Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

I was glancing around, when it happened. A shape, forming in front of me, a silvery metallic shape, which in its liquid form turned solid. Its form resembled a female, with distinctive outlines ! I had never seen anything appear like this, and it was making me nervous, as I wondered if it might assume, I was a hostile intruder.

Luckily it ignored me and moving towards him, seemed to scan him with a device I reasoned ,was to establish life sign biometrics ? Closer to him, to inject him with something, before standing up and becoming liquid again. Disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Seconds later he stirred, I moved back, my hand on my Bne9, just in case?!

He came to, shook his head, then sat up. Rubbed his arm and I noticed a slight tear in the fabric, there was a piece of the same fabric, hanging off a piece of metal, sticking out from the bulkhead, he was leaning against. He was now, looking at me, shaking his head trying I think to focus his eyes, still a bit dazed. Disorientated? Whatever the ‘ droid’ had injected him with, was obviously potent. 

He shook his head again, his hand moved towards his neck. Around it, a small object I had previously taken no notice of, probably having dismissed it, of no significance?
It lit up, as his hand moved towards it, fingers across it.

I tensed, wondering if it, was some kind of remote activation device? Words, mumbled from his lips, not that I could understand a word of what was being said! I made it clear to him, that I was unable to? His fingers again on the unit and his lips moved again.
This time I could make out what was being said.

So the device was a language converter! Language constructs, were nothing new to me but this? This was ‘Cool !’ Before the conversation could continue, there was a loud thud, as something heavy had slapped against the outside of the craft no doubt caused by the increase in the wind outside.

I knew, or had a good idea of what was going on outside. The Horowtz ! We were at the edge or fringe of the main storm. That meant we were in direct line of the funnel. It rocked the craft, making me wonder, if even protected as we were, the craft was too light and small to withstand being thrown around.

A Horovtz can throw a craft like this, around like a toy ! He hissed the word ‘Tanya’..
Again a liquid shape and IT materialised. The droid was back! He muttered again and I watched as the droid moved towards the control screen and the screen responded flickering into life.

Various images and text on it, before it stopped and went dim again. A noise I recognised, a sonic disruption pulse, followed by the ‘Skern’ as we know it, being released from the craft ? Its like an anchor, the sonic disruption pulse, burns a deep penetrating hole; the depth determined by sophisticated control systems. .

In this instance, through the compacted snow and ice. Breaks up the ground beneath it and then fires the ‘Skern’. A solid almost screw device attached to the craft by a Mobellian Iridium cable. Once secured, the systems respond, by  a activating a damper unit, which adds again, to the stabilising of the craft.

The craft is further protected by a shield around the craft, forming a bubble with the craft suspended above the ground. This means the craft is NOT in contact, with the hard surface. Can’t be thown against the hard surface as the force field or shield cushions it and increases in density softening the intended impact reducing any after shock.

Like being encased in a bubble ! What I found astonishing, is that given the type, size of the craft, it had these devices at all! I breathed a sigh of relief, that we were well secured. The ‘droid’ turned to him, ignored me and spoke to him in his language. It was phasing, appearing solid, transparent then solid.
It seemed unable to maintain its form before liquefying and disappearing again!

He slumped back, for several minutes, I glanced around, the interior of the craft.
Moving, somehow he managed, to stand up. Beckoning to me to aid him. With some added help from me, he moved across to a console. Pressing a few buttons, he staggered back to the left of the craft. From the bulkhead a recline unit appeared? Falling onto it, from the top of it appeared a headrest.

He was now resting his head. He lay there, stretched out, I could hear him breathing heavily, then his eyes closed. So there I was with him, lying there motionless, at least the interior was warmer!
The life support system, kept a balanced mix, of oxygen, something I suddenly realised, might not have been the case!

I could have ended up in a totally different environment, with a species breathing a different combination of gases. His form was virtually identical to my race. At least that was a relief! I sat down. on one of the console seats. There was some illumination, but very low and I reasoned the craft was operating on emergency power. The bulk of the power was obviously being directed to maintaining the shields.

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