Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

I need you to run some timings and configurations for me on the deployment of
‘Wild child.”
“No problem, just tell me what you want doing and I’ll see to it “ Back on the Chevan, Tan looked at the screen, I need to reconfigure the Omas, its too rigid on its parameters and will probably lock out, or worse still, shut down if its overloaded, during the boarding sequence.

Cxao leaned forward, he touched the panel, prising it open and pulled at a small panel inside,. Yelped, as his hand moved quickly off it, tingling with pain, Tan leaned forward grabbing him as he stepped back. Tan gently blew cool air across his hand.

NOT a wise idea, to go tampering with the Omas exchanger ! Especially when its not been discharged first ! “ He nodded, she checked his skin and applied some fluid to it. It felt better, he smiled “ Nathan is so lucky to have you.“ She looked at him but said nothing.

Placed her hand on the small panel and there was a soft glow which faded. Tan removed the panel and adjusted a small lever on the back, finally replacing it “ There that should do it “ She replaced her hand on the unit and it glowed again, finally she replaced the larger panel locking the entire unit.

A few seconds later she programmed it. “All done! “

Aboard the Jogarth transporter, Commander Voge was not a happy man. Trime was violently sick on two occasions and it absolutely reeked! The stench in his quarters was so bad he had to leave! In a foul mood not dissimilar to the stench!

Hose it down and that bitch “ He left them to it. They turned the hose on her and the cabin area then one of them stopped, his companion leaned forward, watching him, as he peered at Trime. “Well, well, well. What have we here ! An Agrimorph. Now arn’t you worth a coin or two!

Commander Voge had returned to find them staring at her, he was not amused, then the taller one told him
“I wouldn’t do anything with it till we get to Polilra. It will fetch a huge bounty in the slave markets! You do realise this is an Agrimorph.“

His mate interrupted him demanding to know what was so special “Is he thick “ His companion tried to explain ,
“That isn’t female or male, its both! “ Trime shivered and one of them threw her a wrap, “We’d better start looking after you “ One of them, turned to the Commander.

I’ll get some special Bexian food sorted for it and get it sent up sir “ “Excellent and Roe.” “
“Yes sir” “Keep your mouth and his; shut and I’ll reward your silence “ “Of course sir “

Princess Isabellini stood impatiently watching. They gave the first Bexian a Mubu (Injections but given, almost by laser, rapid fast.) Six more were subjected to varying doses, “If we can stop them morphing we will make substantial money.“
“How so, your Imperial Highness ?”

I shall decree, that Bexian slaves,  purchased by the Jogarth people,, may NOT morph. Their owners, will be fined if they do! They will realise, that they cannot stop them from morphing! Panic will set in and they will seek a solution? Which means they, have to buy the injection, we will of course have an unfortunate shortage which will push the prices up and up! .

Its body became tense, it felt the pain tearing through its body and let out a sorrowful long drawn out howl of despair.
Pain wracked its body, spasms tore through, the Kets body, as it shook and shook, until finally; it collapsed, to lay silent on the floor.

Well, that’s not good! “ Isabellani stepped forward took a lance and shoved it up against the neck of the Scieste.
“You have two days. Fail me, and you will NOT,  have a problem to solve re their morphing after that?” The others were soon following it!

Isabellani had left, muttering to the remaining Scieste. “Keep trying, plenty more where they came from, I’d remind you that we have at least three planets of them !! “ Aboard Raptor they had completed their tests, now it was time to take their weapon to the next stages.

Everyone ready Nathan ordered them to head for the Omirco star cluster “We’ll launch our surprise from there, as soon as ‘Wild Child ‘ can be deployed deploy to both ships “
“ Will do “ One of the Jogarth slave carriers had stopped near Theus to load more slaves from the Aristocracy and had seized more of the Imperial treasury. Now it’s systems started to flash, warnings ?

A whole hold of Drehqua (similar to gold and had the value of platinum, titanium, hard resilient and valuable)
They were now joined by four small support attack craft called ‘Qooboos’

Sleek, fast, defensive and heavily armed. It was not long, before they reached the alignment with Tqu and passed a couple of light freighters, bound for Tqu?

They had been on alert but stood down, as the freighters passed them and headed about their business.
Onboard the Charqua, Commander Voge sat opposite his Agrimorph, Trime was shackled with two sonic bands to stop her doing anything rash but she had the run of the area, small as it was and full facilities for hygiene . Opposite her was the GlobeCast screen.

She watched as repeatedly, it showed more and more atrocities, carried out by the Jogarth against her people, she no longer called them Joggies, her eyes swelled with tears, she stared at him, as he sipped his ale, inside she was crying, unable to stop herself shaking with fear.

The first ship quietly followed by two others, slipped into the neutral zone and headed up the zone towards the Jogarth Empire. It was not small, not by any stretch of the imagination. It was heavily armed and its fire power, could be compared to some of the heaviest armed, in the galaxy,

In it’s wake, followed four other, huge craft. Troop carriers supported by and flanked by, six smaller flash craft.
(Escort ships, ample armour and weapons to fend off most attackers.) They were not slow, as the speed picked up and in a blink all of the vessels disappeared into the darkness of space, leaving just a wisp to say they had been there.

Commander Voge was awoken by the alert chimes, pounding in his ears, then it tailed off and silence reigned.
“What the hell “ he screeched, “ Sorry sir but something just passed us at speed. They were coming at us so fast we thought they were going to collide with us! But!

Whoever they were, or whatever they were, they’ve gone !” “ Evaporated into space.” The noise from the siren,s was still bellowing out. “Tell them, to turn those dammed things off, before we all go bloody deaf!“ He staggered back to his sleep unit, glancing at Trime, who was sat up on hers, looking at him, that look? There was something that made his skin crawl! It was eerie.

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