Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Priviledges reserved, for the aristocracy of the Coutesans, equivalent to Coutesan EsraHatomen in every way, she bowed to Jes. Jes had emphasized that eyes, were to be diverted. on greeting the male, immediately behind her stood next to their Princess?

A right reserved, for royal personage and aristocracy. The emphasis was however, on accepted Royal priviledge. She welcomed Nathan keeping her eyes diverted her head low. He. had been told, under no circumstances, was he, to be rude and insist, on eye contact. He had, she had insisted, to learn and to adopt; Fendiq Royal protocol.

Nevertheless he did feel, uncomfortable. They, were escorted, into the main area which had been newly decorated. To the side of the chamber, a line of courtesans.
At the front, was Coutesan DoCahanestoba sat waiting, ready to rise and bow. HOWEVER, when he saw Nathan, he stared in disbelief.

The colors he was wearing, were reserved colours, exclusively for those of the
Royal household. Those closest, to the Haphketsut Princess.
As for the figure following? The male was Human(a) Known throughout the Qiverse for their reputation, as murderous warmongers; the BEAST.

(Jess Corbin, the Cflen, The Nature of the BEAST’ (OVER 16’s sci fi.)

 As far, as he was concerned, he had NO right, to be there, in his presence without HIS consent! and ON his knees before him. So this is what the Qiverse, had named as the BEAST. What the BEAST and the ‘spawn of the BEAST’, had done to Cflenia, was well known, for all of its horrors.

Given the presence of those, approaching him, their status as far as he was
concerned, were highly questionable. He sat making no attempt to rise from his seat, as they approached. Coutesan EsraHatomen was clearly agitated at his apparent lack of respect.

She introduced Jes. Before, she could introduce Nathan, by his correct title she was shoved aside, as DoCahanestoba stood up.glared at those in front of him.
“Is this a joke! You dare to insult us all, break Royal protocol, before a Coutesan, Elite aristocracy, of the house of Fendiq; with this Human(a), the BEAST?

The race, known throughout the Qiverse, the ones who have trashed planets, destroyed colonies, bullied, beaten and we all know, what they did to Cflenia.

(Jess Corbin, the Cflen, The Nature of the BEAST’ (OVER 16’s sci fi.)

I will have, this BEAST, bow before me and beg for my mercy! that I do not have it executedl  IT had better pray, I spare it, by sending it to the mines on Ra2.

He glared at Nathan. ”YOU! Divert your eyes or suffer the consequences of my anger.
This is a mockery, where is this impostor, who claims to be, our Haphketsut Princess Cistera !€  Tan blocked his advances on Nathan, he violently shoved her aside,

Nathan caught her as she fell. Coutesan EsraHatomen stepped in between him and Nathan, now holding Tan. Tan, was about to activate a weapon, when she sensed a voice in her head, Cistera? ˜Do nothing ! I will punish !€ Tan stopped regained her posture .

Coutesan DoCahanestoba was so enraged, that he did not see the arrival of another figure entering the chamber. Those to the sides, dropped to their knees heads bowed. Coutesan DoCahanestoba, looked past, those in front of him, towards; Cistera?.

Wearing pure white, with the KahesnaChe diadem atop her head, the distinctive GEMS on her forehead?  The Royal colours, edged along and down one side of her gown. All too recognisable to some. Their Princess, their Haphketsut Princess.

She moved forwards, slowly, with Ana as an escort until she was a short distance from Coutesan EsraHatomen who dropped to her knees; bowed her head.

DoCahanestoba, stood it seems unmoved by it all, still with contempt, in his eyes; at the figure he considered to be nothing less than an ‘imposter’.
He was muttering what he thought of this whole charade. Insultingly rude, arrogant, abrasive. .

Suddenly her headband glowed. He felt pain, excruciating pain. It  tore through his body, as they watched, he writhed, almost convulsing with the ripple after ripple of it across his body. He finally, dropped to his knees; shaking uncontrollably.

Their Princess, their Haphketsut Princess. was now stood next to Tan and Nathan.  Extending her hand to Tan. Tan moved behind her, Cistera now held Nathan’s hand. Moving past DoCahanestoba, still shaking and writhing in pain on the floor. 
They turned, to now face them.

Looking down at DoCahanestoba, he now stopped shaking and turned towards her dropping to his knees. “You dare to insult those, I sent as representatives of mine?
Most of all, you dare, to challenge my authority? The instructions, requests, clearly given to you, from my diplomatic emissary?

Orders from your Haphketsut Princess Cistera. To pay homage, to give and pay RESPECT; to my Ka Absolute. My chosen one !

You ALL know. To disrespect MY emissaries but most of all,  my Ka Absolute, is to disrespect me ? DoCahanestoba, was keeping his head bowed, still shaking and yet? . Why did it appear to those looking on, that he was begging? Pleading?
They could sense the anger, in her voice.

Raise your eyes!€ It was directed at all present in the chamber.
They raised their heads, now looking in her direction. Taking hold of it, she raised Nathan’s arm, showing clearly, the Kabzanza. They were watching as she slid his top aside, showing some of his chest. The symbol, of the flower clearly visible.

The Kabzana was originally. my fathers gift, but recognised as my people’s gift, that I, bestowed upon MY Ka Absolute. To him, as, MY, no, OUR  Ka Absolute.
The flower, symbolises, his unity with me; sanctioned by the gods themselves.

Only those, who are joined as one, have the same symbols, albeit my father with the Catqueehsoon (Moon flower as it was called because of its soft blue color and shape)

Or mine, but be told, i shall not repeat myself again; once and once only. He IS my chosen one, my Ka Absolute and those who dare to challenge his authority, dare to challenge mine. Those who do so, will suffer the wrath of the KahesnaChe.

Stand up DoCahanestoba.
You will not, be judged by me, but by the power, of the gods themselves!!

He stood to his feet in front of her as they watched, the gems on her head glowed and the headband flared bright with light. €˜Pay homage to your Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute. She was disappointed, to see, as he glared at her and then at Nathan. arrogance and defiance, on his face, his eyes still reflecting contempt?

He stayed standing, refusing her request ? She screamed at him again.
“Pay homage to your Haphketsut Princess Cistera and her Ka Absolute, this, is your last chance” There was no change in his expression, the contempt remained unchanged, on his face.

Others were watching. Those who followed him as leader ? Their own interests at heart wondering if he truly, could defy her?! The KahesnaChe glowed brighter, then it suddenly emitted a high pitch whine followed by a massive burst of energy.

Across his head and spread around it, enveloping his head in a wave of moving bluish white intense light; downwards across his body, as he screamed, held within the  light, unable to move.

Those watching could see the expressions on his face, the all too clear face of someone wracked with pain. “Your last chance, OBEY me and pay homage.”  
It was met wth a defiant silent; contempt.

All they could hear was the piercing scream as his body convulsed .
As though something, had taken hold of him, with him shoved down by? A wave of energy, that washed across him. Once again, he screamed, this time even louder, not to beg or plead but to utter a curse from his lips? Insults, threats...

Cistera?  rage? Her expression had lost any mercy as she..  

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