Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

On the planet Bexes.

Isabellani, was NOT in a good mood. Jogarth forces, had been attacked and wiped out, by that pestilence, now making its presence known; the Cflen?

The last communication with the fleet, had been transmitted within viewcast system, so what happened aboard the craft could clearly be seen.

Those beasts? They were looking for the Human(a), the slaves of the Jogarth, lowest of the low BUT not quite as low as the Bexians. HER military had naturally attacked the attackers ?

The creatures had ignored them. These other beings the SE Phri’s ‘pure bloods’;  Cflen? Armed with a simple blue glowing blade? The Jogarth had been warned by them, NOT to interfere with the work of the ‘Spawn of the BEAST’
Which they accepted.

When they had left and back to their vessels AFTER the slaughter of the Human(a) AND dragging them off to eat them alive? A sight that they had found unreal? Fear?

The Jogarth opened fire on the Cflen. Truly as Isabellani realized a stupid mistake.
The Cflen weapons were beyond anything, the normal Jogarth military craft possessed.

She gave strict instructions that in future if Cflen boarded their vessels in search for the ‘BEAST’ the Human(a) they were to let them AND were NOT to seek redress by attacking them afterwards! ALL vessels with Human(a) were to send them the mines on Cathos, well away from any know Cflen.

Princess Isabellini watched, the ships being loaded, with Bexian slaves,one of them a young female Ket, tried to make a run for it, in her hand Isabellini had a sabre whip she lashed it, towards the Ket.

Sat in the sunshine,Trime, gazing at the blue, pink streaked; sky. Qureni flowers twitched in the soft wind, she felt it ripple through the hairs on her face, there had been some concern, she had not been able to morph as much, as might have been expected, but her parents had explained why.

Trime was a very rare Agri-morph. Agri morphs inherit both qualities of male and female, as females don’t exhibit as much hair as males, her skin and hair growth were predominantly female in appearance. It was a difficult time, for decisions had to be made as to which way to choose ?

So her parents decided, that the decision need not be made, until a comfort zone, was reached when the choice would be, I want to be a true male or stay female. Whatever the choice opt for the treatment to fully convert.

Agri-morphs were prized amongst Leekers who were feared for their raids on worlds, going into, quiet backwater communities and seizing inhabitants. Randomly attacking settlements and the occupants, carrying them off usually to sell or trade on.

They could fetch a good price because Agri-morphs were usually bought by males who used their male qualities to make them work hard, then avail themselves, of the female aspects.
On Bexes anyone caught abusing Animorphs, let alone Agri-morphs would be treated with the same contempt, if not executed for serious crimes.

The sound of her mothers voice echoed in the air “ Come on Trime, food is on the table “ Inside her brothers played, then sat up as mother appeared, waiting for Trime and they made it clear, they were HUNGRY ! It was the usual family meal, but it was always good for everyone, to sit around the table and eat?

A regular event that the family had gotten used to. Seldom were there rows or arguments, although, there could be some heated talk, around the table ! But it DID give Trime’s parents, the opportunity to talk to them, as a family and to listen to them, as well as talk, something they thought important.

Craesa says the war, is not going so well, between us and the Joggies “ Her father interrupted her “I really wish you would stop using that slang “ “Well everyone I know calls them ‘Joggies’ dad “ “Does not mean because someone does, or says something, you have to follow with that !

It’s called choice Trime and life is full of it, some try and make choices for you, like the government, our laws and our traditions can influence CHOICES. Then there are those, who think that they are entitled to force their lifestyle, their opinions on others, by claiming, so called political correctness and using that, wherever they can, to FORCE people to see the world as they see it.

Most of the time sad little people, who have nothing better to do with their lives, than mess around with other peoples lives. Mostly because they don’t have a life of their own. Living your life is what is important, not trying to meet someone else’s expectations and ditching your life in the process!

Always remember Trime, if someone FORCES their beliefs on you and a small minority of people believe, they have the right to do that, what they say to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, seldom means it is !”

Trime’s mother was worried, the GlobeCast news, had not been good, the people were tiring of the endless fighting, looking after the interests of the Fendiq Empire, had taken its toll.

Many speculated, that Isabellani had been furious at the Bexians for interfering where, she deemed, they had no right. Yet Olfren had made his promise to Ka Colfra, to look after Cistera’s interests.

The Jogarth had made it clear regarding their interests in the Fendiq Empire, their backing of that tyrant Lelanora, had made his mind up. Disruption to Jogarth forces, to the Urowq.

Yet back home? There were wide spread rumours and a lot of bad feeling, that they should leave the Fendiq, to their own fate. She looked at them all and smiled as Trime and her father continued to bate words.
‘Families !’

It had been a normal morning, nothing unusual at all, when Trime noticed that the GlobeCast receptor unit, was not working, nor were the other communication devices. “Not paid the bill again!” She rolled her eyes ‘Parents !’ “Mum” She hollered “GlobeCast is off, can’t see what the Joggies have been up to !”

Her mothers voice came back, a hint of irritation in it. “Must be a fault with the unit again ? and remember what your father said Trime, stop calling them Joggies !” It was not long after they had sat down, when her father appeared, “Freip ?” He was clearly upset and distraught,

Everybody sit down and listen “ Trime had other places to be! They all sat down, “Dad I’ll be late !” “Trime! Behave! No one is leaving “ He was shaking, Tresh moved close to him “Whats wrong “ “Pa Paa! You’re frightening us.“ he spurted it out “

Jogath troops in the main citadel and the Palace has been seized. Rumour has it Jogarth and they have the Royal family “ “They’ve tried before and failed “ He stood up and poured himself a drink spilling most of it his hands still shaking.

No this is different, reports say a massive Jogarth invasion force, has been seen, entering the area north of here and there’s fighting going on “ he stopped and gulped his drink “Where’s my old sabre lance ?” “Upper level, no wait, we packed it away, so the Kets wouldn’t find it, it’s in the Cje, no wait! The Cjeu “

Get it for me? “ She went and hunted for it, Trime went to follow her “Mum!!!! “ Her mother pulled her to one side, “Trime something we’ve never told you, you must listen, because you are older than your brothers, they will need you to be strong for them ! “ She stared at Trime now looking so confused, pulling her in close, she hugged her.

Many moons ago, your father and I were colonists on Sendiq, back then it was part of the Psemon empire ? “ Trime had heard her mention Sendiq before. “Well one day the Jogarth, invaded the planet, claiming that part of it, belonged to them. When they attacked our, outlying colony. .

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