Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Liana’s voice interrupted them. “Nathan ?” “Liana.” “I’m detecting an unknown craft, heading this way, could be hostile. “ “Activate Rising Sun.’” “Raising token array and initialising Rising Sun.” They were looking at the screen, when it came into view, travelling at speed! Nothing they had ever seen before? It had a raised nose and shaped like a bird. Its size was smaller than a Zimp!

Noge was watching it. “The dynamics on this, are incredible, look at the speed that thing is travelling at!” “Nathan” “Liana.” “ You have Sovereign craft moving to intercept.” There was a burst of fire from one of the warships dispersing just in front of the strange craft. A shot across the bows?

Made no difference, the craft continued heading towards them.The second warship fired, they were not warning the craft. Since it had chosen to ignore their earlier warning they had deemed, that they had no choice, a direct hit? “Nathan.” “Liana.” “ Datastreams are indicating a direct hit, but there was no impact data received, no shock wave.

The plasma stream from the weapon was totally absorbed by the energy field around the incoming craft.” Seconds followed before the two warships fired, data confirmed direct hits yet again! Made no difference to the oncoming craft!

“Tell them to stop firing, their weapons are having no effect ! Rising Sun will destroy the vessel. “ “Craft is slowing down!” Eyes watched the object slow as it approached the brightly lit shield of the Rising Sun defences. It now entered the shield totally unaffected by it!

Raptor’s main docking hatches slid open to allow it to dock. “Guardian systems scanning, unable to scan master, nothing there but something there, unable to continue, this is illogical master.”
“Stand down Guardian, maintain shield.” Nathan went over to the console. ”All personnel, we have an alien craft, within the shield be aware.”

GOKS appeared within the main docking area and along the corridor from it. Cistera’s personal guard made its appearance, Cxao was first to see the alien being emerge from the craft. Female in form?! When it appeared, she walked through them as they tried to stop her,

“Nathan, whatever it is, it looks female and she’s headed in your direction, can’t make out face or other as its wearing some kind of cloak, does not appear armed but wearing a strange arm band and carrying something that could be a weapon.”

She’s entered corridor 2, heading towards gallery and control area.” “Tan.”
“On my way Nathan.” Within parsecs Tan was there in the gallery area. “She’s here ! and you ain’t gonna believe this Nathan.” Tan tried to block her, the Alien lifeform stopped, scanned her?
‘Sentient, bio molecular, not Human(a), not Sentient.‘ It carried on past Tan, out of the Gallery area.
Tan was puzzled. What did she mean ‘NOT sentient?’

Its not the control area it wants access to.” ”Stay with her Tan.” “Will do.” Tan was trying to work out what the lifeform had done, when it had stopped to scan her ? She had definately felt it doing something ! She followed after it.

The hatch to the room they were in opened but nothing came in ! They moved towards the door when a noise made them look round.It was stood there watching them. Nathan moved towards it.
It lifted its ams, dropping back the cape, to reveal a female? ‘Well, it looks like a female!”

A band on its arm, not unlike a Kabzanza, but higher up the arm and on the right arm which glowed. It looked at Nathan and his Kabzanza. Nathan saw it glow.It discharged a high energy burst at the Alien. To no avail, she seemed unmoved by it as it fired another burst, he heard words from its lips? “Catreoun.” (Stop)

The energy surge ceased! No on could move!  Only watch, as its arms were raised, showing off not just the gleaming arm band, but an ornament across her forehead, that also gleamed like a crown.
“My name is Kiato, where I am from, or who I am, is of no consequence.” She paused.

I bring a gift to the Haphketsut Princess Cistera’ from my people. The main screen lit up. Systems were churning data.! Riak entered. “Welcome Riak.” “Welcome Kiato. We are indeed priviledged.” She ignored his remark, stepped back, arms down, as she moved wrapping the cloak around her.
Seconds, it could not have been more than that! In her craft and gone! They were now able to move again. ‘What the ‘ muttered Nathan.

Whoever Kiato was, the data that had been placed on the main systems storage units was invaluable! Information on the Jogarth and the Urwq! Their recent activities and why it could be deemed to be of major concern! A warning ? Stay away, from ? The Cflen?

Nathan and Droge went over the data. Nathan had suspected they were looking to lock the dark matter using the material they had found. According to the data we had, they had opened up a mining complex, it HAD been a TREXL mining area.

Abandoned after several accidents, where dark matter, had been released.
To consume all around it!  Their sciestes’ had developed a counter device to the effects of dark matter and were able to ‘cleanse’ the area. It was still not safe to remain! Advice on targets? 
Plan to firstly attack the main monitor station and knock out communications,

[2] Disable, if not destroy any exits for craft to leave and engage us. Harass the enemy by using ‘Nuisance devices, that create a lot of noise, cause fires, time locked so they don’t explode immediately, or explode when picked up.

That causes

[3] Psychological stress, (The Urwq arn’t great thinkers) injure them or disable them and they go nuts!”

[4] Deploy Squats, these look like craft, cheap tacky but effective and simulate troop landings.

Fly them, over enemy positions, then land them, diverts enemy from hostage area.

[5] Use Fendiq Sovereign craft, to straf and harass troops, near mines whilst

[6] Landing troops, between mine and hostages.

[7] Land troops and support vehicle to pick up hostages.

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