Nathan was about to mutter. ‘What the hell.’ Not on what was happening, re the approaching attack, but the fact the Princess, had control over the craft’s systems. Suddenly the ship powered up and they were lifting, moving !
Side panels dropped, to reveal the outside world and in the distance? A fast, approaching object, which Nathaniel had never seen before. Cistera was looking at, staring in disbelief .
“Who DARES to attack a Haphketsut Princess ?”
Tan was telling Nathan what the object was. ‘Its a Xomq !! They obviously believe, it will destroy this ship if it hits !’ “You must let them know I am onboard !” ‘Seriensa 4 detected an earlier scan of this ship, carried out, by a larger vessel in the vicinity, that has already identified, your pulse signature.
From the time, you powered up, your pulse weapon. They know it was YOUR energy, detected, identified, as YOU; your highness. IT has used that, to locate YOU, to guide the the approaching Xomq ‘.
Tan moved forward, alongside the sentient. “ Locate the craft that sent that Xomq. Deploy the token field array y7q2u7 target all primaries and detonate. “ She turned an looked at Cistera
“They already know you are onboard this craft ! The weapon is tuned to your bio signature, they’re using YOU, to lock its target and detonate ! Don’t look so surprised Cistera, luckily for us, this weapon is primitive, it can not escape the detonation by our token array, watch how our systems destroy it”
‘Seriensa 4 activating token array y7q2u7 we are being scanned again, invoking guardian array, scanning prevented, jamming their systems, token array, now deploying token, token deployed. ‘
The Xomq, was now clearly visible, almost similar he thought to a primitive ballistic missile? It suddenly exploded, creating an arc of light that flared outwards to nothing.
Yes” Squealed Tan, the sentient had remained inactive then suddenly sprang into life again, “Seriensa 4, Seriensa 4, activating token array, y7q2u7. We are being scanned again, invoking guardian array, incoming, token has been deployed.”
The second Xomq was now clearly visible and exploded creating another arc of light. “Seriensa 4 has detected larger vessel in proximity. I would advise deploying token invader sentient on your command mistress”
‘There’ Yelled Tan, pointing to the vessel, now clearly visible. One of the screens flickered into life and a face appeared, it was, Governor Sobnexcge.‘So you are, onboard that craft Princess.
Despite your captors defences, which I must admit are impressive. I am about to use our main strike capability, to totally destroy you. We WILL be deploying the new weapon, your defences, will not save you; this time.”
The screen went blank and then flickered back into life.‘Seriensa 4 has detected some damage to the token array, by a pulse weapon. They are repowering the weapon for another attack. Suggest deployment of invader sentient on your command mistress’
Cistera stepped forward. She was looking at Gov Sobnxcge. “Stand down governor, that is an order! You WILL obey the Haphketsut Princess or face my wrath!”
“You Princess are of no consequence, I have been given lands and treasures, that you, would have had, had you made the Absolute. As for your ‘captors’?
Whoever they are, they have merely afforded me, the opportunity, to dispose of you, conveniently with the excuse, you were seized, by alien forces and taken by them to be sold as a slave.
Resulting, in my having to use force, to stop the craft, which unfortunately, exploded, killing you. After the wreckage has been found and your body, what’s left of it, is taken back to Fendiq, Lelanora will take your place as Queen, with the perfect right to the ascension.” His voice tailed off as he muttered under his breath,”.. and I can get off this dammed moon.”
Tanya stepped forward, Cistera was glowing ‘You can’t use the bio weapon, inside this craft Cistera, you’ll kill us all. You need to trust us! He’s a fool, even you have no understanding, of how advanced, our weapon systems are. HE is about to be taught a lesson that WILL, cost him his life! Trust us Cistera.”
Cistera stepped back, as Tanya looked at Nathan, he nodded. “Deploy the token invader sentient, lifeform code 77rq88w1, immediate proactive unrestrained destruction capabilities, 22rw11 immediate.”‘
“Seriensa 4 deploying invader guardian sentient lifeform code 77rq88w1, immediate unrestrained destruction capabilities, 22rw11 immediate.deployment.”
The screen, aboard the enemy’s vessel, illuminated. An incoming transmission, from the Princess? He glanced towards the screen, fully aware that she could see him. He was still talking, babbling on, somehwhat amused and yet ? Why was she looking so relaxed?
“Use the main weapon “ he screams. His words interrupted by something appearing behind him. A Seriensa 4 invader sentient as it was unknown to them. It looked ugly, malformed? Carrying something?
The governor was startled! The dammed thing spoke! It was not for his benefit! “Sentient awaits your command mistress ‘ Sobnexcge had spun round to come face to face with this thing, he had never in all his life, seen something like this, he went to touch it but Tan yelled at him.
DO NOT touch the Sentient, or it will detonate the device it is carrying, he realized in its hands was a device. He had never seen anything like that. But he had a damm good idea what it was ! Turning to face her again.. he was now facing them.
Much to Cistera’s disappointment, She had wanted to see the weapon deployed? “You win I’ll stand down, just don’t use the weapon.” He hisses, muttering under his breath, calling her a Chatze whore and swore he would see her dead?
Cistera stepped forward staring at him. Rage in her eyes, reflecting a clear message. No mercy, no compassion? You are so much like your father, he thought. Cistera’s voice was clear, as she spoke in her own language
“Seriensa 4 deploy the weapon, detonate.”
The Sentient shifted, moving jerkily, seemingly juggling data? Unknown to Sobnexcge, it was retrieving information, on their weapons, other secret data. Transferring it to the Zimps databanks. It would be milliseconds.
“Obeying YOUR command Princess.”
Tanya was not believing, what she was seeing, Cistera’s commands were being accepted AND acted on? Tan understood in an instance WHY! Her replication had left Cistera with a copy of her bio patterns, which the Sentient had read as hers!
The Sentient, had stepped forward, its arm moved, sliding its hand, across the device it was carrying, then stood motionless. The entire area, around it, lit up before the Sentient flickered, the device dropped to the floor
As the guardian vanished, there was a hiss and then all too clearly, Tan recognised the characteristic deployment, of the Zeid Querxes device. It spun, emitting a high pitch sound which got louder and louder, with the governors hands, covering his ears, from the screaming.