Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Underground facilities, to disappear into, if they reappeared. The facilities had been highly advanced, but were now dated. They still provided much needed basic facilities. Water, cooking facilities and storage facilities.

Tresh held Trime and the Kets close, they had stopped only once and they were all tired, the Kets sleeping, with Trime resting her head on her mothers shoulder. It was not far, now only a half hour Earth time to the main entrance! She glanced around her and wondered how Freip was, she felt a tear roll down her cheek she wiped it quickly trying not to let Trime see her tears.

They never made it to the encampment. A Jogarth battle cruiser and support troop carriers of the dreaded Urowq, roared into intercept them. Anyone resisting them was killed. Transport units immobilized. Moments passed before those on the transport units were rounded up, seized and shoved into transporters for slaves.

Pushed into racking, squeezed in and pummeled, until the last slave had been rounded up, the craft took off. Tresh was consoling the Kets and Trime. They eventually fell asleep exhausted, she laid there crammed into this awful space along with hundreds of others, it was then she found out about the attack on the buildings Friep had gone into, a voice muttered in the darkness.

I heard them (The Jogarth) talking, They’re dead - all dead, may the gods help us all. “ she wept

The next time Tresh woke, was to hear the sound of guards unloading them, to load them onto another ship, a much bigger carrier, for long distance travel. She realised the last time she had seen one of these was the invasion of Sendiq.

It took time to sort them and when it came to Tresh, the Urowq Commander looked at her. ‘Pretty’ he thought. He singled her out, helping her, smiling at her. A bit obvious? She tried to avoid his gaze, his leering face. Now grabbing out at the Kets?

His men stepped forward and they were taken from her, she could no longer avoid his gaze and looked at him, almost pleading? He smiled, getting close to her, hissed. “They’ll be looked after, as long as you look after me.” He stroked her hair. she shoved his hand off her and spat at him.

The stench of his stinking breath on her, as he roared cursing her, he slapped her, then kicked out at her, her knees buckling under her, she fell to the floor “You’re nothing, NOTHING do you hear ! You dare to refuse me! You need to learn a few manners!

By the time this trip is over I will have taught you some ! Starting right now!” He grabbed Trime, Tresh lunged at him hitting him hard in the lower regions, the Urowq have a bit of a prominent weak spot that most of their enemies know about.

He roared once more, screaming in pain, her sudden savage attack on him, almost knocking him off balance? Rage? Fury? He had let go of Trime, for him to kick out at her. The force behind it, merciless and unforgiving. She was down with Trime crying, held back by others as was her brothers.

He grabbed a sabre lance lifted it bringing it down smashing it across her head repeatedly kicking her at the same time cursing and shouting obscenities until finally the beast stopped. Tresh, was a heap on the ground, lifeless.

Trime was shaking, staring at her mothers body just lying there, trying to get to her, but being held back. Now she was taken by two guards, “ Take her to my quarters and lock her in the security cubicle, her mothers death will show how useless resistance is “ he looked around at the other slaves being loaded and yelled. “ SEE this SLAVE she dared to disobey me.

DISRESPECT me or my troopers and you will suffer the consequences.“

Elsewhere Isabellani?

Things had not gone completely to plan! She had been having her own problems. An energy burst slapped against the Ket who had tried to escape from her. Knocking the Ket to the floor, she moved over to her and grabbing her hair pulled her head up so that their faces were close, “Listen you Bexian dog, it seems I have to teach you a lesson so that the rest of the slaves, will know their place! As SLAVES!

Grabbing a sabre lance from one of the guards, her fingers moved turning the ring on the handle to maximum power. She ordered three older slaves to stand to one side.
“Because some of you believe there is HOPE and the possibility, of rescue, of freedom, from your SLAVERY?

Let me tell you again, you are, and you will from this day forth exist ONLY, as our SLAVES! You have no rights, not even to exist, without our consent. Only because I and my people, choose to let you. To simplify what I mean, let me demonstrate, to you, why we, ARE your MASTERS? “ She pointed the lance at one, of the older slaves and released the energy burst, he fell dead.

If I choose to kill you, I will kill you, if I choose to beat you, I will. DO YOU, UNDERSTAND ?” They all murmured “ I can’t hear you “ They muttered louder.“ Lets not have any more, of this disobedience, your masters are kind caring and we will ensure you give us, everything ! Before your death, inclluding fetching the best prices. If I decide you LIVE.“ she fired the lance at the remaining two, killing them.

Which will be when I and my people choose ! Now get on the ships and beg that my anger does not order more, of you, to be taught a lesson”

Not far, from where, Isabellani was carrying out, her threats, there was a building, in which some, of the Bexians, had been hiding.

Now being searched and in one part a trooper had located a female. She was ordered to join the other prisoners. The bulk of the prisoners were left with one guard whilst the others hunted down the others. That guard, was shoving them into line, one of the females hissed at him recognizing him as being Bexian?

You’re Bexian, how can you do this, to your own people ?” he slapped her “ Be quiet “She repeated herself, he grabbed her and looking at the others screeched at her. “ We have no choice, its over! The BEXIAN Empire is gone!

Why can’t you understand that ?!”

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