Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

My transporter does that.” Interrupted Cxao, it says ‘HELLO CXAO, how are you today? Where are we off to today?” Nathan leaned forward close to the unit. “Nathan, you hot stud, what is your command?” Some of them started laughing! Nathan turned and glared. “Well it’s going to be used for fun!! “

Please be aware, your input can be changed at a later date ! Thankyou for your co operation, this unit is now being installed with our latest software and bio updates, to ensure you have only the very best, the ultimate in our new techmo technology. Please be patient and do NOT, disturb the module, or errors, errors, errors, errors…”

Nathan gave it a thump. Cxao grinned. “In the initialising and start protocols may cause problems at a later date. Poor response and handling characteristics.. We hope that you will have eons of use from this module and look forward to it giving you eons of pleasure, something we at the Tecmo Corp have TRULY perfected.

Please do visit our Tsites and check out the latest news on our Techmo innovations, including our latest range of new Bio Molecular Binards series… r2221vers4561189rev222390009rev00976rev99876update0098update9990 and so on and so on util it finally stopped.

With the new series is so realistically good you’re gonna wonder whose doing all the sweating and remember this unit you can take anywhere ! Don’t forget you can even take it to bed with you, to keep your bed warm or cool during those long hot galaxians nights.

Please remember, we offer complete satisfaction, with this model guaranteed , or your money back providing you return the goods unopened in its original packaging and haven’t initialised the power up sequences.

Nathan looked at Cxao. “Why the hell, would someone wanna take a space buggy to bed with them ?” “Some crazy people out there, what about the Urowq ?” There was a peal of laughter. “Yeah gotta a point! They’d take anything to bed, damm are they UGLY ? ‘

So how about the Urowq?” They were moving out of the cargo area leaving the unit charging? Nathan looked at Cxao. “Uh ?” They’re not having my buggy !” “No! Not that! Are you joining the landing party or staying on Raptor ?” “Hell miss the fun?! No chance! I’m with your lot Cxao !” Behind them the bubble lit up and flashed a soft pink lumninescence. Nathan had turned to close the hatch and had seen the soft pink flash of light. PINK?!

Damm I hope they’ve got the color right! I’ve seen some real bad colors on those !” Cxao nodded, he too had seen the flicker of pink! Was it a joke that Tan was playing on him? Nathan mutters perhaps thinking the same thing? “Better not be !” He glares at Tan. 

Hell that’s all I’d need, is some pink buggy!”Cxao interrupted adding. “ And addressing you, ‘Nathan, you hot stud, what is your command ‘There was another roar of laughter ! Nathan was aware of how quiet Tan was! She was saying nothing.

The Attack on Tqu.

The attack? It started early, our main concern, was to get in fast and take out their communications. As we entered into the planets stratosphere, Cxao drew my attention, to an object becoming visible on the horizon of the planet. “Sentient guardian detects object on horizon, do NOT scan this object, object shape and features suggest it is a Drocar (Media sat.)

When ever there is news, or some other rubbish the media wants to get hold of, it sends out its media sats. They don’t orbit planets, but traverse them, waiting to be scanned from some idiot, who forgets that if you scan it, it locks onto you, then stays with you!

Like some busy body, roving reporter, to see if you’ve anything, it might find interesting, to chuck to its masters, across the galaxies. If it is, then they broadcast it, to one and all. Well, those who subscribe to their services.

At which point, any element of surprise? You guessed it, you might aswell just tmail the Uroqw and let em know you’ve arrived! Think you can get rid of the dammed things? You can’t shoot em down! They have a high energy forcefield, firing on them is deemed an attack that gives them the right to legally retaliate! With weapons that have quite a sting in their tale.

Apart from taking pictures of your craft, reporting you to their masters, who have some influence, with those in command, positions within the Galacia Federation. Those individuals, who land a nice back pocket payment, from the media folks! To be honest, we’re wasting time, dwelling upon the problem, at hand! One conclusion is obvious! If we want, to retain secrecy, re our fleet and retain its anonymity, we need to get rid of that dammed spy sat!

So we come up with a ploy, we’re sure it will work! To dispatch one of the zimps to scan it, then lead it away, out of the main orbit of the planet. Zimps been launched and its scanning the dammed thing, I should add IT’S still coming up and over towards us! Hasn’t diverted from what appears to be its primary course, not one jot !

OK lets get real close and taunt the dammed thing. “Choew, you there?” “Yes.” “Get closer, as though its a Bynard!” Cxao ordered them, with some sarcasm in his voice? “Going in closer, nope, don’t wanna play, moving away!” “Activate Rising Sun, deploy shields and wait my command.”

Sentient Seriensa 4, deploying token Guardian acknowledging your command master deploying Rising Sun shields active.” “Choew, you there?” “Yes.” “Fire at us, then move away fast!” “Understood, powering up, taking aim, energy release, 5,4,4,2,1” There was a small burst of energy fired towards the Raptor. The zimp moved off, into its originally agreed exit route, the sat did nothing then suddenly powered up. A hostile action?  Why? 

YES !! I thought that might get its attention, it’ll wanna know what the craft was, that fired, seek reasons why?! Then it’ll be back, to find out more on us, but we’ll be in and out and gone before that comes back! The Zimp is taking a trip into space, before heading back to us. Long enough for us to achieve our surprises and attack!

Choew don’t let it lock on to you!

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