Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera


So it’s difficult to get excited about it! “ Oh its just another trade outpost.” Nathan could sense some sarcasm in her voice? ! “Only, one that grew, to be one of the biggest shopping centres; in the Qiverse! The place you can buy anything your heart desires!” She grinned, placed her hand on his chest then giggled, talking of. “You have got one haven’t you ! “

We’re orbiting Stella5” Tan glanced at the transmat screen as she passed it looking at the cloud layer “I like Stella5. We have business with Canthros and then we’re taking a trip down to the planet to load our goods.” Nathan’s face appeared on the main screen in the control room.  “We’re not taking too long. We need to be somewhere else, within the next few days.
So please!

Don’t use this trip as an excuse, to go sightseeing, or indulge in other activities, other than restocking supplies and necessities! “ Tan was quick to add a request, before he turned off the coms unit. “I know you’re taking Cistera but you are, taking me with you ?” she sighed, there was a hint of tension in her voice, he detected some real emotion.

Tan! For the last three times we’ve visited Stella5, have I ever left you onboard ? You are always by my side, besides Dominata, would not be pleased, if her favourite girl, did not show and I might not get the supplies I need, at the discounted prices, she always gives me, with you negotiating prices !

You can juggle costs so much quicker and, you know I hate bartering let alone, agreeing exchanges! So YES Tan, you will be coming along and I suggest, you conclude business, with Canthros as soon as you
can, let me know when you’re ready to go down to Stella 5.

 I’m off, to show Cistera the guest quarters, you’ve started work on, to make sure they’ve got her seal of approval! I want her, to appreciate the ideas you’ve got, on how they should be furnished for her guests. Make sure, you don’t have a clash of cultures, haven’t forgotten something. You know like the time with the Maorja?” Nathan grinned.

Tan had made the mistake of furnishing the quarters, of one of their nobles using the color purple. A royal color to most. To the the Maorja a color representing death! Luckily a diplomatic incident, that got rectified pretty quick, but never forgotten by Nathan!

Different worlds, different races, different cultures, ideas, and perceptions. Only the stupid, ignored them! Feeling relieved, he would not be leaving her, recent events had made her emotions harder to contend with, as she struggled, to try and keep a hold on reason, at least; the harmony program seemed to be working.

She did have chemical responses, which heightened her ‘I’m feeling good sensations’ she moved over to him and laid down next to him. He had been very, responsive to her, following his time, with Cistera. She had made full use of everything, she could, to be equal to Cistera, in passion and love making.

Teasing taunting and knowing, she had experience, of what really turned him on.
She wondered if Cistera, could feel them exploring and reaching new depths of passion, but unknown to her, the link had been broken

Cistera had not felt the same symbiotic relationship with Tan since her full on session with Nathan. Her body had, unknown to them, experienced a chemically organic change. Something she noticed in particular, when he had introduced her to the Aquatis Solera (Virtual jacuzzi). Light spray in the air of soft mist containing a chemical enzyme, which relaxed and soothed, the mind and the body. Set in an almost candle lit enviroment.

Soaking in the Aquatis,  they were enjoying the, relaxation of the moment. He was laid back, with her body, resting against his; as his hands gently massaged her shoulders and arms. She had experienced, a whole new dimension in relaxation, as they listened, to some soft music and talked.

The bubbles on the water, made her tingle, her sensory nodes lapped up the sensations, trickling through her body, she turned and kissed him, gently but lingering; taking in the droplet of water on his lips. “This is the start to a perfect day!”

Jes, Tan and Ana, had concluded business with Canthros. Delighted with the exchange rates and the gift, he had made to each of them of what was considered, rare. A small bottle of Eris Phaemor. The scent of Eden as it was known. It was not only rare, but extremely expensive! Such a gift was indeed an honour to receive!

Canthros was no fool. All of them, had heeded Nathan’s words. Time was not on their side, which meant trading with Canthros for the bulk of supplies made a lot more sense, than spending too much time bartering below on Stella 5 for ships requisities; when they could, be looking at personal items!

The cargo carrier, had almost everything they needed, so Canthros could send over the goods, whilst they were otherwise occupied below. Anything not onboard the cargo carrier, would be brought up from the planet by them. All Canthros would do was to ensure their Zimp, had the goods delivered to them.

Everyone meet in the galleria and we’ll head, to the Zimp from there. “ They were approaching the galleria, when Liana’s voice could be heard echoing round the bulkhead
“I’m receiving a transcast from a vessel, in close proximity to us, now fast approaching from sector 7.

The vessels ident is the ‘Chivan’, its diverting from Stella 9, to rendevous with us and they’re asking for confirmation that we have the Haphketsut Princess onboard. They fear being tricked, by Lelanora, they’re also wary of our hostile status?

They’ve heard of our recent encounters. They’re saying something about the (the seal of the royal house of Fendiq) . Tan suggested Nathan go and talk to Cistera, whilst she, reassured them, on the Chivan as best she could.

Cistera, had received the cargo containers contents, left by her father. The  Royal seal and other important items, seemed to suggest; he knew something was wrong. He had concerns over her safety and well being. His trust in Nathan, he had stated in his communication, now found on the alde attached, was total.

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