Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Don’t worry, its nothing, you don’t have to be concerned.”!! Until you finally stop and have to go sort it! “What the hell is the matter woman !! Of course, starts em off again ! Try ignoring em?! As if ! Now I met Beis the other day, in her non morphed form very nice, but when she decides she feels comfortable with morphing, she looks at me and just does it !

Its not, that I don’t like Animorphs and hey Drams is more than happy, apart from hearing me recall the kiss Soniette planted on me! But it freaks me, when they JUST DO IT ! I asked her don’t your clothes get tight with all that hair and she replies.

Sure does’ Then promptly removes them and I mean ALL of them ! No shame that girl, I point it out to Dram what she does and he says ‘Hasn’t she got the cutest tail ?’ And hey, I love spending time working with her when she’s like that !

Not that Dram, has a problem now with morphing? NO never does ! The moment she takes her clothes, he feels he has to remove his ! They’re off somewhere and they’re not collecting star stamps ! They also MOULT, you know, drop hair! YES its true !
Try and get on with your work when you’ve got Beis working with you and a cleaning gok appearing every damm time she moults hair is to say the least distracting.

I tried amending the subroutines, for the gok cleaner modules, but hey its all or nothing NOT going there ! If you think I’m spending time working out why its just that over something like a few parsecs of cleaning ? Ah well time to get my head down they’ll wake me when they’re good and ready ! That would not be as long as I might have liked!

Nathan.” “Liana !” “Yo, Nathan! A shuttle from Mordo has just dropped off a present from the Cline Tecmo Corp. for you, said its a birthday present.
Your birthday Nathan. Yo ?” “Huh erm, well, yeah might be.” “Hey! Listen up everyone, its Nathan’s birthday! Drinks in the shaker!” “Thankyou Liana !”

So I try keep it a secret ! But hey, I’m up for an Iridian ale anytime ! Tan? Well she’s good company. “TAN !” “Yes Nathan.” “Shaker?” Tan mutters back with that trying to sound interested voice, tinted with sarcasm?! “Oh that’ll make a change!”

Tan as a bio molecular does drink, her senses, well her self aware circuits, are good, I mean she can tell you where my Iridian Ale was made, when, how long ago etc. For instance? I’m in the shaker now, got my Iridian ale in my hand and everyones toasting the birthday boy.

Tan tell me when this was made and where.” Now I know it says on the label, brewed at the Iridian Cougar breweries original recipe circa 29th century. Bottle date of brewing? About 15 earth years ago. Tip some in a glass, hand it to Tan, who swallows some and hey lets compare notes.

You ready Tan ?” Tan scowls. I add knowing what she’s like when she does this. “ I don’t need a chemical analysis !”
“Uh yes Nathan, Iridian ale, well similar, brewed on Stella 5 within the last few days.” She grins. “We bought it on Stella 5 for you and it was made at the Toboki drinks factory. They produce a huge range of drinks at budget prices.” “Uh OK TAN.”
Am I going red? Am I embarrassed?

We won’ go there! “So did you drop into the Cline Tecmo Corp and pick up the money they owe me ?” ‘’Sure did, all done sorted.”‘ “What?” I am genuinely surprised, Clime Techno are not renown for paying on time! Let alone ALL of what’s due!

They paid on time ? All of it ? ‘ “Well actually.” I stopped what I was doing, which was trying to find something, to open the dammed crate with ! Turned to look at her. “Tan?” “Well they paid 2/3rds of it.” “2/3rds???!!! Typical!! “ “Uh well there was a deal struck on the remaining 1/3rd !!” I had picked up a lever to prise the crate open with. Tan backed away a little which made me suspicious of what she was about to tell me?

A deal for the balance?” 1/3rd of the total due I can tell you, equated to a LOT of Draxetnium! More than Cxao would have earned in two Earth years salary to be precise! “Well they supplied your birthday present, said it was extra special and only cost you 1/20th of its total value! They wanted to show you how they’ve made progress wise on their technologies.”

The Clime Techno Corporation worked with developing ‘Neuro systems’ The BRAINS behind the Bynards and other robotic systems. Every Bynard they produced with their new ‘Neuro Adaptive systems ‘ gave me 30% returns on the total price the Bynard sold for!

Since THEY had exclusive rights on the Neuro modules, bio morphic enhancements for intelligent functions, that made me a lot of revenue. Over forty million produced in one Earth year. So a third of that revenue was one heck of an amount. “Hmm better be worth it ! Hope it one of those Ikleterraine mobies (Highly sophisticated, self aware off road buggies. Great for fun! On some planets they race them literally to the death )

I finally, got the lid of the ‘crate’ open. Peered inside. It’s well wrapped whatever is inside it, several sections? We’ve got to open the other sections first, so more prising and cursing catching your fingers! Even Cxao seems to be lending a hand, curious to see what’s in this massive bubble that’s being revealed. Not, I should add a transparent bubble!

The bubble out of the packaging? A vocox (Voice unit) activates a little holographic display screen. It screeches at me. “PLEASE press here and leave bubble for (48 earth hours) to fully charge the enlcosed unit.The outer bubble casing will dissolve as charging continues until the unit within is fully charged and ready for use. Please place your hand here.”

Nathan placed his hand into the control interface. “Your imprints have been registered and the unit now only responds to your commands. The module will self program and activate its security and other programs whilst charging and will self initialise itself ready for you to use immediately!

There is no waiting with us, the Galaxies best service providers, when it comes to Techmo ! Techmo, Techmo…” The vocox unit appeared to have developed a fault! ‘This always seems to work ‘ Cxao said as he approached the unit and thumped it! It continued. “Please enter your name and how you would like the unit to address you?” ‘”Uh?

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