Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

 I am accepting your word as being faithful to the Royal House of Fendiq. In doing so I expect YOU and those you command, to not only submit to my command, but that of my appointed, by the Gods themselves, Ka Absolute. I am therefore sending HIM and HIM alone!

To you as my ambassador. After the meeting and some reassurance to convince you I expect you and those of the Royal Courtesans, officials; to join me aboard Raptor for further orders.” The change in Cheqle’s features let alone his reaction to her was almost immediate. They watched as he stood to attention and gave the Royal salute bowing his head.

I am honoured to state that we are YOUR loyal subjects. I and my fleet are at your command. I await the arrival of the Ka.” This thought Nathan just gets better and better ! Liana’s voice boomed out again.“Nathan, I’m detecting two more craft approaching us at high speed, hell they’re big and moving fast ! ‘ What now ? They stared at the screen.

Yo, Nathan, they’ve been dispatched from Psemon. Two warships, strike capability 9 arming themselves to intercept intruding craft.” Briket stepped forward, “Command r88quest2 Threxes all systems acknowledge.” “Psemon Empire Systems, responding, how can we help you commander ? ‘

Approaching craft of her Majesty’s fleet open your coms channels and acknowledge my commands.” “Imperia Commander Gresnik, Psemon command centre, Psemon. Of her Majesty’s forces, acknowledges your voice commander. Opening live communication now to both vessels.”

This is commander Briket of her Majesty’s Royal Guard, do you acknowledge ?” Commander Teslo and Commander Evwert acknowledged. “You are ordered to return to Psemon, do not, repeat, do not approach the two craft, they are ships of her Royal Sovereign Haphketsut Princess Cistera from Fendiq.”

Your command is verified and confirmed, we are standing down, returning to Psemon.” “Can’t fault the response, Psemon has a right to protect its own galactic space from others battling it out in their Sovereignty.” Quipped Nathan.“Yo, Nathan vessels slowed and stopping. Now backing off. Do you wish me to abort Guardian Sentients?” “Affirmative Liana abort.”

Yo, order received and initiated. Guardian Sentients lifeforms code 77rq88w1 abort.” “Guardian Sentients lifeforms code 77rq88w1, acknowledging your orders mistress. Formalities concluded, Cheqle was now aboard Raptor with several others. Getting an appraisal of recent events?

Lelanora had been busy! Not only securing her right to rule but ensuring the Jogarth and the Urowq backed her up with necessary force. Almost, total subjugation of those, within the Fendiq Sovereign domains. Occasional appearances from the Bexian forces, met with a hostile reception. Not to the point of all out war, but escalating to warnings issued from Lelanora, that Bexian forces were NOT welcome within Fendiq airspace!

Nathan got him, to agree to Tan taking two GOKS boarding both their vessels, to do assessments on food and resources plus finding out, what repairs weapons and more modifications, urgently needed doing.Tan had been right. Their vessels had suffered some critical damage to the hauls.

Weak spots, that needed urgent attention. Representatives from the Chevan also went with her. Those who were pleased to meet up with others they had not seen for some time? Friends, family!
“We managed to make a quick exit, carefully planned, we just loaded and left before they knew it we were gone!”

Lelanora had sent in forces to subdue resistance on the neighboring Fendiq domains. The planet Cisteron, was harboring the bulk, of her opposition. “I had sensed Lelanora, was about to send in forces. I decided we weren’t going to hang around, I know from old, what she’s like.” Cheqle sipped his drink.

Deciding WHO we were taking, re the Courtesans and others, was easy enough. Those Lelanora already knew, were traitors to her cause! Those, who were deemed by her, to be neutral, or of no consequence, we left. Resistance units were already well secured. They helped delay her forces and allow us to escape.

We weren’t chased, but just in case, we sent two dispersers out in opposite directions to leave false trails, then headed north into zone 5.. That solar system? Some of the natives did not like us being there.

They were not interested in our conflict. However, when the Jogarth attacked us, we were pushed to the point we thought our lives were forfeit, imagine our surprise, to see them return in force. Demanding the Jogarth left? Think they were going to leave?

The Jogarth attacked them, only to be beaten back as more of their forces came into view to
completely, destroy the Jogarth fleet! Our, non aggression pact, with the locals? Had won them over to our side! Sephri402

Cflen. SE Phri was the military commander.
I think their dislike of the Jogarth was due to some of them using Human(a) within their warships. What I am led to believe to them is like a red flag to the b’stard of the BEAST.

We were left in peace. So long as we did nothing aggressive, had NO Human(a) on board, they sent in two sentients to check out vessels!  With two creatures and believe me, they were the stuff of nightmares.

They told us, not to worry about what they called the b’stard of the BEAST but we were glad to see them gone.

Jess Corbin The Cflen The NATURE of the BEAST.   OVER 16s title.

We were free to remain. But we didn’t hang around, just followed, round the edge, of the system. Finally dropped back into the Psemon Empire, from north of Omire.

Thinking we would drop in on Psemon, see if we could gather some support and glean more news. Our systems detected a carrier signal, from where we didn’t know.

All we did know was that the signal was an encrypted one and our systems were able to read it. It gave YOUR location.  Once we had read the data our systems locked out and navigational codes were changed to bring us, outside of our control, to here.

We’ve been through a lot, the food and the liquid replicators have been playing up, not used to such heavy and long term use.?

Well the good news is.” Cistera leaned back in her seat, as she glanced around at them, smiled. “I have some of the finest commanders present with my loyal subjects.
Your craft are being updated with some of the latest equipment plus weapons.

Our fleet increases to a size that gives us some punch, should the Jogarth or the Urowq attack us OR we decide to go on the offensive against them.

Supplies are being refreshed and those replicator modules have been scrapped to be replaced with newer units. Monodoc Series 7 multiplas, able to feed a planet! Granulation stores are being filled to complement the new Monodoc units.

Extract from the Imperitannica.

Monodoc Units and Granulation.

Monodoc Units take various forms of granules and reform them into food or drinks.
Because the granules are air dried and LIGHT weight in form they can be stored without adding WEIGHT to a craft. They do add MASS but high volume, low weight are critical factors to craft such as Interplanetary transporters or Cruzers with a lot of beings aboard them to refresh!

Most craft have bio form and Isophenic pods that allow plants and other vegetables et to be produced. Supplements to reconstituted foods.

Monodoc units are liked for their longevity and reliability..

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