Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

If she wants to come play in my back garden Daddy without being invited then I think its time Daddy’s girl, teaches her a lesson , I’m moving 4 battle cruisers into Roengar not to take the planet but to seize slaves, equivalent to the numbers, she has deprived me off, I’ll send in some of my best ; a raiding party. I’ll teach that bitch some manners. “

Friel hissed at his commanders “ Move in to the Sesista Empire, the planet Theda and seize the Royal Palace and that old hag Volores (Helliera’s mother) Don’t take the planet, that can wait, just enough troops to totally seal off any resistance or counter attack around the Palace, then bring the hag to me “

Prince Risatoo was now in Fendiq and with Hellenia, the woman positively glowed 
“You are impossible! Moments with me and you’re already taking possession of my assets “ “Nothing” he kissed her “ Nothing wrong with sharing “ “In that case” she grinned.
“ I’ll secure my own interests, before we totally share everything “

Cistera and Nathan, were also wrapped, in each others moment of heightened passion but he had been careful, “I’m past the incubation period and the Kets are fine, all four of them “
He stopped, looked at her. “FOUR ?” “Don’t worry, not now anyway.” She grabbed at him, pullng him close the rings enveloped them wrapping them, as he drew closer, softly the feel, of wave after wave of energy pulsing across his back.

Away across the galaxy in Sesista Queen Volares, watched events and was pleased, the death of Olfren had made her weep, for all of the years, she had held him at bay, refusing to go to his aid, as the Jogarth harassed and finally executed him. Even more her best friend, his Queen, also executed. Hellenia had played her cards well.

Seizing on the moment to finally have her mother’s consent to help Cistera and Soniette. Hellenia had been a close friend of Cistera’s, their intimacy had raised suspicious eyes but they were close. With Cistera and Fendiq, that calculating despot Lelanora?

She had not, liked the way things had happened and had carefully been watching waiting, it can be said that what Hellenia gained with her beauty she also gained in her strategic skills.

At the Kets Akademy, proving time after time, she was brilliant, often in simulations with the other Princesses, she out ran them all, for her prowess, cunning and diversity; well all bar Cistera! Not even the despised Isabellani could match her!

Princess Isabellani hated her, for on more than one simulation, she had blatantly humiliated her, much to the amusement of others especially Soniette, if she hated anyone more, than any of the other Princesses it was without doubt Hellenia, closely followed by, Cistera and Soniette.

Her animosity towards Animorphs was well known, she would jeer at Soniette’s ladies in waiting, or vindictively try and cause them pain or discomfort. Whenever and however she could, teasing and taunting them calling them rabid animals. “That“ Soniette had once replied “ Coming from you, you psychotic bitch, is a compliment , for if I were of your race I would sooner be an animal. “

Jogarth battle cruisers roared into the Empire of Sesista. Landing on Theda, soon flash troops, were landing near Roengar. Meeting heavy resistance, they had only seixed 100 slaves, when they were forced to withdraw, not something to smile about, to face Princess Isabellani with !

Friels crack troops however, carried out his instructions to perfection. Attacking and moving to invade the palace area, only to be met by craft they had never encountered before, but clearly displaying the emblem of the Tasic Empire. The battleships moved to attack them and the Tasic craft moved quickly, out of their way, to be replaced, by one of the biggest battle gunships they had ever seen.

Its weaponry was unknown, its sheer size, outsized anything they had and to give us some comparison of its size? It was twice the size of a Galicia Class ‘A’ battlecruzer. It glowed with a luminescence that suddenly flared to release a round device into their midst.
The huge battle ship, that had released it moved back as the Jogarth cruisers surrounded it.

The device began to spin, it built up speed faster and faster, yet spun in the same space like some gigantic gyroscope, it rotated until suddenly bursts of concentrated energy emitted from it. The pattern was a ring of energy displaced steady and full on, against the Jogarth battle cruisers. They had no defence against its incredible surges. One by one they disintegrated.

Just out of Roengar the battle cruisers fleeing with troopers licking their wounds now faced a wall of Sesista and Tasic war craft, again this huge monster of a gunship, held their attention as they were boarded and the slaves released.

They were all put onto one of their battle cruisers, weapons arrays targeted and destroyed. Despatched towards the Jogarth Empire totally humiliated. Friel had heard and seen the results, his anger raged, wherever he turned there seemed to be something to thwart his attempts failure after failure and his resources were beginning to suffer. Yet Princes Isabellini consoled him “ By tonight Daddy I will teach them all a lesson to remember “

Princess Isabellini executed the commander of the failed slave raid in front of his men then apponted Grom as the new commander. Grom was a hardened veteran, he had seen service across the galaxies and was a cunning, devious and a harsh man, who ruled by fear. His commands were never countermanded or argued with.

He was a perfect male example of Princess Isabellini. She talked to him for some time then he turned to leave “ 4 hours from now we will be celebrating your Imperial Highness “ “That where YOU are concerned.” She said “ I can believe. “

Groms main battle cruiser drew the attention of some Sesista scout craft who reported back his movements, then as his fleet built up they despatched heavier units to meet him Meanwhile Princess Isabellini’s Inferno moved into position just south of Tigons drift and waited.

They didn’t have to wait long and Grom, on seeing the approaching craft was disappointed, at the absence of the Tasic gun ship. Still, there were plenty more to this fleet and ready for the plucking. He moved away to join up with Isabellini. “Take the Jogarth forces and secure, the craft behind the Inferno!” Soon all of the Jogarth craft were lodged behind it, in front of it the various enemy craft. Lining up for the final attack? .

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