Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

We had a leak, from one of the Boron 3 tanks, but its sorted. They do go wrong sometimes, even the GOKS arn’t perfect !
I’ve had Tan checking various new system installations, for any bugs, carrying out the necessary procedures, to ensure, everyone knows, their places in an emergency, though our systems are I think now impregnable !

For most of the week, its been a hard slog, but enjoyable. Having the females off ship was a concern, but gave us some well earned peace, some REST ! Now where is Tan ! The arrival of Noge onboard Raptor, was soon followed by the sound, of Deesira’s voice booming out across the ship.

Yo everyone we got company.” She paused. “4 craft approaching Raptor, one large craft and 3 escorts identified..”
 There was another abrupt pause. “Yo everyone, stand to! Sovereign Crest of the Royal House of Caltras and the Sovereignty of Psemon, they’re requesting docking codes.

Escort craft are standing back, peeling off to stationary orbit, wo hold it weapons deployed. OK standing down musta been checking em !”Noge moved to leave the room.  “Be right back.” He quickly turned and left. “Velicia !” They all grinned !

Nathan, Cxao Cae Soon, Dram and Wesquin (Who Dram had brought along, to meet everyone.) Were being served refreshments. Nathan, had installed a round table, something Noge had voiced as an ideal, based on some ‘Tolgani legend’ .
Nathan thought it was brilliant, all equal, all able to contribute, on an equal level. Well almost ! But it was a good start !

Soon they were joined by Velicia, Cistera, Soniette, Canuweis, Enuweis and CoCoa, along with two of Velicia’s escorts, who stayed back near the door and of course Noge. Nathan tested his latest theory on Noge. “I reckon, the Urwq, are mining something on Tqu and I know, they have hostages from Fendiq there. No doubt to stop us, attacking their installations.
 I’m still curious to want to take a look what do you reckon ? “

Noge didn’t say anything for a moment then sitting forward he put his drink down. “I’ve heard a rumour, only a rumour, but I think it has some substance. The Jogarth have been trying to deploy, dark matter as a weapon. Their problem, is containment. So far they haven’t found anything that will suit their purposes.

Well I think Tqu has dark matter at its core, wrapped by something negating its effects. What ever is containing it, if it can be adapted, they’ll have solved their problem ? “That’s definately bad news.” “So, yes, soon as you can, reckon you should go poke around, but be careful, they’ll execute those hostages if they feel the least bit threatened.”

After all the formalities and general conversation had been dispensed with, Velicia prompted the question. “As you know, the Sovereign Empire of Psemon, cannot interfere in what is happening re the Houses of Bexes, Fendiq, I am and will continue to enjoy the company of my friend Noge’ he smiled.

“I was pleased to hear of Cistera’s flight to freedom and, of the bond, between her and the Human(a); Nathan.
We all go back aways don’t we ?” They nodded.

My brothers have agreed, that any decision I make, providing it is not to interfere, they will stand by. FRIENDS, the resources of our sovereignty are yours. I will guarantee your safety personally, whilst you are in the Psemon Empire but.” She stood up.
There are some resources you need more than others and therefore I am.”

She pointed to the screen showing the three support craft. “Giving you two, of my support ships, with immediate effect. The crews on those, will be transferring to the one remaining craft shortly, I gather you have personnel on the Chevan, who can use the craft and I did check with Noge to ensure compatibility, with your systems, plus ease of use.

They have basic weapons support, but the weapons are very effective thanks to the sentient control, Noge’s brilliance, again shining through. ! I really have a lot to thank him for” She was stood next to him and put her hands on his shoulders as she glanced over at them..

I can’t help you intelligence wise, we can’t prove it, but I’m sure, two of our agents were caught and executed by the Jogarth and not we think before they fed us wrong information after being forced by them to do so. We know they’re up to something, but as said can’t help you.

Lastly I have talked to Noge and we feel, that you females, in your current condition, should not stay aboard the various craft and should come back with me to Caltras, under my sovereign protection, until such time the Kets are safely delivered.”
There was a murmur mostly from Canweis.

My mother will fret, if I do not return soon.” “I have taken the liberty of talking to your mothers and we are agreed, the risk of them being attacked is still significant and too much of a risk, to let the future heirs to Bexes and Fendiq be killed.

There was a heated discussion. Finally it was conceded Velicia was right and Dram and Nathan emphasized they had work to do. There were far too many distractions ! Back to the issues in hand, they all agreed the information they had was inaccurate, sketchy and inconcise.

GNET like all media, told the story of the ongoing conflict, as they saw it, leaving out strategic details of who was where, when, how, but then it would have been their interpretation ! They were ready, Noge would hold on and ensure, the two gifted craft had extra modifications, as scout ships.

He would check the various weapons installed. Install two new weapons, he had devised onto the Raptor, he kept tight lipped about them but told them all they were totally new and the Jogarth, would be in for a big surprise, if they were ever deployed. It was then that the voice of Liana echoed out

Yo Nathan’ ‘Yes Liana’ ‘I have two craft approaching at high speed, no crest or ident initialising token array ‘Nathan Noge and Dram stood up went over to the screen and put up the main screen to get a larger picture of the approaching craft. The Queens craft were also now arming themselves, “Yo sovereign vessels moving to intercept, suggest order them to back off and stand down.”

Nathan asked Velicia to tell them to tuck themselves in under the Raptor and stand down his defences and her safety were guaranteed as were the other craft, she hesitated looked at Noge who nodded then nodded to Nathan.
“Liana patch her Royal Highness through to her three escorts.” .

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