Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

So lets agree, with the intention on Psycho’s part, that the maximum yield from Olfren’s forces would be combined and collected, at a given point, let’s call it a number of ‘collectors’? 

She funnels that yield, with the end result funneling a terrifying amount of energy, producing a kind of amplified echo?
Just like, in the past, you spoke into a, what was it they called it? A loud hailer, with small mouth piece and large cone at the end of a short length of tube ?

That Psycho, must  have some astonishing scientifc professionals to achieve that on the scale she delivered. But totally destroy the entire Bexes fleet?!

So I did, some closer scrutiny of the final moments before the fleet was destroyed. From the front of the main array, at the top? A very strange shape, almost that of face? A head? A massive outburst of energy from the top almost.” She paused, looked at Nathan.

What if she had some device that would amplify the original mass of energy, at least ten times its original yield and poject it at the Bexian fleet?! “ Noge looked at Dram. “I’ve only seen something similar once before. “ Dram knew what he was talking about.

A battle where Ka Colfra had used the gems to smash an attempted invasion on Cisteron by these horrific beings. scavengers. Flesh eaters. It had taken his breath away, watching as the energy waves cascaded out across the enemy, almost erasing them from existence! “

What you are saying Fehlise, is that Isabellani, has found someway to imitate the power of the gems. Something that mimics the power and can be used with energy channeled across them, such a weapon would truly be something to be feared.

Dram shifted uneasily in his chair, he wondered how Soniette would react to the news, if he should be there with her?
As her newly bonded Regent it was by Royal right his responsibility to protect the interests of Bexes and the Bexian peoples.
At this moment in time he felt at a loss as to what he could do.

So we have an idea of what she’s doing, but we need to know more on HOW and what she’s using, to as you put it, to boost the energy and channel it. One thing I will agree with, without reservation, given what we’ve seen, is the undisputed fact, the Bexes fleet were caught in a trap.

No way did she go into that battle, a single ship against the entire Bexes fleet, without knowing their strategy, which we all know would have been aimed at disabling her vessel and then boarding it; not destroying it !

Clearly, to Olfren, Isabellani’s capture, would have been, worth far more, than killing her.” Nathan nodded.

We are aware of your  predicament Dram, I want you, on behalf of everyone here to know, we will not stop until we have answers AND are able to give you the help you need to have your revenge against that psycho.

There are however, unanswered questions, which I will ask Noge and some scientific friends of his ,  to think on.
Meanwhile, we need to take action to secure the safety of Cistera, Soniette and the others. they are NOT,  to leave the Psemon empire.

I know that you are truly upset, too upset and vengeful to think straight! Which is why I suggest to the others that with immediate effect Dram we will despatch you to Caltres, take Beis with you and remain there, until we call you! “

There was a murmur of agreement, no one wanted Dram to be at risk from Isabellani who would soon learn the truth about Dram and Soniette. Whilst they were free, she could not assert total domination over Bexes and the Bexian Empire!

Where they are, is no threat, they are well protected ! I am concerned that their reaction could kill or cause problems for the Kets, so its important we ensure they are monitored and if necessary sedated,, until they’re over the initial shock, until the Kets are past their incubation period and stablilised !

Isabellanii will love it if the future heirs are destroyed and I’m sure she will try something to that effect ! So Dram be on your guard ! “ He nodded. They continued talking and making plans when Liana’s voice boomed out “Nathan “ “Yes Liana”

Yo Nathan we’ve got company ! Activating token array “ They looked at the screen a small fast approaching craft Nathan recognised it straight away, “Liana “ “ Yo Nathan” “The array won’t work but leave it up we’ve got company and tell everyone to stand on alert but NOT to attempt to stop the intruder when she boards “ “Yo Nathan “

It was not long, when the hooded figure entered the ship, they stood aside and let her pass, no attempt to stop her, soon she was in the meeting area and again, the same scenario. Hood back, arms up and head back, the console came alive and seemed to be receiving data again, then she spoke.Kiato600

My sisters and I, have decided some troubling, recent events; will not go unpunished.

In the meantime, it is important that YOU, with those chosen to work with you,  deliver a blow to those we now reveal as per the data, now installed on your systems.

IT WILL  surprise them, I Kiato promise it WILL  benefit you and your people. Give  a token of our faith in YOU and Cistera.

My sister ‘Ninet’ is about to pay Cistera and the others a visit, please contact them and tell them to expect her !

Your primitive weapons or attempts to stop us, are futile, our powers are beyond all; we are the the companions of the ones who walk in the footsteps of the creator. They can transverse time itself, fold it into a step beyond their being, our existence.”
She moved, replacing the hood over her face. Looked at them.
“Everyone, except for the Ka, Nathan; please leave!”

They all got up and filtered out, Nathan stood looking at her, she didn’t move the hood still covering her face “When the sons of four join hands, so the peace will descend across the galaxies. Until then, the task you have, I set before you, is and will be, long and arduous.

The path you will follow is one of destiny, set with pain, but Isabellani? SHE is of no concern to you, we will punish her, so follow your path, but heed my words, for when the time is right she will feel the wrath of the sisterhood. Her punishment is of no concern to you, to pursue! Lastly you are an Human(a). DO NOT fear the power of the Cflen. BUT DO NOT deliberately provoke them, Their path, their future is beyond YOU. “

With that she left moving quietly out into the corridors and off the ship. They filtered back in and Nathan was stood by the screen, Tan stepped over to it paused for a moment then spoke “ Two ships large carriers probably two thousand slaves onboard “ She paused “Bexians enroute to Jogarth no doubt slaves for them to sell to their people.

Isabellani?” “No ! They’ll be her Commanders only on them. “ “Then I suggest we go rescue their captives. DO NOT tell Dram!” We have estimated no actual times and dates for interception, craft weak spots and plan of action ! Its all here Nathan down to the last parsec of data all we need is to put it into action”

“We will, protect Cistera and the others, destined to once again rule Bexes. NOW assemble those to launch your attack as we have so instructed you. “

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