I had not been ignorant, of other races, beings or species; whatever those wish to call them. My days at the Kets Akademy had taught me a lot, with the mixing of those Kets (children) from across the galaxies. I could determine, that it was a suit of sorts this thing was wearing.
It takes courage to get close to something, that is unpredictable, unknown and investigate? In this case unwrap it and discover what lay beneath the surface? Finally, gaining enough courage,. I moved cautiously forward, thinking to myself, why is this, happening to me ?
Reminding myself, how boring my life was and how often, I had wished for something, exciting to happen? Well it had and beyond all measure! I leaned down, to get a closer look at the lump. Examining what was clenched in his, hand?
It was not a weapon, but a device of some sort. A Globesat locator unit! An attempt, to discover where IT had landed ? His head was wrapped with a fabric I had not seen before, a physical shield unit, that I recognised, covered his face.
I got behind him, grabbed hold of him, to pull him into the craft with as much strength as I could muster, behind my efforts. To this day I do not know how I managed to ! Maybe it was the wind picking up to almost howling that egged me on !
I finally, managed, to drag him back into his craft, some relief at realising IT, was NOT as heavy as appearances were falsely giving the impression ?
However it was not easy AND the wind had picked up to the level where it was whistling around the entrance, making the craft judder! I realised to my dread, the signs of the one storm most in this system fear. A Horowtz; about to hit.
SO what is a Horowtz ?
Imagine a blizzard, with the strength of a hurricane thrown in for good measure. Multiply its effects three fold ! The winds pick up and howl and if you’re caught in it ? Your breath sucked out of you or? Rarely anything survives past being frozen, into some giant ice cube !
Craft don’t fly anywhere near areas, where these things occur. It also means any rescue craft, or thoughts on one coming soon could be dismissed. The curse, with a Horowitz, is the fact, that it can last for days! If I didn’t do something quick, we, were about, to fall victim to one !
I had to pull him in, beyond the hatchway and, there were things in the way? So I had to stop and move the objects ? I looked around at the interior. OK, so it might be a female thing ? A momentary thought on how untidy the interior of the craft was ! I was also thinking to myself ‘How the heck do I CLOSE the opening. Seal the hatch?
If I couldn’t, it would be a major problem. Exposed to the full force of the wind with little protection?! Sooner or later, the interior temperature, would drop and, we would be slowly frozen to death !! Worse, picked up, in the funnel of the Horowtz and thrown around, all over the place !
Fear ? I HAD to get it closed!!! I stepped towards, what looked to be the main control console. A screen, at an angle, clearly visible. Holographic imaging of a very high quality. An expensive luxury for a ‘Zimp’ ! The moment I took a closer look I heaved a sigh of relief!
The Kets Akademy is a blessing. You get to use other races technologies and, talking to their race, learn about them. Understand and, use the controls? These, looked familiar, unlike the ones, across the outer of the craft. I gambled, on one of the controls, being the one, to close the hatch.
Seeming to recognise, the icon, on the control screen, as being the relevant one? I moved my fingers, deftly across the screen and it flickered into life.
I nearly screamed, as there was a loud hiss, a flash of light and the platform, I had dragged him off into the craft, seemed to move, creaking and groaning. I breathed another sigh of relief as I watched it seal, shutting us both in. Some panic but!
At least I was inside the craft out of the Horowtz. Somewhat safe, even if, the craft continued to judder and creak, under the swell, of the outside winds. Also it did have some form of automated, reactance temperature module, controlling the interior heat. Definitely warmer than out there !
Hmm better look and see how IT; was ! Plucking up courage,. I was now leaning over it and moving the fabric. I released the shield which now exposed the face? I can tell you I gasped!
This was NOT the first time I had ever encountered, your species, the Human(a)? As fine a looking person as any fair looking male on Fendiq ! Similar features except our males foreheads, have a v shape ridge.A line over the eyes no hair forming eyebrows as you have.
A sigh of relief ! Noting that he was breathing !! I loosened the material to reveal his full face and released some seals on the suit, it took time! He was well wrapped.
I stood back, looked around. The device he had been carrying was a location detection Globestar finder, I now recognised it, from having used one myself, trained at the Akademy ? Cept of course the writing was different but the symbols were the same ? Probably stolen off another race !
It was then, I heard another noise ...