Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Cistera was enraged by the news! “You brutally, beat the child Prabqrt, and it is known, you attempted to rape her and when, she refused you, fighting back, you struck her so hard, you left her unconscious. Why, when she was found, she was cowering in the corner of the chamber, surrounded by the other Kets to protect her.

She also had an infection, caused by a disease, found in deep space, that could have been easily treated. Something, you knew about, but did nothing to help her. The cure, would have cost you next to nothing! Without that , it would shorten her life, kill her. You knew, she would eventually die, thus you released her, to save you having to pay for the disposal of her body.

As for your partner, you think to buy, rape and beat a KET, leave her, with internal bleeding?..” Her voice tailed off as Nathan interrupted her. She took the shelde off Tan to read the Medsentients recorded details.

Internal damage, with extensive bleeding, plus 4 broken Maiche as che kto,(ribs)!! How hard did you hit her Jirtun ? (animal) ’ Cistera’s headband glowed! Nathan let her sit back, as he continued, his tone of voice was harsh.

Answer the Haphketsut Princess” Dioxche squirmed, taking note of being called an animal and by the  so called, Haphketsut Princess? It was as good as hearing her order his execution.
He lunged forward, pulling from underneath his cloak, a small lazer device, a hitherto, concealed weapon. Limited to one or two shots, before the energy cells would need to recharge, but if used correctly, could kill at least once!

He moved his arm up to fire at Nathan. Cxao had already anticipated the reaction, the moment he had placed his hand beneath his cloak, for the weapon, realised his intent and moved to block him. Cistera stopped him, as the gems on Nathans Kabzanza glowed, he raised it.

There was a bright flash of pure bluish white energy, it surged down the length of the weapon, across the hand holding it, as the weapon dropped, with a clatter to the floor. The energy streams engulfed the body of Doxche. He screamed, the pulse violently, shaking his whole body, until a liquid, poured from his mouth. He collapsed to the floor dead.

It was not the first time Nathan had been attacked, with a small lazer weapon like this.
They had remained popular, being easy to conceal and were deadlier, than some more sophisticated weapons. Quiet, fast, accurate kills, could be made with them.

After his body had been removed Cistera stood up, faced them all. “ Raise your eyes.”’
They looked up, ‘This is a trying time for all of us, but what you have seen today is but a part of the future, I.” She paused looking around the chamber at them all.
“We, will not allow, the crimes, that went unpunished, to go unpunished.

I want you my courtesans, to represent the very best, of what my people should aspire to, that requires you! to be better than them. Not just by Royal privilege, but by your own actions, more than anything else. We need, to stand united and strong, or those, who seek to profit, from our dissension, will indeed do so.

Some of you,saw me at Royal court with Lelanora, who now attempts to ursurp your
Haphketsut Princess and her Ka from taking their rightful place with our people!
I say again, OUR people. I have heard my Ka abused, by someone of Royal priviledge, who represented my Royal house as an aristocrat of the highest order, be warned! 

I WILL NOT, tolerate reference again, to his race as my Ka Absolute, he is YOUR Ka Absolute and I WILL, have the respect he is entitled to, even if it means punishing those, who disrespect.
IF you disrespect me, if you cause offence to him; is that clear ?”

They bowed, acknowledging her command ‘ As a symbol of my pleasure, at having us all together again I want you all to know, that you are protected and have Royal protection, that will not be compromised. This vessel is under the protection, of the Royal house of Fendiq and as of now.” 

She raised her hand. “ Here goes Lianna, hope you’ve done what I asked! Like our flagship the Raptor, the Chevan, now carries my Royal crest.” Once again, Nathan witnessed the hologram of the Royal Fendiq Crest, appear around the room at intervals spaced and clearly defined, across the bulkhead, on the main screens and of course though not visible, from where he was, on the craft’s exterior!

Nathan moved to speak and Cistera stood back. “ Your Ka would like to tell you, we will also, be carrying out essential repairs, installing new weapons and equipment, updating your food and drink supplies. I require those skilled in any of the main trades to make themselves known to those appointed, as the Courtesans in charge of various sections.

Further to this, any of you, male or female, who would like to be trained, in specialist skills, make yourself known! There will no longer be, any distinction made, between male and female as regards what opportunities are open to them.”

He turned to Cxao‘ I want you, to pick 10 men from your soldiers, to form the Kalhalla (Royal Guard) Cxao bowed, Nathan stepped back and Cistera moved forward again.
“We have a banquet waiting for us, I will allow a small amount of time, for all to refresh their persons and then I expect you all, including you and your men Cxao, to join us, in the great hall, Courtesans are dismissed, as are your men Cxao.”

Cistera turned to Nathan beckoning to Tan to join them, along with Cxao. “Tan can you ensure some luxury foods and drink supplies, are sent over from the Raptor? ‘ Tan nodded.
“Cxao can you, compile a list of weapons, this vessel already has and arrange with Tan, what you need, to sort repairs and other requirements, to ensure, adequate defence facilities will give this vessel the protection it needs as it, now flies the Royal Crest, against those, such as the Jogarth and Urowq.

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