Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Tan woke to find Cistera, sat at the console unit, Nathan stirred, but didn’t wake as she slid out, from next to him, moving across to where she was sat. ‘Whatever they’re up to after the destruction earlier ? Nothing since, but that does not mean they’re not planning to retaliate. We should expect something at any time !

I sat down, almost next to her, looking at what she was doing. On the screen was the data, sent back from the probe I had launched to act as a beacon for Raptor, she was reading some of the data.

Raptor has responded and will be with us shortly Tan, they will pick up the probe on route to us. I’ve detected no activity from Orias, so we have not had, anything follow us off the moon.

I am, picking up signals; a transmission to Fendiq.
It is relaying information on and giving, not totally correct, I suspect , embellished details, of the encounter. We are clearly the aggressors who attacked without provocation AND who kidnapped the Princess. 

I am pleased, to see, that we are heading away from that area. They will surely despatch a ‘ Zmert’, star battle class cruiser.  Heavily armed and with one objective. The elimination of this craft.

So Cistera had been right, not that the thought had not crossed Nathan’s mind.
The demise of the Governor, is making news ! The reports were making it VERY clear, that the enemy vessel, of unknown origin, had deliberately landed on Orias, seized the Princess.

Nathan, was now, at the console and sending an urgent transmission, to Raptor.
“I’ve prewarned Raptor, but I suspect, if they despatch a ‘Zmert’  it will be looking for this Zimp, not the Raptor.

Cistera was still looking worried? “What is the Raptor and, how big is it ?”
Tan activated a screen and milli seconds passed before a figure of a female appeared, “Dees!” “So how is Nathan?” We’re headed close to you, the storm knocked out one of our main navigation sensors. Search for the ident signal from the Zimp.

Nathan has sent a coms re the possibility of some hostile military craft sent from Fendiq to intercept us, so be aware of that. I think some preliminary preparations for defensive action might be prudent?

We’re only a few parsecs, within the hour we should be meeting up ! Whose the passenger ? The ‘Neb’ has been driving me crazy, it seems to have this idea that I HAVE to obey the instructions, relayed from you, but the ident is different ?”

Tan was about to curse, to have a few unkind words, re Cistera and her interference, but changed her mind. There were other priorities?

Dees, activate code encryption 3r2y”, “Done, whats up ?” “You’ll find out soon enough, DO activate your token array, run the code I send you, to bolster the units defences. I’ve made some modifications to prevent certain elements, disrupting its defence protocols. Sending them over to you now’

Tan’s hand moved across the sensory pad, as it illuminated and then blinked at her ‘Done’ “Got it! Tan, activating data import and deploying new data streams” “OK collect the probe and give us a wink, when you’re within docking distance.”

It was several minutes later, Tan was in full conversation with Cistera, she had been studying the Human(a) database, relevant to carbon lifeforms?
Data applicable to Nathan!  Something again, which rattled Tan.

”As a species, we’re close, VERY close”. She kept repeating, as she revealed more about Nathan to Cistera, even if she was,  reserved, on some of the more, intimate; details

Tan was pleased, that Cistera was not planning on moving in on Nathan physically, or as a partner in the full emotional, sexual sense, that Tan currently enjoyed.
So where from here and what did Cistera want now?

Cistera was pleased to be free of Orias, freedom was feeling good, but adventure and opportunities, plus the challenge of getting back her crown, was the icing on the cake and she told Tan in no uncertain terms, she truly believed Nathan, was the key to her achieving just that.

So what did you mean by Ka Absolute ‘ Cistera sat back, looked at Tan. She had that sense, that she was mocking her.” Ask Nathan “ was her reply, but Tan was not going to let her leave the answer as was, repeating her question, this time with more of a demanding harsher tone to her voice !

Cistera stared at her again ‘So whatever you are, you still want to know, despite the fact, that you disrespect me, by insisting, on me telling you. Well I shall tell you , ‘Ka’ is the word for complete in your language, ‘Ka Absolute’ means complete,

‘As one entwined, bonded AS ONE; for life.’ Now do you understand?”

Tan was trying hard to dismiss what she thought it meant, not wanting to accept it at face value, having listened to Cistera reassure her, she had no carnal intentions, emotional, physical, or whatever re Nathan?
Yet what she had just said, did not to Tan,  make sense. Cistera interrupted her thoughts

You may have him Tan, whenever you desire, or however you desire, but he is mine in entirety. Every mino (inch, piece, part) of him, is part of me. What I feel, he feels, what he feels, I feel and yes, Tanya he does not need you to replicate me, as he knows he is totally part of me already! I will show you more of what I mean later”

They were interrupted,  as the screen flashed, Seriensa 4, the sentient suddenly appeared, it  reacted, glaring at Cistera, she felt its almost threatening presence as now she moved out of its way, Tan however, was having none of its imposition,   growled at it and as sudden, as it had appeared; it vanished.

“Yo Tan, we’re almost on you babe, better wake Nathan !!”
“Nope leaving him sleep.” She looked at Cistera who had now moved to  sit back on next to Nathan.. Eyes firmly fixed on Nathan, thinking to herself, ‘Not giving you, any opportunities, until we’re on board this  ‘Raptor’;  to get near Nathan.’

You taking navi then Tan ? Or giving the GOK (Seriensa 4) the helm ?”
Dees was laughing. She knew how much Tan hated the GOK! “You got my full attention Dees, lets lock on babe”

“OK docking coordinates, downloading to your sys now.” The console flashed, Tan stretched her hand out over the sensory pad, it blinked at her then a stuttered voice spoke. “Docking sequence initialized, locking on.”

Suddenly, overhead panels lit up, they flashed and the ‘Nebs’ warning voice could be clearly heard. “There is... a vessel approaching. IT  is arming itself for attack. Logic determines the ‘Zimp’ is the primary target.
Do you wish to deploy guardians ?” “Negative, stand down.

Dees. you there?”

Gotcha babe, taking care of it, moving to intercept, continue docking sequence, array initialised, not deploying Guardians. You need to move so we can deploy the ‘starburst’”

“OK, we will move, beneath Raptor, so we can take advantage of its shield AND protect us from the array being activated. “ 
“OK Tan I’ll ignite the array and try and contact them.”

Cistera was staring as the front panels slid down, revealing an area of space in front of them. Plus the fast approaching, instantly recognisable, Zmert battle cruiser.
She gasped realizing, that this, was much bigger than usual. There was also something different, about its appearance. She pointed out,

the extra fixture to its structure at its front?

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