Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

The thought, had not crossed my mind, to turn tail and head back. For the first time in a long time, this was an adventure, that was worth taking the risk over. I could say, my no longer being bored, was a blessing. ! Nearing the corner I turned to see the craft. Now I was stood next to it.

It was obviously a small transport type craft. Commonly known as ‘Zimps’ Yet this one had extra’s on it. Xadian shielding initiators, never, to my knowledge, fitted to such craft? Far too expensive!

What looked to be, shock absorption and plasma deflectors, fitted only to fighter craft with weapons, usually Phasix cannons?  In conclusion, on further reflection? Not a small ‘Zimp’ transporter!

Outlines were not consistent with the normal ones, found on standard lightweight transport
craft. Nor could I discern a door or an opening of any description, it just lay there resting on the compacted snow surface. Claw like feet extruding from beneath it, sunk in the first layer of compacted snow, were being covered by the falling snow.

The markings on it, were not recognisable, nor if it was a language, which I deemed it to be, were what I concluded, were barely discernable ‘word pictograms’ across it. Some had been scraped with a plasma burn around the edges. Weapons used on it ? It had obviously, been in a fight, with some other craft.

Xadian shielding, would have protected it, from weapons, until it started to fail. The power drained, to such an extent, loss of shielding, exposing the exterior, allowing the attacker to cause damage, if not destruction to the craft. I guessed that this one, had left in time to survive with minimal damage.Jess Corbin Cistera book 1

I continued to move around the outside of the vessel. Still no signs, of any opening.
Coming to a halt, as I heard a noise, could see the flicker of a light or two, that faded out to nothing.
Almost as though it, had coughed one last cough, before finally laying still.

The wind had picked up and snow had restarted to fall, larger and denser flakes.
It was also getting dark. The light fading as the bright ‘Aknax’ star disappeared, over the edge of Orias. I was angry with myself, that I had been stupid enough, to be over curious and venture this far; this late in the day.

The locator pulse would prove useful. Activated it would bring help. Removing the locator, I looked at it and cursed. The thing flickered, the distinct red glow, indicating the unit, was malfunctioning. I shook it and the red light went out ! Working again ?

Still, on reflection, it would be even harder going, on the way back, with diminished light and the snow definitely WAS falling heavier. A rescue was the only way safely out of this ! Glancing again at my locator, picking it off my over cover and checking again to see the red light was not illuminated, I sighed in relief.

Pressing the activate button to activate the emergency beacon, I decided to clip it back onto my suit. Clumsily attempting to reclip it, back into place ? Finally it was secured.? I didn’t notice, the crack in the clip, as it split and the locator, slide down, onto the snow surface. Out of my sight, being blown along and kicked into the air away from me.

I continued to walk around the craft. Peering at it closely to see if there was any indication of an opening ! There had to be ! Some consolation for my current disposition? Chances are, this craft would surely have been detected? That would mean a patrol sent out to investigate ? Then I wondered. Would it have been left undetected.

None of the security forces, knowing of its presence, discovered only after my locator beacon, had alerted them, bringing help? Its size and sleek exterior, made me wonder, if it would have escaped the basic sensors and its close proximity, to the Urowq craft, might have given the controllers the impression it was a vapour wrap ( Where the craft appears as two but is actually one is not unusual in Orias’s atmosphere)

Time had passed quicker than I thought. I stopped, there was a hiss and then finally a movement of parts of, the structure, causing me to  step back.
No wonder I had not found the opening ! This ‘Zimp’ was an astonishing piece of engineering. Several pieces moved outwards then slid rotating to reveal the opening ramp. It had a second layer forming an extra physical shield ?

Moving out and down, at an angle to the craft; the ramp. Now resting on the impacted snow, revealing an opening, from which IT stepped. Thickly wrapped , what ever it was, was wearing; made the figure look huge ! Yet imposing as it was, it stood there not moving!

It lurched, the wind across the ramp, its force? I was feeling tense as what I assumed, was its head moved. Why did I think, it was looking directly at me?
I wondered if, my luck had run its course and this was at worst, one of the Urowq, fear knowing what they were known to do to females !

My hand reached for my weapon, the Bne9 disintegrator. Not much punch to it, but it could cause a lot of damage if aimed correctly at the right point on the target. At this moment in time, I wasn’t sure exactly where, to aim at this thing.

To actually cause the maximum amount of damage, if not kill, should I need to!
Of course the other consideration was my unwillingness to kill anything !

If I was shaking, it was NOT because the temperature had dropped and I was feeling the cold. The suit compensators would adapt the temperature core to keep me warm. But I was shaking ! He moved towards me, I moved the Bn forward to use it convincing myself that if I had to use it, then so be it!

I could see him move, saw his feet slide forwards, the mass of his body, flung back, as with one very heavy and LOUD thud, he hit the deck. Motionless, out flat on the ramp. I have to admit, if I had hit the deck, with such a force, I too would probably, have knocked my self unconscious !

Where the ramp had been exposed, to the elements, some snow had fallen on it and instantly frozen ! Ice ! IT had slid on the ice ! Of course it made me realise, just how much, the temperature had dropped !  I realised it was below freezing and continuing, to fall in temperature !

My suit device flashed, warning me that the core compensator module was being compromised by the extreme COLD! To indicate how cold it had got, I could say that I had never seen one of those fail, this one was warning me that if I didn’t get somewhere warmer soon ? It would.

Looking at the thing on the ramp and the fact that the hatchway was open, my only option was staring me in the face.SHELTER? First I had to see if IT whatever it was, whatever species it was, was still alive.

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