Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Before they entered, what was the Roqua, Wesquin paused, he thought he would give Emritte and Chenise two of his favs a little more time to get into the Roqua. It was a play area for Animorphs, for the adults? “Now that you, are truly one of us, you must understand, we are NOT like Human(a).

Though we may appear in a nonmorph state, SOME of us.” he emphasized the ‘SOME’ “You will have noticed a lot of Animorphs from level 2 down, don’t change from their morph state ?” Dram nodded. “Their normal self.”

Wesquin made it clear he liked Drams reply. “The Princess has for once chosen wisely ! and you can tell her, I said that!”
He smiled then continued. “In here, you will find females and males, relaxing wearing only ‘Naktaks’” He produced one.

When you see new Animorphs putting them on for the first time, you can’t stop laughing as they try and tuck it round their tails ! But no doubt the Princess will show you the easy way of putting one on !
Which reminds me, some bad news !’ Drams ears seem to prick up, he was starting to morph.

Wesquin told him not to fight it but let it happen. “You will learn, how to control it. For the moment, you will find it, will happen when it wants to, but don’t fight it ! Now, oh yes, bad news, the Princess now that she has been impregnated, cannot couple with you, until she has reached her 5th cycle of Camta.(Pregnancy)

That is to protect her new Kevletlings, something you will no doubt be pleased about ?” Dram smiled. “The good news is, you get to choose one of the Silvetings as your Caloui, (mate) she will reserve herself, only for your attention and until such time, the Princess becomes available to you again.

She will be restricted by drugs, from being available to conceive, she will be rewarded for her patience by having the gift of Royal priviledge conferred on her and her family. Sleep in an adjacent room to yours and the Princess’s, but you may call for her, or go to her at any time.

Later you may have Kevletlings with her, if you wish, or continue without, but I should warn you, most do like to have at least a dozen Kevletlings ! Now where was I, oh I’ve put the word around, so some of the most eligible and the best, will be here, for you to view, but I do NOT want you making any decisions yet. You need really to talk to the Prncess.

When you go, to make your choice, she will be pleased to feel, she has some decision in you choosing your Caloui !
Also the Princess, will not like you, abandoning your Caloui, for another, so choose wisely ! Now take a deep breath and try to relax, first time the Roqua can come as a bit of a shock !”

Soniette, was still not allowed, to move from her quarters, she had been confined and told to rest. Also Tan, had installed a Medisent Fesling to monitor her bio signs. Another to look after her generally. She had been talking to Cistera, and was pleased to see, that Nathan, had placed her, under strict instructions; she was to rest!

Scieste aboard the Axere, had spent time, carrying out research, including manipulating the DNA structure, in Human(a), to blend with their life streams.It was rare for there to be problems they could not solve.

Ten years they had sought to have Soniette fertile. , now they were both feeling really, really pleased. Good strong males / females would not be a problem ! The issue of an heir was resolved, much to the delights of Soniette’s parents !
Her sisters were also well pleased for her and although Canuweis was not yet impregnated, she swore she would find some way to convince her, but she was NOT going to, she made it clear to Brage, not going to force her.

Soniette laid back watching the GNET screen then switched it off, hmm she thought, wonder if he’s got to the Roqua yet ? She flipped the screen on and asked the system, to let her view, the Roqua. “As you wish Princess.” The monotone tones of the system replied. She scowled, “I must get Dram to look at the vocoder circuits, see if we can’t make, the voice a little more friendly”

She had instructed Wesquin, to assemble, only the very best Silverlings, available. Of course, this session to exclude the males. He wanted Dram to be left to play with them and had told Wesquin, they may rub against him, rub his ears, wrap their tails, but no kissing and no raising of tails !

He’s still oozing Rextrisin, so expect some reactions from the norm ! “ He had smiled “Do you want him to choose straight away ?” “He won’t.” She had replied. “He will want me to be happy, with his choice first.” Wesquin wondered if she would be right. “DO warn him first!”

I don’t want you being upset by your Silvelings behaving badly ! “ She grinned. “Don’t worry, with that amount of Rextresin in the air, I would think it abnormal if one or two of them didn’t but watch them and scold them if you have to !”

Beis had had enough. “If he doesn’t like me as I am, then I am not pretending to be what I am not !” Her tail shook.
“No good getting riled.” Her mother had said. “You know the Roqua and the choosing of a Caloui, is totally open and who is the best, gets, but remember.” Beis interrrupted her. “Royal priviledge is not something to be sneezed at”.

She sneezed. ‘Hmmph’ her mother rasped. “Bad start already, amend your attitude! Now get going ! “Entering the Roqua Dram was immediately taken in by the smell, imagine incense burning? Well it was similar. Soft light and a whole room, a small room filled with cushions and more cushions, no chairs, just cushions and some small tables on which were some pretty looking, what we would call flowers. Drinking glasses and Iridian wine, disappointingly! No ale !

I’m afraid I have to leave you on the Princess’s instructions !” He introduced a female called Anolve. She will look after you and make sure they behave ! Anolve is married, so sorry, out of the competition ! “
Dram was staring at her, she was extremely attractive ! Anolve took him over then stopped selecting a naktak. “I’d like you naked, then I will show you how to put this on?

Before, I allow the females in, but its your choice Highness, you can stay as you are, but you will not, allow them, to give you their full attention and you will miss some of the pleasure, from their contact’ He stripped, pleased to see he had morphed almost completely and the hairs on his body were thicker. “Not.” She commented, as soft as they should be, but she said that she would sort that for him.

His tail had grown longer and also had hair that was thicker, some inches longer than most males, she ran her fingers along it he shook, yes she said it does feel a bit strange to start with ! Soon he was wearing the Katak and the drug she had given him calmed him down. Relaxed, he entered the chamber.-+,

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