Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

It was quiet ! Nothing happening ! Princess Isabellani’s threats it seemed had been taken seriously as she ignored her Daddy’s pleas and subjugated the people of Theda binding them into slavery, as the people of the Bexes Empire, also cringed before the might of the Jogarth.

She had ordered that both Bexes and Theda were to be converted to cousettes “Planets where the people served, to entertain Jogarth citizens and others, with places you could chill out and be entertained, to whore houses and other extremes of depravity.

The women and men of Theda, the Sesista Empire, were genetically beautiful. They were now rounded up in their thousands. The women and the men placed into whore houses enslaved, taken at will, beaten and tortured, to ensure they did as they were told, ready for the pleasures of the Jogarth.

The Alliance continued to debate and decide their next plan for attack. Rumours were rife, as to what was happening on Theda, but some truth was gleaned and Hellenia was made aware of the truth by her spies.

Despite what Friel had said, that psycho had taken no notice! Too wrapped up in her power, in the use of that weapon creating such mass destruction! Well two could play at that game!

In total secrecy, without the Alliance being aware of them, she despatched two of her craft on a secret mission. All the crews and the Commanders, were beyond reproach. Totally loyal to her and seeking, above all, the same as she sought. Revenge.

The skies over Jogarth were dark as night settled in. In Jojareth the capital, they celebrated. Enjoying the first of the new whores from Theda and Bexes ! The population had swelled in the Jogarth Empire and they badly needed more places to spread the population. All Jogarth were encouraged to have large families.

Now they had other Empires to travel to, to live, to grow, to spread. Rich resources, rich pickings! Settling back the people roamed the streets or were already resting, some being pampered by their newly acquired slaves, others beating them or torturing them, playing with them, reveling in their new found powers to dominate, to subjugate.

Fear? When your life is turned upside down and the invaders have no mercy, no compassion, just the urge to humiliate, to take whatever they want and leave nothing in return except the mark of evil? 
Some will give in, will lose hope, will discard their faith, because it is in the end, the only thing they have left, that is of their choosing.

The prayer to end this, to the death. The rebels will leave their mark, will attack will destroy, will be punished? NO! Their own people will be punished to teach them a lesson.

The craft slipped into Jogarth airspace, disguised as trading craft, they releasd their cargo, then left. Across the planet spread out, within the stratosphere, were round shaped gyroscopic devices.

They opened up and the devices seem to illuminate, looking like bright sun disks. If there had been any curiosity, it was not fear of whatever these things were! Rumour was that they were some new tech from Globesat for entertainment ? No one messed with GlobeSat equipment!

On the planet below there only existed the sense of all powerful and invincible! Thriving in the hearts and the minds of the Jogarth and that also meant, celebrating the fruits of their victories ? No these things were fascinating but not threatening !

Below the Jogarth were pouring into the streets and across the planet to gaze up at the nightsky at these strange round disks as they seemed to get brighter and brighter? They were partying, celebrating and most drunk, drugged or sated laughing and cheering as they stared upwards.

Must be a present from our glorious King !” one screeched “ Here’s to the most powerful, across the galaxies, the almighty unbeatable, Jogarth Empire and to us ! “ They cheered loudly, then dragging two Sesista women into the street they attempted to force them to drink a toast to their new masters.

But they would not! Instead they spat at them and the Jogarth took turns after beating them to the ground to stamp on them kick them until they lay dead. One of them complained, his companion grabbed him “Plenty more where they came from, another load due in tomorrow from Theda and you know what they say about Theda women !!”

So what of the disks origins?

Hellenia had them as a gift from ?? Some might have thought Risatoo, he was certainly knowing of what they were capable of BUT? Kiato?  In the end Hellenia ? she would not be denied their use, knowing full well, her justification was clear, to revenge her mothers death, but also to punish them for what they had inflicted on others.

The Fendiq, the Bexians and now her own people and despite his pleading, that NOTHNG he said, NOTHING, would probably survive their effects, her reasoning however corrupted, had made her mind up.

He had warned her of Isabellani’s rage and that her people, would suffer, to which she replied.
“How much more suffering, can my people, let alone the Bexians have handed to them, then they already have ?”

Incapable of all reasoning? Too blinded by pure unadulterated rage? All she could focus on was revenge and what better revenge than what she had planned. A way, a means, to teach that psychotic bitch a lesson she would NEVER, EVER forget.

The Galacia Federa, would call her to judgement for deploying such a weapon, but had they, done anything to stop Isabellani ? NO! Thus her mind was made up. She gave the order from Fendiq to deploy ‘SUNRISE’ as soon as the five warships were clear of the planet; they activated the weapon on her command.

Below they stopped and stared upwards again, as the disks started to spin ? From disk to disk a high energy beam linked each one, forming a circular ring around the planet suface then like some giant gryroscope, the rings began to spin, with each disc spinning of its own accord and the planet at their core.

They spun faster and faster. Friel looked up from the Palace at the strange band of light in the heavens. Was he beginning to sweat? Why? Heat, yes that was it, the temperature had increased dramatically! Those dammed disks were getting lower and lower, closer and closer to the planets surface!

Those rings of energy? Massive energy that could only mean one thing ! 

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