Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Fifth day and the tension, was still apparent. Her mannerism had not changed, she remained arrogant and continuously referred to him as the Chatze, which only fuelled his anger further!
She had confronted Tanya, threatening her, if she ever duplicated her again she would trigger the weapon without mercy.

Its effects on her, she declared, would not kill her, as it produced a kind of forcefield around her, but it would damage, if not destroy, Tanya’s functions and if, she so decided, kill me in the process ! Tan said nothing until later in the day, when she seemingly challenged the Princess by duplicating her standing in front of me ! You can imagine my horror !

The reaction from the Princess was spontaneous! She stood up, faced Tan and let rip with a tirade of abusive language, that would have made a lesek, (drunken brawling miner) blush, followed by further threats, that if she did not transform back, she would activate the pulse weapon. Tan did nothing for a moment, then added what you could call the final icing on the cake !

Want to just hand your enemy, a detonator as he plants the bomb ? Tan did just that by a minor transformation to her head.
She had I guess you would call it accessorized ! Now I didn’t know it at the time, but the Queens of Fendiq, when elected Absolute, wear a Lotus style flower and a band of some precious metal, styled in petals around the crown of their head, as a symbol of their sovereignty !

You guessed it, Tan now wore the crown jewels ! The Princess glowed, hell I was beginning to feel damp! Continuing to hurl abuse, she moved closer. ‘This is it!’ I thought, end of days and all that? The glow, was getting deeper in intensity!

My head was next to Tanya’s butt, not that I was hiding behind her nor intent on using her as a shield ! I gently kissed, her lower back, waiting for the moment, I was about to expire when nothing ! The Princess was now making contact with Tan but had stopped glowing !

What happened next, is purely bar room brawl in its essence ! She physically attacked Tan, who I should add, was still cloned as her ! Slapping her down onto the floor, albeit limited in space, punching her and lashing out at her, still cursing and swearing !

Now guys this is the truth, I’ve rarely seen two females of sorts like this ! Princess had my girl pinned, with her hands on her head, attached to the crown of Lotus or similar seeming to want to pull it off, but in the process to add extra effect she was bringing Tan’s head forward, then slapping it.

NO! Slamming it back down, with force to the floor ! The noise, hell you just knew Tan’s head was getting pummelled ! Tan used her electrostatic discharge, I knew she had, because it has a distinctive noise a smell that follows it, which ionises the air !

The Princess screamed and I swear it was along the lines of ‘Don’t you dare you bitch ‘ Too late ! Low down across Princess’s waist and triggered across the two hands of Tan from one side of her waist to the other with Tan using her hands like some dammed electrodes !

Hell it was fireworks! It sparked, fizzed and yep, gave off that horrible ionising smell but more effectively, it virtually stunned the Princess. She was slapping Tan, cursing at her until the second bolt finally passified her. Tan liquified, leaving the Princess immobile on the floor.

She reformed as herself. I was somewhat relieved to see it ! Mad as hell, don’t get me wrong ! When your head is up your and you’re about to kiss it goodbye, being appreciative, of who caused you, to be in that position in the first place, is not on the agenda even if you survive !

Tan made her way over to the main console, picked up a shelde (Electronic pad which records letters, information, same as any ordinary piece of paper would. ) which she passed to me. ‘Read this while I check she’s OK ‘

The Princess recovered and Tan helped her, exhausted as she was, onto her sleeping fold, she looked over to me as I was reading and Tan sat next to me. Her voice was quieter ‘What have you done to me Chatze I am powerless ‘

What was on the shelde, had me staring at it in disbelief, I questioned Tan about its origins and its authenticity, then went over to the console and tried the comms unit with no joy. Opening up the screen to the outside, the storm was still raging in all its fury. Damm I thought, how much longer ?

Turning to the Princess whose eyes were still on me, I faced her with no regard for protocols looking her straight in her eyes “You, are the the Haphketsut Princess of Fendiq, Cistera?” Her voice was still weak.

Now you know Chatze, bow before me and I may forgive you your insolence, but I will have your head for attacking a Royal Princess with your drone, and I will see her destroyed. The storm will soon pass and they will find me, then I will have my revenge ‘

I went close to her we were almost inches from each other. ‘Listen Princess, Cistera.’ She tried to sit up” How dare you address me by my name Chetze how dare you add insult to insult’ She laid back again, too weak, but I could see her glow slightly, she was still trying to activate the pulse weapon !

Then it happened ! Now the after effects of Tan’s discharge don’t always happen, the feeling may be there, but otherwise nothing ! Nope, my luck was out, as the Princess leaned forward, to add some more abuse? A gurgle and she spewed and I mean spewed, all down my chest, just missing my face, as she continued to hurl abuse at me !

Thick like cream soup, that had curdled with bits in it, of protein bar and other stuff from the replicator, damm what does that girl eat ? Then she spewed again, this time across my face which has got to be the ultimate, degrading, disgusting thing, that can possibly, well at this moment in time; happen to you !

Hell it makes me feel real gut sick just thinking about it ! I wiped my face down, as she laid back trying not to breathe in the stench it had created ! I found myself, now hurling abuse at her, something I felt ashamed of, as she tried to sit up again and I noticed tears running down her cheeks.

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