Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

We have developed a chemical, which the females take, that helps them, secrete called Psequate. It helps, stabilise the DNA changes, that take place, within the host species. At GREAT RISK.“

“So it is possible, for our species, to form a bond, with a female from your species and to have some, transform effects to match the females own Animorph traits?

Since she provides, the initiating  chemical imprint, the transformation must be similar to her own?” “Yes.” Dram could say nothing more, as she was now, getting annoyed? “You ask too many questions.

It seems, you, are fixated on this! Just answer me Dram, why is it, I KNOW, you, have been with a Bexian female? Have experienced, this pleasure and, heightened sense, of love making? Did she morph?? Is that, what completely sealed your obsession?

Seduced by the thought, that you actually, want to, even at the risk to your life to secure, that moment and relive it for the rest of your life, SHOULD you survive? That Bexian female, left you, left YOU with a chemical imprint, that has you hooked on our species, NOT her in particular but what she morphed into! 

My, contact with you, has caused it to react. Stop pushing, to achieve something that is, far too much of a risk! I would suggest you, talk to one of my Scieste to have the chemical flushed.

I would also suggest, they install a blocker nemnode, to help you. The ‘urge’ where the Bexian females, are concerned, will NO longer, have any effect on you.

Then you will feel less inclined, to want to be fooling around, with things you little understand, that will with someone so beautiful as you, see you ending up dead! “ “I couldn’t do that! “ Soniette stared at him, it was the way he said the words that had her attention. “You’re wishing aren’t you?

You haven’t taken note of a word I’ve said to you have you? “ He said nothing but continued to stare at her. Soniette leaned across to whisper to him. “Be careful lover, be VERY careful what you wish for! What you wish for you might get !” Dram said nothing as she sat back, he continued to stare at her.

This Bexian Princess had him mesmerized. He didn’t care that she was probably right, that dammed chemical imprint, was working overtime! He was searching her eyes, all the time his thoughts, his feelings, transparently obvious, at what he wanted. HER !

Liken to releasing pheromones between them. That mometary closeness as she had leaned across the table to talk to him, an exchange? She could smell, could sense his desire, almost begging wanting HER!

He leaned forwards, as he whispered softly, back at her, aware that others were laughing and in deep conversation between themselves over some remarks Nathan had made about Stella 5 and some of the traders.

No real need to be careful to make sure, no one else could hear? Their noise would shut out what he had to say, to her and only her. “The only wish I would make, would be one, that said if it were true, that the one who transformed me was you ?! “ As the noise from the others died back and he sat back, he said nothing.

Once again, she had smelt it, sensed it, felt it. The closeness, when he had leaned in, and he HAD said it, the one who transforms me was you ?! Consent ? Had he granted her the right, to do what she knew she wanted ? She whispered under her breath. ‘Thank you for telling me, what I wanted to hear, since you persist and have obviously made your mind up, beyond persuasion?

May all you, wish for; come true ...”

Dram yawned, opening his mouth ? In an instant, before his hand reached to cover it, she had opened her mouth and a small amount of fluid ejected violently from it entered Dram’s mouth. He spluttered, coughed and apologised, grabbing the glass he sips from it some liquid to clear his throat, swallow back?

Minutes later he was excusing himself, leaving? “ Got to go, really, really tired! “ In truth it was the sensation, flushing across his body, the strangeness he felt, could not explain, almost as though he was drunk? He could hardly stand ! It took a couple of GOKS to help him back, to his quarters on Raptor.

Cistera had decided she wanted to leave, Nathan kept yawning, not that he was tired, he whispered to Cistera, I just want you !! He also wanted out of Soniette’s sight, she had relished his kiss and kept teasing him. Cistera made her exit speech, told everyone who wanted to continue, to carry on and made an exit, with everyone in tow, who wanted to leave.

All, but those usually resident, on the Chevan, headed back to the Raptor, Soniette had her consort in waiting, as we would call her in attendance. Settled in her temporary quarters Cistera left her, bemused, at the evenings events.

Soniette waited until, they had left, for some minutes, before talking to her maid servant, she told her, to find out where Dram was ! Soniette was not used to Raptor’s huge interior, nor the number of levels ? She was impressed with the layout and the way everything was so sophisticated?

Technology that was way ahead of theirs! The maid was cunning, why Soniette had selected her, was more than apparent, as now a young trooper led them to where Dram was. “You have no reason, to think HE will remember anything by the morning “ Her consort smiled, showing her a little glass vial containing a small amount of liquid, “Some of this will render him VERY forgetful !”

She smiles  moves off, taking the trooper with her. Soniette opened the hatch and slips into the chamber. Dram, was laid back, on his sleep unit. His head resting on a large pillow, still feeling a little light headed and disorientated when he saw a figure enter the room.

She had made sure, the dose she had spat at him, would leave his ‘ capabilities’ untouched. She stripped him, then stripped herself, letting her coverings slip, to the floor. With nothing on underneath, her almost snake like scaled skin, various colours glinted, in the star lit, dimmed interior, of the room.

Across his body, his body, now responding to her touch, his senses heightened as she gently flicked her tongue across it, her tongue enjoying the sensation of having this Human(a) at her mercy ! Dram was not resisting! He was believing, he was dreaming.

Hands explored her body, taking in the full softness of her, as he kissed her, skin feeling the semi cold of her body brush against his skin, which only heightened his senses. Exploring her. with his hands, she knew, she had been right! He had, had, an animorph before! He knew all of her hot spots, his fingers gently stroking and rubbing softly trickling across her soft hair, then she heard him whisper. .

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