we can best describe that planet !)

I think Dram wasn’t too happy with Soniette, joining her along with the Kevletlings and some of the Silverlings. Stella 5 is also very varied in its species, a lot of migration there, from all across the galaxies, has produced a lot of mixed cultures and origins.
Surprisingly everyone seems well happy. (Retail therapy ? )”

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