Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Cistera :

I don’t know how long I had slept. On waking me, the droid ‘Tanya’ became clearly visible again. hearing her voice, in my language. Telling me to lie still and not move. Her voice stuttered and broke up momentarily then reformed and was as clear as before. Glancing past her, I saw him for the first time. He was sat with his back to me and asking the droid if it was OK.

Seeming to ignore how I was feeling, reacting to the effects, feeling sick. I replied before she could answer, that I was not !
He showed no signs of concern for me whatsoever and insulted me further, by asking the droid, if she, his uninvited guest, was alright! I was furious, how dare he ignore me, let alone talk about me; in that tone of voice!

He grunted something, about it not being right. Tanya started to talk to me, when the light engulfed me again! I was getting irritated ! As I moved, to move forward, determined to get his attention. Coming into contact with Tanya, who seemed to dislike whatever was happening. Her voice breaking up, as she me.

Do not move! Lie still !” I sat back, moving away from her and she became clearly visible again. From her almost transparent, dispersed liquid form ! “You have an inbuilt bio activated weapon Princess, if you touch me, it reacts. Do you understand what I’m saying ? “

She had stopped phasing in and out of visibility and was now completely solid in form. 
“I am experiencing pulses within my netron circuits, which means if you touch me again and the pulse from your orgnanic bio weapon goes off, I may be damaged permanently.

So please stay still, until we’ve, until we’ve ,we’ve talked. She was liquifying then becoming solid again. Getting to be repetitive. I sat back from her and she reformed solid in shape and talking clearly again.I was offended by his refusal to turn round and talk to me.

Ignoring her pleas to be quiet and listen, I raised my voice, loudly protesting and telling her to tell him, to turn around and face me. I was not going to talk to him unless he did. Tanya by now interrupted. “Princess you know he cannot look you in the eyes, it is forbidden on pain of death!”

Tan muttered under her breath “.. and there is no way he is going to keep his eyes off you I know what he’s like!” I glared at Tanya “I am giving him an order, as a Royal Princess of the house of Fendiq. It is an insult and offensive to talk to me, with his back to me! As though I am some Chatze (commoner).

I saw him shake his head, slowly, turn to face me. His eyes meeting mine. We looked at each other.
I could see the dark blue eyes and the little scar, he had to the top of his left eyelid.
“I do not remember giving you permission to look me in the eyes.”

I growled at him smiling to myself, as he dropped his gaze. Diverting his eyes. I could see him moving. His lips muttering ‘Please don’t reoffend by being rude about me, I can hear you muttering obscenities ! I am a Royal Princess of the house of Fendiq and whatever you may not like about our protocols, please remember that.

Perhaps I should remind you, I also saved your life Chatze.”
“Chatze ? Chatze? “ He hissed at Tanya ‘What the hell does Chatze mean ? Before Tanya realised she had told him , I could see him going red and realised it was with rage. I had to admire his self control.
It passed as quickly as it had started.

Something stressed me and it triggered the pulse but, I’m relaxed now. I know the situation.
Tan has told me about how you got here, or why you’re here. I’m not happy that we are stuck together for the next few days Chatze. You will avoid physical and eye contact with me Chatze.
So the problem is solved.

He ignored me and speaking addressed his comments to Tan, “She’s a liability, the sooner we get her, off this craft, the better for all of us. Otherwise she will damage our systems with that dammed pulse of hers.”

How dare you Chatze‘ I screamed at him ‘Talk about me like this’ To which he screamed back ‘This is my craft and I’ll damm well speak to my girl however I choose and when I choose.
Princess or no dammed Princess, and STOP calling me a bloody Chatze !

Tell her Tan or I’ll personally throw her off my ship, storm or no storm.”
‘As if you could’ I replied sneering at him, knowing full well, making a move in my direction would not be his best move. He knew it, but it didn’t stop him and his ranting continuing. “Can’t we contact the main place on this planet ? Get her picked up ?”

The citadel.” I replied. “Where I live, is too far, to reach in the storm. My communication device, my locator is LOST! So unless you can come up with a way to stop the storm, so they can find me I suggest you stop wasting your time talking rubbish and start being a bit more respectful of me Chatze”

Tan asked me how long the storm was likely to last, given her instruments had forecast several days? Was it true she asked me. I had seen storms like this only once in the four years of being on Orias and that lasted four weeks.

Four weeks” He screeched. “Hell, I’ll go insane, locked up with HER for that long.”
I smirked, I had lied, the storm had lasted ten days, but it was a good feeling to have him so angry and annoyed. Especially, given how rude he was.

I should NOT advise you returning with me, to the Citadel Chatze. I would have you arrested and severly beaten for your insolence. How dare you talk about me, with such disregard for who I am.”
I did think I was being lenient, truth was, he would have been grabbed and executed probably on the spot !

The sooner Princess, I get the hell off this planet, the better. ‘ He moved away from me, turning his back on me and moved over to the control console. Attempting I think, to use the communicator.
To no, avail. The panel in front of him became almost a window, showing the storm outside and the blizzard like conditions. I heard him sigh as he shut the display off.

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