Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

The endless screams, before the blood pouring from his nose, out of his ears, across the fingers of his hands. His face contorted, eyes bulging. Only seconds before he collapsed, as did, others around him before the screen went blank.

The main panels now dropped to reveal the outside visuals. On one of the screens something, was moving away from them, at great speed. Dropping like some downed bird shot in flight? No pilot, no one in control, all of them aboard the craft, dead. It fell to finally smash into pieces, across the surface of Orias.

Cistera had never seen such a device, ‘Ultra sonic sound, with a modification to pierce and destroy all sensory nodes on any living thing, if it breathed, could hear, could see, it was vulnerable. Worse, could it be any worse? The weapon taps into all, auditory systems used by the offending vessel, amplifying the effect !’

The Sentients? Tan raised her hand and two appeared in front of her, she was amused by Cistera’s puzzled look, then dismissed them, they vanished into the ether.
“Nathan” Tan grinned.

“ Your Chatze, is one of the most incredible bio morphic / mechanical scieste, engineers of our time. I owe my being to him, he is remarkable, the Sentients are not as sophisticated but serve their purposes..

His sentients, use carrier signals, to travel from ship to ship, hence ,whilst the governor was talking to us, the Sentient was enroute there and back ! The device is bio morphic and uses materials that are reformed on the Sentients arrival, using carbon based molecular particles, from within the structures it encounters. In simple terms, the device is formed from the substrata of the ship.

Cistera turned to Nathan ‘ I gave you your life, you give back to me; mine.
That, is the way of the Zxeces (The flower) ‘ Nathan dropped his gaze, trying to remember not to stare her in the eyes. Cistera raised his head their eyes meeting, “You can look at me, you are not bound by that ruling, remember, we are as one, there is

no going back my Ka Absolute. “

Tan interrupted them translating what she had said. “Means, personal protector, bodyguard” Tan was annoyed at the attention Cistera was giving Nathan. “No” Replied Cistera this time speaking in his native tongue, which surprised Tan. It was NOT with the use of a translator module!

If I had meant that, I would have called him my Kalhala Absolute, not my Ka Absolute. I suggest you consult the Fendiq data to find out what that means I have no intention of explaining to you, what it means.” 

Cistera moved over, to the recline unit. “ I would suggest we get off this moon, they will almost certainly send, one of the combat series to finish what that one started.
As for me? I’m tired, I feel I need to rest.”

She laid down, minutes later she was asleep. Nathan closed off the main visual panels around her shutting out the light from outside, but his considerations were being emulated as the Zimp’s sensors closed down all of the panels, eliminating all light.

There was, an almighty rumble, as the ‘Skern’  was returned to the craft. Nathan was surprised to see that Cistera was not the least bit disturbed by it?  Now the ‘Zimp’ fired up its propulsion systems and within minutes it was heading up towards the stratosphere.

Illuminating the interior, with the main control screen, flickering into life. A Sentient appearing in front of it. “Stratosphere, we must be about to enter the last layer, before we enter space.” Tan nodded. She was annoyed but, she could not divert her attention to finding out, what Cistera had meant.

He laid back to rest, she programmed the probe to dispatch ahead of them, creating a beacon for the Raptor to home in on. The sooner she reasoned, they were back on the Raptor the better, not out of concerns for the safety of those concerned!

No! Separate quarters, would soon reduce Cistera’s continued intrusions on his personal space.

Goks - so what were they?


Ah those were the days ! My ideas were simple enough, Noge and Zeid were working with me, until we completed the first ones. We used them successfully to carry out fairly modest tasks, but impressive work wise, with what they could take on and do.

At the first showing of my Sentients as I called them, someone in the audience muttered.
“What the hell is that?” With the reply from someone else “God only knows “ So hence the nickname that has stuck across the galaxy re the Sentients, even the latest, high tech ones that cost a fortune, to own!

Nicknamed ‘GOKS !’

Sentients have phase shifting and carrier wave technology, allowing them to travel from one point to another without being detected, until usually its too late re attack or defence capabilities for us.

No one else. uses them for this work as they don’t have the a special algorithm or ‘key’ emcryption / decryption for it to work, so OUR sentient guardians, including the ‘Invader class’ GOKS! Are unique !

There are various subtle versions, even of our onboard Goks including the ‘Festling’ a female version, with the body shape of a female which to guests i.e children or females are not so disturbing, as the full on in your face shadowy grey GOKS. !

Most don’t use full on solid form but are capable of being PRESENT physically in a molecular state and actually look real in substance, to where it seems possible to touch then but in fact, the sensation is one of touch BUT is NOT actually touching them?

Uhh well,  providing of course they’re not, about to detonate a device !
They don’t participate in conversation or have fun, mood swings, emotions or feelings. They’re simply a far more advanced  droid or drone.

The first mass produced GOKS, were produced from 2977 onwards and have evolved ever since, but the last ten cycles, have not seen major changes ! If you wanted something more human in appearance, that can converse, almost on a human level and sociable, cultural etc, then obviously, you would opt for a Bynary !

Both gave Nathan and his cohorts,  huge revenues from the production and sales of, to regular monies from what you would call ‘Royalties and patents !’ They’re expensive to produce, but cheap to maintain and of course, you don’t get, all the drawbacks you get from real Human(a) OR other species variants, re emotions, arguments, confrontations!
UNLESS they are deliberately created, to be ‘self aware’. Ah yes the one’s that cost way more than any luxury ‘Bynard’.

Ones like TANYA !

A self aware, Algora 11 series 5, bio entity, with integrated systems, recognised across the galaxies as an incredible, independent thought, logical progression,  advanced highly sophisticated being. I have AI  advanced beyond most known entities, processes. I can clone from my mere TOUCH,  replication and duplication synthesis capabilities.

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