Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Cistera felt a tear, come into her eyes, you don’t know how right you were she thought, then she spied a package. Tucked to one side by her and momentairily missed, which on opening, revealed a ‘Kabzanza’. It had on it, her royal crest, stamped into it and, set at either end of the band, two gems identical to the ones implanted into her. The note attached, read
‘Chehas kei leteum te fahasala te che ka’ (with your love I am complete).

Her father had added, ‘The gift from the people of Fendiq for the KaLasec, perhaps from YOU, moreso than them, but remember, YOU are, the sum of all your people; never. forget that ! 

Once you give this to him, it will form across his arm and will remain with him until he dies. It can never be removed by him, or anyone ! It will protect your beloved, as you both are joined, so the power will flow between you.’

Nathan entered the room, she tucked the Kabzanza, out of sight watching as he moved closer to her and kissed her.  She gripped his arm. “Close your eyes and hold our your left arm.
NOW !” It was difficult, for him to stop smiling, he quite liked, her tone of voice, demanding!

His arm now outstretched.. “Close your eyes!!” ‘Oh well!’ He thought as he closed them his arm held out steady. Suddenly something touched his arm, she held it as he flinched, then a sensation similar to a mild electric shock? A jolt of energy, which made him pull his arm sharply back, he opened his eyes to see the Kabzanza moulding to the shape of his arm!

Her gems were glowing and the two on the band seemed to be reacting he was feeling some pain! Looking at her his face distorted as the gems got brighter then softened in colour.
She pulled him, close to her, to whisper to him, comforting him. 

The pain, went, almost as soon, as it came and her gems too had become a softer colour,
‘My gift, my father’s gift, my peoples gift, to my Ka Absolute; to show my people your status and to demand their allegiance to you as my Ka Absolute. 
ANYONE, who defies you, defies me. Punishable; by death.”

There were clearly, some concerns, at the thought of that, ‘Don’t worry, even I, am loathe to carry out the death sentence, except.” She paused. “To those, who would see me dead, threaten or attempt to kill me OR my Ka. You will understand our ways “ He was somewhat pleased to hear that !

The Chevan ? Confirmation? He was concerned about making her presence known without checking them out. Who was to say that there were not assassins aboard the vessel? Cistera had grinned at the thought. ‘Little do you know of the power of the gems! To actually see them activated, will I think, shock you! ‘ Bemused she decided to send him on ahead first. That might make him happier.

Pulling him close, she ran her hand over the Kabzanza. It was warm to the touc. The ‘Raptor’ will you make it our flagship ? Will it, fly our crest ? That he knew was an open declaration and to some would be viewed as a statement of fact. To some an automatic declaration of war, he looked her.  Kissed her.

‘I will find out, how to install the Fendiq Crest, on the Raptors exterior’ she interrupted him. ‘Watch my Ka how the Royal Crest lights up the heavens, with a new star ’ Theirr gems glowed, she smiled pointing in front of them,  as her hand;  created a holographic moving image. He saw the Raptor exterior now, with three distinct crests identical, to the one on his Kabzanza. Emitting intense light to the side and front of the Raptor exterior, highlighting and outlining the Royal Crest.

Unknown to Nathan, Cistera had been talking to Jes who had carried out her instructions, on the installation of the various necessities required, to create the holographic imaging, re the Fendiq Crest.
A few extras from Stella 5, plus some expertise on the part of Raptor’s technical crew, had made it ready on Cistera’s command to activate and display them !

The Chevan will be in for a surprise !’ So, will a few others, thought Nathan .In the gallery control area along the middle of the bulkhead, appeared a line of symbols, then the crest embossed into the panels at a regular size and distance Ana watched her mouth open astonished, ‘I think’ she remarked.

We have just become, the Royal flagship for Queen Cistera.’ ‘No’ a voice echoed from above the gallery as they glanced up, Cistera held his arm aloft showing off the brightly gleaming Kabzanza.
‘The Royal flagship; for the Queen and her Ka Absolute’ !

Where is the Chevan? How long, before we make visual contact, with it ?” Cistera seemed impatient ! Perhaps Tan wondered ‘To show off her new found flagship, to show off her new found prize ? What will they  reckon to the fact that he is Human(a) ?”

Aboard the Chevan Coutesan Esra Hatomen, stared at the data screen, she hailed Coutesan DoCahanestoba and informed him, to expect a visit from two persons, representing the Haphketsut Princess and her Ka Absolute. He was astonished, he had known Cistera from birth, his loyalty; was without question.

The news? So she had taken on a partner but who ? No one, of Royal lineage from Fendiq, that he knew of , so who ? As the Chevan approached the Raptor, those onboard were left in no doubt about its status.

The heavens were ablaze with the distinct crest almost on fire. Just as Cistera had said, an impressive display, that left, no one looking on that it was anything less than flying the
Royal colors and emblems.  of Fendiq.  Chevan Coutesan EsraHatomen was staring at the sheer size and magnificence, of Raptor.

The stories had been true, it was indeed imposing. What craft, could have displayed so magnificently, the Royal crests ? They all felt that the time led up to this moment when they had felt deserted, alone, against the odds, had been worth the anguish; the pain the despair.

Hope, echoed by the sheer presence, of a vessel such as this. Their Queen, THE rightful heir, to the throne of Fendiq. Back with them, at last. As Nathan, went to leave, to board the Chevan, Jes as usual, the recognised first contact diplomat, stepped forward to join him, Tan stood watching then he stopped turned to Jes and spoke to her, she nodded as he turned to Tan.

If you can, we need to  get a move on. We don’t, want to keep them waiting !’ Jes talked to her for a few moments and Tan changed as Cistera watched somewhat amused? Jes had been  advising her on what she should wear and her colors.

Thanking Jes for her helping her decide on what she should be wearing and HOW she should look? She was, looking sensational; as sthe stepped into the air lock a smile crossed her lips, she had not competed with how Cistera looked, she had merely made sure, thanks to Jes that she was uniquely eye catching and beautiful; in her own right.

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