Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Cistera watched as Jes entered, not too overdressed, formal and polite plus maintained correct protocols, with no eye contact and correctly addressing her. She felt, she could reciprocate, by granting Jes, when they were alone, the right, to address her informally. To call her Cistera.

Jes was delighted and pleased, she had made an impression to start with. During the tour, of the vessel, she found Cistera had lots of questions. The tour was going really well. It was approaching level two and Jes remembered Ana’s quip, re the non gravity chamber, she decided to risk telling Cistera, only to find her quiet and obviously annoyed.

I’m sorry Cistera I’ve offended you ‘ ‘No it’s not you, I don’t think you are fully aware, of all the facts, I know Nathan has called a meet later, to talk to everyone onboard, as to what is relevant and essential, for you all to know, but perhaps Jesira I can talk to you and explain as  female to female.

Lets forget the Royal protocol for now ? You’ve pleased me today with how I’ve been treated and respected. You’ve been nothing less, than an excellent companion, so let me explain a few things’

She continued to explain events as they had happened, suddenly as they neared the lower section to the cargo holding area there were noises, coming from near the cargo entrance.

Jes knew there was a bay, past the entrance, it was furnished, for sitting down and having refreshments or catching a short sleep. Used by those, such as Nathan, if they were doing lengthy monitoring of the GOKS busy unloading, in the docking bay area.

The unit was self contained, could be sealed from the main docking area, allowing those inside it, not to be affected, by the sudden depression of oxygen and gravitational levels, when the main doors were opened.

With its own, air conditioning system. The noise, coming from there, it was obvious what the noise was! Nathan and Tan getting it on ! The noise Tan was making and with the rattling, of the bulkhead, no guesses what they were doing !

She turned to Cistera to take her back up away from the cargo bay, when she was alarmed to discover Cistera in a state of distress? “How can he do this to me, he promised, we would discuss this and he would not join with her again, until we had found some way to lessen the effects, I’m sorry Jes.”

She started to panic. “When he joins with her, they link with me, I feel and sense everything!” There was a soft murmur from between Cistera’s lips. Jes was quick off the mark. “Console 4. Cargo rr42y3 activate sleep protocol 667r3y2 immediate respond, when complied. Reject any over ride on those instructions except mine to countermand ?”

Action taken, your orders complied with mistress.” Tan had Nathan exactly how she wanted, as she urged him on, whispering, the things he liked to hear, in his ear, begging him to say the magic word! He was stripping frantically, to have her,about to say the magic word, his lips opened, he stopped, yawned!

It was then, that Tan realised, the compartment had flooded with Petra gas, Nathan felt tired, very tired. VERY, VERY tired and within seconds was asleep. She knew the gas would not clear from his system for at least 6 or 7 earth hours, she tried to countermand Jesira’s commands, to no avail ! Tan was furious!

Clearing the bay and restoring normal levels, would occur but it seemed to take longer than usual, Tan asked on whose authority, the bay had been flooded, only to be told access to this information is classified; to her, access denied.

Cistera recovered almost immediately, even if she amused Jes by yawning! Jes explained, what she had done and how long, the effects would last ! She grinned, seconds later, they were both laughing. “There are.” She said ‘Ways of getting your own back, with a degree of subtlety and little or no force”

She did admit she would have loved to have seen Tan’s face ! “I think we will avoid Tan for awhile !” More laughter. Cistera told her the whole story, as to what had happened after Nathan had crash landed on Orias. Jes listened, she was stunned, by what she heard?

What concerned her most, was the fact that it was Cistera’s insistence, that when Nathan made love to Tan, he also symbiotically made love to her. A major problem, as it meant, Cistera could be anywhere, anytime, anyplace and those two deciding to join? Well Cistera’s reactions, were not something to be shared in public !

Tanya, covered Nathan and left him, in the unit as she disappeared to re appear in the gallery, trying to establish what had happened, only to have Liana and Desiree falling about laughing. Even Dram had a grin on his face. There was little, Tan could do but sulk.

Back at her accomodation Jes had the Fesling supply them with drinks and food, they were talking for some time on general things. Somehow, the subject got around to the Human(a) and those from Fendiq. How they differed, Cistera made an astonishing suggestion, would Jesira, strip naked for her and she would do the same ?

Jesira paused for a moment, then decided, her curiosity, was too much, to say no ! They stripped and stood together looking at each other, Cistera decided it was time to allow Jesira eye contact, so made it clear she could ignore the protocol on eye contact, this once!

Looking at each other, Jes peered at Cistera’s face, her eyes were almost human(a), in fact, her face, was virtually similar in almost every feature. Her head though had the gems implant. That made her forehead, distinctive close UP. At the back of her neck, two protruding soft ridges, Cistera made clear, these were very sensitive to touch, not painful but pleasure ‘hot spots’ !

Her body? The curves, breasts, the same but Jesira concluded Cistera’s breasts were bigger, very taut, firm and she had nipples, but smaller than hers and the auvolea around them, was larger and more distinct, than hers. With her slightly smaller but pert breasts large nipples and small auvolea !

Above her right breast Jesira was aware of the flower and another mark which blended with it but was distinctive, the love bite Nathan had given her, had become part of her completely unlike with other Human(a) where it would fade, it never would, with Cistera.

Curious about the birth (belly) button and Jesira took Cistera’s hand and let her feel it, she then explained how it came about, to discover Cistera had one aswell but in a different place, turning Cistera showed her hers located at the base of what would have been a Human(a) spine.

Running up the back of Cistera where the spine would have been was a distinct tubular shaped protrusion, she asked Cistera, to lean forward.

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